Uses of Telcardis

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Telcardis is a drug used to treat high blood pressure. Telmisartan is an active ingredient that inhibits the binding of AT1 receptors and Angiotensin, the cause of high blood pressure.

1. What is Telcardis?

Telcardis drug is a drug to treat hypertension and prevent other cardiovascular diseases in the elderly. The drug is produced and prepared in the form of tablets, including three packing specifications: a box of 1 blister, a box of 3 blisters and a box of 10 blisters, each blister includes 10 tablets.
Telcardis drug is made up of the main drug, Telmisartan, and other excipients such as Lactose, talc powder, purified water, ... just enough for one tablet. In particular, the drug Telcardis has up to 3 different concentrations of the active ingredient Telmisartan. The content of Telmisartan in the drug is 20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg, respectively. Telmisartan is an angiotensin receptor blocker. This is a type of receptor found in tissues. Telmisartan helps inhibit the AT1 receptor, interrupting the link between AT1 and Angiotensin II, thereby dilating the blood vessels, helping blood flow more easily and lowering the pressure in the blood vessel walls.

2. What are the effects of Telcardis?

Telcardis is made from the active ingredient Telmisartan. When metabolized in the liver, telmisartan causes an inhibitory effect on the AT1 receptor and strongly binds to blood proteins. This drug antagonizes the Angiotensin II receptor, a receptor that causes vasoconstriction and hypertension in smooth muscle and endothelial vessels, thereby helping to regulate blood pressure. With the prevention and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, Telmisartan helps to improve the pressure on the heart, increase the strength of the vessel walls and increase the capacity of the heart.
Specifically, Telcardis drug has the following effects:
Helps treat patients with essential hypertension. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases for people over 55 years old. Preventing the risk of complications or death with the development of diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke, ...

3. Usage of Telcardis

3.1. How to use Telcardis For the drug Telcardis, the patient absorbed orally. Can be taken before or after eating, but the effect of Telcardis is not significantly reduced when combined with food. When taking, the patient should swallow the tablet whole. Do not chew or break Telcardis.
Because this is an antihypertensive drug with a prescription and indication from a doctor, so patients should consult a doctor or pharmacist for advice on dosage and usage in accordance with the course of the disease. .
3.2. Dosage of Telcardis Treatment of Hypertension: The recommended dose for subjects with hypertension is 40 mg for the initial dose and 20 to 80 mg for the maintenance dose, depending on response. to antihypertensive treatment.
Telmisartan can completely be used with other antihypertensive drugs in case blood pressure cannot be controlled.
For patients with hepatic impairment : The daily maintenance dose for patients with hepatic impairment is not to exceed 40 mg per day. Consider use in patients with hepatic impairment of gall bladder origin, as telmisartan is metabolized and excreted in the feces via the gallbladder.
For patients with renal failure, elderly patients No dose adjustment of Telcardis is required for these two subjects.
3.3. Treatment when forgetting, overdosing Telcardis medicine Missed dose: In case you forget to take Telcardis, use it as soon as you remember. However, when it is almost time for the next dose, take the dose of Telcardis as prescribed, do not take two doses to make up for the missed dose. This behavior can cause a drug overdose. Overdose: There have been very few reports of overdosage with telmisartan, although symptoms such as hypotension, tinnitus, and irregular heartbeat may have been reported. The explanation for these symptoms is stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Treat symptomatically when symptoms occur. Hemodialysis does not aid in the elimination of telmisartan.
3.4. Telcardis is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to Telmisartan or to any other ingredient of the drug. The patient is allergic and intolerant to lactose. Telcardis is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Patients with gallbladder obstruction or severe hepatic impairment. Contraindicated in patients with renal artery stenosis and severe renal impairment

4. Notes when using Telcardis

4.1. Side effects of Telcardis When using Telcardis, patients may experience side effects including:
Feeling of nervous breakdown: dizziness, headache, anxiety and restlessness Upper respiratory tract infection or infection urinary tract infections Disorders in bones, joints, muscles: back pain, cramps, joint pain, weakness.. Stomach and intestinal disorders: abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion, digestive disorders, .. Some rare side effects from taking Telcardis include edema, insomnia, allergic skin problems such as rash, hives, etc. Notify physician immediately.
4.2. Telcardis Drug Interactions Concurrent use of Telcardis with Digoxin and Lithium may increase the concentration of these two substances. Do not use Telmisartan and Tamipril together. Telmisartan has not been shown to interact clinically with hepatic cytochrome P450 inhibitors. 4.3. Storing Telcardis Medications Store Telcardis in a dry place, in the manufacturer's sealed container; Avoid direct sunlight on the product. The appropriate storage temperature for Telcardis is below 30 degrees Celsius. Keep it out of reach of children and pets. Telcardis is a prescription drug specifically for high blood pressure in adults. before use. Patients should carefully read the instructions for use and follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
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