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Articles in Tinnitus

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Causes and treatment of tinnitus during 4 months of pregnancy?
Hello doctor! Dear doctor, I am 4 months pregnant and have had tinnitus in my left ear for almost 3 months. I keep having tinnitus when sleeping or just sitting and it doesn't go away, the ringing in my ear is very loud. Doctor, can you tell me the cause and treatment for tinnitus when I am 4 months pregnant? I have had insomnia for a long time and I am afraid it will affect the baby! I really hope the doctor can advise me, thank you!
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What does Betaserc treat?
Vestibular vertigo accompanied by nausea and vomiting is not a rare disease nowadays. In addition to conventional medications, doctors often prescribe Betaserc to treat this condition.
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What does Cotrim 960 do?
Cotrim 960 is a combination antibiotic between Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim. The drug has a broad antibacterial spectrum, so it is widely used in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, urinary tract,... Let's learn about the uses and notes when using the drug. Cotrim 960 through the article below.
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What diseases does Neotazine treat?
Neotazine is indicated when the patient cannot control angina or other treatments have not worked. Read on to know what Neotazine is, its uses and how to use it safely.
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Uses of Betahistine 24
Betahistine 24 contains the active ingredient Betahistin indicated in the treatment of symptoms of tinnitus, dizziness, hearing loss... Let's learn about the uses, dosage and notes when using Betahistine through the article below. this.
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Uses of Vinphastu 25mg
Vinphastu medicine 25mg is often used to treat diseases related to symptoms originating from cerebral vessels, such as dizziness, tinnitus, headache with vascular causes, lack of concentration.... To better understand the work What is Vinphastu 25mg? What are the side effects of Vinphastu 25mg? What is the correct way to drink? What are the points to pay attention to when using? The following article will help you better understand the drug Vinphastu 25mg.
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Uses of Mibeserc
Mibeserc drug contains the active ingredient Betahistidine dihydrochloride which is indicated in the treatment of symptoms of dizziness, Meniere's syndrome, tinnitus, vestibular vertigo,... Let's learn about the uses, the notes when using Mibeserc through article below.
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Uses of Vaspycar MR
Vastarel MR 35mg belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs and is manufactured by Pymepharco Vietnam Joint Stock Company. It has the active ingredient trimetazidine dihydrochloride and is used in adults for the symptomatic treatment of stable angina pectoris that is inadequately controlled or intolerant of other angina therapies.
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Uses of Gimyenez
Gimyenez-8 contains Betahistine, a tablet dosage form. Complying with the indications and doses of Gimyenez-8 will help patients improve treatment effectiveness and avoid unwanted side effects.
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Uses of Be Stedy 16
Be Stedy 16 is a commonly prescribed drug in the treatment of vertigo and vestibular symptoms. To learn about the drug, especially how to use and note when using, please refer to the information in the article below.
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Uses of Agihistine 24
The condition of headache and dizziness causes a lot of discomfort for patients, and reduces the quality of life and work of many people. So how to solve the above problems? The following article would like to send readers information about the Agihistine 24 drug line that effectively supports the treatment of dizziness and Meniere's syndrome.
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