What are the uses of Thelizin 5mg? Thelizin drug interactions

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Thelizin belongs to the group of antiallergic drugs with alimemazine as the main ingredient, commonly used to treat respiratory and skin allergies as well as insomnia in children and adults. What disease does Thelizin treat?

1. What are the effects of Thelizin 5mg?

Thelizin drug has the main ingredient is Alimemazine which has strong anti-histamine and anti-serotonin effects, the drug also has sedative, cough-reducing and anti-emetic effects. The mechanism of action of alimemazine is to compete with histamine at histamine H1 receptors, thereby blocking histamine H1. Alimemazine has a sedative effect by inhibiting the enzyme histamine N-methyltransferase and by blocking central histamine-secreting receptors, as well as effects on other receptors, especially serotoninergic receptors. Thanks to this effect, alimemazine can also be used as a pre-anesthetic. In addition, alimemazine has an antiemetic effect possibly due to its direct effect on the chemically sensitive center of the spinal cord, by blocking dopaminergic receptors in this region.
Thelizin is usually indicated in the following cases:
Symptomatic treatment of respiratory (sneezing, runny nose) and skin allergies (urticaria, itching) Symptomatic treatment of conjunctivitis (eye inflammation) Treatment Treatment of transient insomnia in adults and children

2. Dosage of the drug Thelizin

Depending on the purpose of use, the dose of Thelizin will be different, specifically:
Treatment of urticaria, itchy papules:
Adults: 10mg orally 2-3 times/day, even up to 100mg/day in persistent cases that are difficult to cure Elderly people should reduce dose by 10mg, use 1-2 times/day Dosage for antihistamine, antitussive effects:
Adults: 5-20 mg equivalent to 1-4 tablets Children over 6 years old: 0.25- 0.5mg/kg Children from 20-40kg (6-10 years old): 1 tablet at bedtime Dosage to help sleep:
Take Thelizin 5-20mg before going to bed

3. Be careful when using Thelizin

Thelizin has some contraindications that need to be noted as follows:
Do not use in patients with liver and kidney dysfunction, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma, myasthenia gravis, Prostatic hypertrophy Do not use in people who are sensitive to phenothiazines or have a history of narrow-angle glaucoma Do not use in cases of overdose with barbituric, opiate and alcohol Do not use when leukopenia, when there is a previous episode of agranulocytosis Do not use for patients with dysuria due to prostate or other causes Do not use for children under 2 years of age Besides, caution should also be taken when using the drug in the following cases:
Thelizin contains lactose, so patients have disorders hereditary galactose intolerance, lactose deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not be used. Thelizin should be used with caution in the elderly, especially when the weather is very hot or very cold, because of the risk of abnormal temperature rise/fall. In addition, elderly people are very susceptible to low blood pressure in the standing position. The drug can cause drowsiness in the first days of treatment, so patients should not drive vehicles and machines during this time. Alimemazine may interfere with skin tests for allergens, avoid alcohol or other CNS depressants Avoid use of alimemazine during pregnancy, unless necessary, because of the reported jaundice and other symptoms. extrapyramidal syndrome in infants whose mothers took this drug during pregnancy. Alimemazine can be excreted in human milk, therefore, the drug should not be administered to a nursing mother or should be discontinued while taking the drug. The frequency of occurrence of side effects when using Thelizin drug depends on the dose and duration of use, indications for treatment. Possible symptoms include:
Fatigue, lethargy, dizziness Dry mouth, thick sputum Constipation Urinary retention Disorders of eye regulation Agranulocytosis, leukopenia Decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate Hepatitis Jaundice due to cholestasis Risk of respiratory arrest, even sudden death in young children Extrapyramidal symptoms, parkinsonism, restlessness, acute dystonia.

4. Drug interactions with Thelizin

Drug interactions can change the action of the drug being taken and increase the effect of side effects. Some drugs that can cause interactions when used together with Thelizin include:
Barbituric and other tranquilizers Antihypertensives, especially alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers Other anticholinergics Amphetamine, levodopa , clonidine,, guanethidine, adrenalin Antacids, Parkinson's drugs, lithium Adrenalin Thelizin belongs to the group of antiallergic drugs whose main ingredient is alimemazine, commonly used to treat respiratory and skin allergies as well as loss of appetite. sleep in children and adults. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid side effects, patients need to take medicine according to prescription or consult a doctor, professional pharmacist.
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