Uses of Tarden

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Tarden belongs to the group of cardiovascular drugs, often used in the treatment of disorders of lipid metabolism. The following article provides detailed information about the drug Tarden, please read for reference.

1. What is Tarden?

Tarden is a drug belonging to the group of cardiovascular drugs, commonly used in the treatment of dyslipidemia, the main ingredient is Atorvastatin Calcium, the drug is made in the form of film-coated tablets, the content is 10mg, 20mg or 40mg. , 1 box has 3 blisters x 10 tablets.
Atorvastatin is a drug that works to lower cholesterol by inhibiting the enzyme that makes cholesterol, that is the enzyme HMG - CoA Reductase, Atorvastatin can reduce LDL and also triglycerides.
Tarden drug is rapidly absorbed after oral administration, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached 1-2 hours after taking the drug. In the blood, about 98% of the absorbed drug is bound to plasma proteins.
Tarden is metabolised by the liver and eliminated mainly in the faeces, with only about 2% excreted by the kidneys.

2. What does Tarden do?

Tarden drug is effective in the treatment of diseases such as:
In primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia. Used to treat patients with beta-lipoprotein disorders. Used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia with homozygous familial factors. The drug Tarden is not used in the treatment of the following cases:
People who are allergic or hypersensitive to the components of Tarden . The drug should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. The drug should not be used in people with advanced liver disease or people with persistent elevation of liver enzymes of unknown cause.

3. Dosage - how to take the drug Tarden

3.1. How to use Tarden is taken orally, you should take the tablet whole with a glass of water, can be taken before or after meals because food does not affect the use and absorption of the drug.
3.2. Dosage of Tarden is prescribed by a doctor, you are not allowed to use or adjust the dose of the drug yourself, you can refer to the recommended dose below:
For cases of hyperlipidemia with or without Heterozygous familial factors and mixed dyslipidemia: The recommended starting dose is 10-20mg/time/day. For patients requiring a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol (more than 45%): The recommended starting dose is 40 mg once daily. The therapeutic dose of the drug is about 10 - 80mg / time / day. If dose adjustment is desired, blood lipids should be assessed in 2 to 4 weeks. For homozygous familial hyperlipidemia: The recommended dose is 10 - 80 mg/time/day. It should be combined with other lipid-lowering therapies. No dose adjustment is required in patients with renal impairment.

4. Undesirable effects when taking the drug Tarden

When taking Tarden you may experience unexpected gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence, indigestion, headache,... These symptoms are usually mild and transient. so you don't need to worry too much when these symptoms appear, tell your doctor if you feel too uncomfortable.

5. Notes when using the drug Tarden

During treatment with Tarden, you need to keep the following points in mind:
When deciding to treat with Tarden, you need to be screened to exclude the case that you have a secondary lipid metabolism disorder. You need to have your blood lipids checked periodically at intervals of not less than 4 weeks. During treatment with Tarden, if you see an increase in CK levels, an increase in liver enzymes 3 times normal or myositis, you need to reduce the dose or stop using the drug. You need to tell your doctor about your medical condition, because the drug Tarden can make your disease progress in a bad way, especially liver and muscle diseases, ... and people who drink a lot of alcohol. You need to tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking because they can interact badly with Tarden, especially Erythromycin, Indandion, anticoagulants, Digoxin, immunosuppressive drugs, .. You need to have a reasonable diet, need to maintain this diet throughout the course of treatment, please contact your nutritionist or doctor for more advice on this issue. The drug can cause dizziness and lightheadedness when used, this affects driving and operating machines, so if you do this work, tell your doctor for advice on choosing the right drug. The above is detailed information about the drug Tarden, if you have any questions, please contact your pharmacist or doctor for support.
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