Uses of the drug Themaxtene

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Themaxtene is a group of anti-allergic drugs with the ingredient Alimemazine. The drug is indicated for use in many different diseases. Refer to information about ingredients, how to use to help patients use the drug effectively.

1. What is Themaxtene?

Themaxtene is an anti-allergic drug with the ingredient Alimemazine, which is prepared in the form of tablets that are easy to use and store. Alimemazine component of Themaxtene has strong anti-histamine and anti-serotonin effects, providing sedative, cough-reducing and anti-emetic effects. In addition, Themaxtene has sedative effects due to inhibition of the enzyme histamine N - methyltransferase and by blocking central receptors for histamine secretion. With this effect, alimemazine can be used as a pre-anesthetic.
In addition, alimemazine has an antiemetic effect possibly due to the direct effect of the drug on the chemically sensitive center of the spinal cord.

2. Indications and contraindications of Themaxtene

2.1. Indications The following subjects can be assigned to use Themaxtene to treat the disease:
Insomnia in children and adults. Children vomit often. Patients with respiratory allergies (rhinitis, sneezing, runny nose), skin allergies (urticaria, itching). People with acute alcohol delirium. People with dry cough a lot at night 2.2. Contraindications Themaxtene is contraindicated in the following cases:
People who are sensitive to the ingredients of the drug are contraindicated with Themaxtene. Patients with liver failure, Patients with severe kidney failure, Epilepsy patients Parkinson's disease patients, Hypothyroidism Adrenal myeloma Myasthenia gravis Male prostate enlargement Children under 2 years old.

3. Dosage and how to use Themaxtene

How to use: Depending on the dosage form of the drug Themaxtene, the doctor will advise how to use different drugs. Therefore, patients should strictly follow the instructions on dosage and use of the doctor.
For patients who treat rashes, urticaria can refer to the dosage for:
Adults: 10mg, 2 or 3 times a day, can even use 100mg a day in difficult persistent cases cure. For the elderly, the dose should be reduced from 10mg 1-2 times a day. For children over 2 years old, use Themaxtene with a dose of 2.5 - 5mg, 3-4 times a day. In the case of pre-anesthesia, adults can use a reference injection dose such as 25-50mg (1-2 syringes), 1-2 hours before surgery. Children from 2-7 years old can be prescribed the highest dose of 2mg/kg body weight, 1-2 hours before anesthesia to achieve the best effect. When using Themaxtene with anti-histamine and antitussive effects, patients refer to the following dosage:
Adults take 5-40mg/day, divided into several times. Children drink: 0.5 - 1mg/kg body weight/day, divided into several times. Patients using Themaxtene to induce sleep can refer to specific dosages such as:
Adults: 5 - 20mg, taken before going to bed. Children: 0.25 - 0.5mg/kg body weight/day, taken before going to bed. For adults, treatment of acute alcohol delirium can be taken orally or intravenously, intramuscularly at a dose of 50-200mg/day.
Overdose: The patient who overdosed on the drug should immediately report it to the treating doctor or promptly go to the nearest medical facility for advice and treatment. Themaxtene can be taken within 1-2 hours of the doctor's prescription. However, if you miss a dose, but it is too close to the time of your next dose, you can skip the missed dose and take your next dose as usual.
During the use of Themaxtene, patients may face common side effects such as fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, thick phlegm. Therefore, patients should pay attention when driving or operating machinery.

4. Notes when using Themaxtene

Themaxtene has interactions with other anticholinergic drugs, Amphetamine, levodopa, clonidine, guanethidine, adrenaline, antacids, Parkinson's drugs, lithium. Therefore, patients and doctors need to be very careful when prescribing and using treatment. Some subjects need to be careful, such as children, pregnant and lactating women, and need careful advice from a treating doctor before using the drug. Themaxtene is an anti-allergic drug that contains Alimemazine as an active ingredient. The drug is indicated for use in many different diseases. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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