Uses of Ratylno 150 and 300

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Ratylno 150 and 300 belong to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, packing box of 10 blisters x 10 tablets. To use the drug effectively, patients need to learn some information about the uses, dosage, and notes when using Ratylno 150 and 300 in the article below.

1. Ingredients Ratylno 150 and 300

Ratylno 150 and 300 pills contain the following ingredients:
Ratylno 150 contains the active ingredient Ranitidine 150mg; Ratylno 300 contains the active ingredient Ranitidine 300mg; Other excipients have sufficient drug content. Ranitidine is a histamine H2-receptor antagonist, competitively inhibiting the H2-receptor of the cell wall, thereby helping to reduce the amount of gastric acid secreted even in the state of being stimulated by food, amino acids, insulin, histamine or pentagastrin.
In general, Ranitidine has a stronger inhibitory effect on gastric acid secretion than Cimetidine and has fewer undesirable side effects.

2. Indications for using Ratylno 150 and 300

Ratylno 150 and 300 are indicated for the treatment of the following medical conditions:
Acute duodenal ulcer; Benign gastric ulcer and maintenance treatment. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome ; Gastroesophageal reflux; Drug-induced gastric and duodenal ulcer.

3. Ratylno 150 and 300 dosage

Ratylno 150 and 300 reference doses are as follows:
Progressive gastric and duodenal ulcers, esophagitis: Use Ratylno 300mg/day before going to bed or 150mg x 2 times/day x 4-6 weeks; Maintenance dose 150mg/time before bed. Treatment of Zollinger - Ellison syndrome: The starting dose of Ratylno is 150mg x 3 times/day, can be used up to a dose of 900 - 1200mg/day. Ratylno dose for people with kidney failure: Reduce dose according to blood creatinine concentration under the direction of the doctor. The dosage of Ratylno 150 and 300 above is for reference only. The specific dosage of Ratylno 150 and 300 will depend on your health status as well as the progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Ratylno 150 and 300, patients need to consult their doctor/pharmacist.

4. Contraindications to the use of Ratylno 150 and 300

Ratylno 150 and 300 are contraindicated in case the patient is hypersensitive to the drug's ingredients.
Contraindications are understood as absolute contraindications, which means that for any reason, the contraindication can be flexibly used with Ratylno 150 and 300.

5. Drug interactions

Ratylno 150 and 300 may have interactions when used concurrently with the following drugs:
Ketoconazole drugs; Fluconazole drug; The drug Itraconazole; Clarithromycin drug; Salt, oxide, hydroxide of Magnesium, Al, Calcium. In order to avoid unwanted interactions when using Ratylno 150 and 300, patients should inform their doctor/pharmacist of all medicines, dietary supplements or herbs... they are taking to have a prescription. suitable determination.

6. Ratylno 150 and 300 side effects

Ratylno 150 and 300 can cause some of the following side effects for users:
Headache; Muscle pain; Dizzy; Diarrhea ; Constipation; Dry mouth; Erythema; Nausea and vomiting; Tired; Transient changes in liver enzymes. Hypersensitivity; Slow heart rate; Atrioventricular block. During the use of the drug, if there are any abnormal symptoms suspected of using Ratylno 150 and 300, the patient should notify the doctor/pharmacist for timely treatment.

7. Be careful when using Ratylno 150 and 300

Precautions when using Ratylno 150 and 300 for the following cases:
Exclude malignant ulcers (cancer) before treatment; Ratylno 150 and 300 should be used with caution in patients with renal impairment, pregnant or lactating women. The above is information about the uses, dosage, and precautions when using Ratylno 150 and 300. To ensure health safety and maximize the therapeutic effect, patients need to use Ratylno 150 and 300. exactly as directed by your doctor. Store Ratylno 150 and 300 at room temperature, out of the reach of children and family pets.

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