Uses of the drug Hasatonic

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Hasatonic medicine is prepared in the form of sugar coated tablets, with the main ingredients being many types of traditional medicine. This drug is mainly used to nourish the body.

1. What is Hasatonic?

Each Hasatonic tablet contains the main ingredients: Luc Phan, hippocampus, cinnamon humiliation, big apple, ginseng, fenugreek and other excipients just enough.
Effects of Hasatonic drugs are:
Luc Phan (Melanteritum): Is a natural mineral containing iron sulphate (FeSO4), cool and sour taste, non-toxic, referred to as 2 meridians and spleen, effective low apple, detoxification, sputum chemistry, blood only; Hippocampus (Seahorse, Hippocampus): Slightly salty, sweet, temperate, has the effect of tonic blood and yang; Cinnamon humiliation (Cortex Cinnamomi): Sweet, spicy, aromatic, thermogenic, has the effect of nourishing fire, activating blood, spreading welding; Great apple (Fructus Ziziphi): Has sweet taste, mildness, beneficial effects on gas, complements the spleen, nourishes the taste, produces new translations, and mediates other medicines; Ginseng (Radix Panax ginseng): It has a slightly bitter, sweet taste, referred to in the two meridians as the spleen and stomach, and has the effect of great tonicity of the primordial gas, generating new fluids, beneficial blood, beneficial intelligence, sedative; Pecan kernels (Semen Juglandis): Slightly acrid, sweet, mild in nature, referred to as the two meridians of kidney failure, has the effect of tonic liver, kidney, kidney, collecting, crystal wax, lowering asthma, used to treat cough, except phlegm. , diuretic, tonic. In short, Hasatonic sugar coated tablets have the effect of nourishing the heart, nourishing the blood, helping the marrow, nourishing the liver and kidneys, promoting hematopoiesis, and enhancing the body's resistance.
Use Hasatonic drug in the following cases:
Anemia causes thin and weak people, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, pale skin; Myelosuppression caused by many causes of leukopenia, red blood cells, and platelets; Used in combination in the treatment during and after dengue fever; Using a combination of treatment before and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy causes marrow damage; In the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes. Hasatonic is contraindicated for people who are sensitive to any of the ingredients in the drug; Pregnant and lactating women.
Overdose and treatment : Information on overdose is not available yet.

2. Usage and dosage of Hasatonic

How to use: Use Hasatonic by taking it directly after a meal.
Adults: Take a dose of 3 - 5 tablets/time x 3 times/day; Children: Take a dose of 2-3 tablets/time x 3 times/day.

3. Be careful when using Hasatonic

Patients should be careful when using Hasatonic:
Do not use Hasatonic in excess of the indicated dose; Be careful when using the drug for people with high blood pressure, back pain, gastritis, abdominal pain, diarrhea; Side effects: After taking the drug Hasatonic can cause a feeling of hot stomach, patients should note; Drug interactions: Do not take Hasatonic with tea. In the process of using Hasatonic, patients should pay attention to follow the instructions of the specialist doctor, read the instructions carefully before using to get high efficiency.

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