Uses of Saizen medicine

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Saizen belongs to the group of drugs - hormones, has the effect of supplementing growth hormone in some groups of retarded subjects. Invite readers to refer to the following shared content to know what Saizen is?

1. What is Saizen?

Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml contains the main active ingredient Somatropin, which is used in the treatment of growth retardation due to insufficient secretion of normal endogenous growth hormone, gonadal dystrophy. Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml is manufactured by Merck Serono S.p.A- Italy

2. Uses of Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml

2.1 When is Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml indicated? Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml is indicated for use by a specialist after the patient has undergone a clinical examination and carried out full endocrine tests. Usually, Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml is indicated in the treatment of:
Treatment of growth retardation due to insufficient secretion of normal endogenous growth hormone. Treatment of growth retardation caused by gonadal dysplasia (Turner syndrome). Treatment of growth retardation in children born small for current gestational age. 2.2 Contraindications to the use of Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml is contraindicated in some specific cases as follows:
Patients with hypersensitivity to Somatropin or any other ingredients in the drug. Patients with advanced tumor or progressive intracranial lesion or symptomatic progression/recurrence of underlying intracranial injury. Patients with severe disease with complications such as after major open-heart surgery/abdominal surgery or multiple trauma, patients with acute respiratory failure. People with eye diseases such as: proliferative retinopathy, pre-proliferative retinopathy caused by diabetes. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Children: For children with closed bones, when having a kidney transplant, children with chronic kidney disease. Relative contraindications for people with pathologies: Down syndrome, Bloom syndrome and Fanconi anemia. 2.3 Side effects of Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml During the use of Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml, patients may experience some undesirable effects such as:
Reactions at the injection site, localized atrophy of fatty tissue or fluid retention. Peripheral edema, joint stiffness, myalgia and paresthesia. Benign intracranial hypertension, headache, and hypothyroidism. Insulin resistance leads to increased insulin secretion. There may be gynecomastia in men (gynecomastia) or premature nipple papillae in young children. Note, the above undesirable effects may not be complete because each patient's body is different. Please report the side effects encountered to the treating doctor for timely advice and support.
2.4 Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml Dosage and Usage Instructions shared are for reference only. Patients should use according to the instructions and regimen of the treating doctor to ensure the safety as well as promote the effectiveness of the drug.
How to use Saizen drug: Saizen medicine is put into the patient's body by subcutaneous injection. The best time to use it is when the patient is about to go to bed. Dosage of Saizen Liquid: Growth retardation due to insufficient secretion of endogenous growth hormone: Subcutaneous or intravenous injection dose of 0.7-1.0 mg/m2 body surface area per day or 0.025-0.035 mg/kg/day . Growth failure due to gonadal dysgenesis (Turner syndrome): 1.4 mg/m2/day or 0.045-0.050 mg/kg/day. Growth failure in children born small for gestational age: Saizen 3.33mg: SC 0.035-0.067mg/kg (or 1-2 mg/m2day), Saizen 8mg: 0.035mg/kg/day. Discontinue treatment after the first year if growth is < +1 SDS. The duration of treatment Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml for the group of children needs to depend on the height growth and defined goals. Discontinue treatment with Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml when: satisfactory height has been reached, the ends of the bones are closed. Growth hormone deficiency in adults: Use the lowest effective dose, reducing the dose as age increases or in overweight (obese) patients. Initial dose 0.15 to 0.3 mg/day subcutaneously. Increase dose gradually and monitor, taking into account clinical reactions, adverse reactions, and serum IGF-1 levels. If necessary, increase the dose once a month. Annual specialist check-up on whether or not treatment with Saizen Liquid should be continued.

3. Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml drug interactions

Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml may occur some interactions with other drugs such as:
When combining Somatropin with Glucocorticoid, Gonadotropin, Estrogen, Androgen, .. May reduce the effectiveness of treatment. When somatropin is combined with sex steroids, corticosteroids, antiepileptic drugs, ciclosporin may increase clearance.

4. Saizen Liquid overdose and treatment

Acute overdose may initially cause hypoglycaemia and then lead to hyperglycemia. Long-term overdose can lead to signs and symptoms of hormone excess. How to handle Somatropin overdose:
Quickly call 911 or take the patient to the nearest Medical facility for support. Currently there is no specific treatment drug, it is necessary to rely on reality to use symptomatic treatment measures for patients.

5. Note when using Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml

During the use of Saizen Liquid 6mg/1.03ml, the patient should note the following issues:
The patient should be examined and excluded malignant tumors, papilledema, medical causes/treatment Other treatments may explain growth retardation prior to initiation of Saizen. Patients need to be changed injection sites, especially subcutaneous injection for a long time. During treatment, patients should be periodically measured bone age (especially for patients with puberty or patients on thyroid hormone replacement therapy), blood glucose (especially in obese patients). , family history of diabetes, steroid treatment, impaired glucose tolerance, elevated BMI, severe insulin resistance, acanthosis nigricans). Somatropin deficiency secondary to anti-tumor therapy: In case of recurrent symptoms of malignancy, treatment should be discontinued. Conduct anti-somatropin antibody testing in case of non-response to treatment. Patients with severe acute illness, hypothyroidism. Children with poor growth due to Prader-Willi syndrome with growth hormone deficiency with severe obesity, history of airway obstruction/sleep apnea or nonspecific respiratory infections should be used with caution when using Saizen. When using Growth Hormone can cause hypothyroidism. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor thyroid function in patients being treated, especially patients with hypopituitarism. Above is all information about Saizen drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Saizen is a prescription drug, patients absolutely must not buy and treat at home because they may experience unwanted side effects.

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