Uses of Predstad 20

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Predstad 20 has the main ingredient is Prednisolone, which belongs to the group of steroid-containing anti-inflammatory and allergy drugs, and is prepared in the form of water-dispersible tablets. Understanding the effects as well as strictly complying with the indications and doses of Predstad 20 will help patients improve treatment effectiveness and prevent unwanted side effects.

1. Uses of Predstad 20

Prednisolone is a corticosteroid used to replace natural steroids synthesized by the adrenal cortex with glucocorticoid properties. These properties create the physiological effects of endogenous glucocorticoids such as: Increase synthesis and storage of glycogen in the liver, antagonize the effects of insulin. Thereby inhibiting glucose utilization, increasing proteolysis, increasing lipolysis and redistribution of lipids in the body, increasing glomerular filtration rate and increasing urinary excretion of urate while creatinine clearance remains the same. decreased intestinal absorption of calcium and increased renal excretion of calcium. In addition, Prednisolone also stimulates erythropoiesis in the bone marrow, increases the production of neutrophils, reduces eosinophils and lymphocytes.
Prednisolone or steroid anti-inflammatory drugs are used for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. However, these properties are only effective when therapeutic doses are higher than physiological ones. This is due to the fact that, at high doses, the drug has the ability to inhibit the normal secretion of adrenal hormones. Similar to a glucocorticoid, Prednisolone in Predstad inhibits most steps of the inflammatory process including reducing edema, reducing fibrin deposition, preventing capillary dilation, and inhibiting leukocyte and macrophage migration. cells into the foci of inflammation and helps in wound healing by increasing capillary proliferation and depositing collagen. In addition, Predstad 20 also inhibits the immune system to help treat autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, allergic diseases or has an effect on the vascular system in hemolytic anemia or hemolytic anemia. granulocytopenia.
Prednisolone exerts its anti-inflammatory effect through many mechanisms such as: reducing vascular permeability to help reduce edema, helping to stabilize lysosomal membranes and limiting the release of acid hydrolases that destroy leukocytes, inhibiting the concentration of macrophages at the site of inflammation, reducing leukocyte adhesion to capillary endothelium. Along with that, Prednisolone also antagonizes the activity of histamine, reduces complement components, reduces fibroblast proliferation, collagen deposition and scar formation at the inflammatory site.

2. Indications and contraindications of the drug Predstad 20

2.1.Indications of Predstad 20 Predstad 20 is indicated in cases of patients with inflammatory, allergic, autoimmune or cancer disorders such as:
Bronchial asthma Peptic ulcer peptic ulcer Vasculitis Rheumatoid arthritis Lupus erythematosus Lymphoma Prostate cancer Breast cancer Hemolytic anemia Agranulocytosis 2.2. Contraindication of Predstad 20 Do not use Predstad 20 in the following cases:
Yes History of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug Severe infection, except tuberculous meningitis or septic shock Immunodeficiency due to viral, fungal, tuberculosis or live attenuated vaccines

3. Dosage and how to use Predstad 20

Usage : Predstad 20 is used orally. The patient disperses the Predstad 20 tablet in a small amount of water and then swallows it. To increase absorption efficiency should be taken in the morning after eating.
Some guidelines to follow when using glucocorticoid therapy are:
Always use the lowest effective dose and for the shortest time possible. Corticosteroids are drugs that treat symptoms, not diseases. The individual dose must be individualized and must be determined by trial-and-error. Once the initial dose is found, it should be maintained and adjusted until the desired response is achieved. Next, during subsequent treatment, the effectiveness of the dose should be regularly assessed depending on the nature of the disease. Long-term and high-dose corticosteroid use increases the chance of unwanted side effects. If you want to reduce the dose of corticosteroids, you must gradually reduce the dose to the lowest dose that still ensures the desired effect, this can also help reduce side effects. If the patient is stressed or has an acute illness during treatment, it may be necessary to temporarily stop increasing the dose. If corticosteroid therapy fails to respond, the dose should be gradually reduced and the drug discontinued in order to switch to another alternative therapy. Dosage in specific cases:
The following guidelines are for use only in certain corticosteroid-responsive disorders. Patients with severe or acute illness should be started with a high dose followed by a gradual reduction to the lowest dose that remains clinically responsive. During long-term prednisolone treatment, the maximum dose reduction should not exceed 5 - 7.5 mg/day.
Rheumatoid arthritis: Initial dose 10 -15 mg/day. The lowest effective daily maintenance dose corresponding to moderate symptom relief should be used. Skin disorders or allergies : Initial dose 5 - 15mg/day Colloidal disease : Initial dose 20 - 30mg/day. The dose may be increased if the patient has more severe symptoms. Lymphoma or blood disorders: Initial dose 15-60mg/day. After achieving a clinical response, reduce the dose to the lowest clinical response.

4. Side effects of the drug Predstad 20

When taking Predstad 20, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Common: Unstable mood, depression, irritability, suicidal thoughts, mania, paranoia, reactions psychotic reactions, hallucinations, anxiety, sleep disturbances, aggravation of schizophrenia, cognitive dysfunction including confusion and forgetfulness. Very rare : Skin necrosis, vascular calcification. To limit unwanted side effects, after long-term treatment with Predstad 20, it is imperative to reduce the dose. The following method can be applied: reduce 2.5 - 5mg after 3 to 7 days until reaching approximately 5mg, the physiological dose of glucocorticoids. If symptoms worsen after dose reduction, the dose of Prednisolone should be increased, and then the dose should be reduced more slowly. If the patient experiences unwanted symptoms while using Predstad 20, it is necessary to notify the treating doctor immediately for timely treatment.

5. Predstad 20 . drug interactions

Predstad 20 may interact if used concurrently with the following drugs:
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): peptic ulcers Live attenuated vaccines: worsen autoimmune disease Amphotericin: increased risk Hypokalemia Ketoconazole : inhibits metabolism of Prednisolone Ritonavir : Increases Prednisolone plasma concentrations Cardiac Glycosides : Increases toxicity if hypokalemia occurs

6. Note when using Predstad 20

During the use of Predstad 20, patients should note:
Be careful when prescribing Predstad 20 to people with medical conditions: You or your family have a history of diabetes, glaucoma or a family history. Families with glaucoma, hypertension or congestive heart failure, liver failure, epilepsy, osteoporosis, history of emotional disturbances, and especially those with a history of corticosteroid-induced psychopathy, peptic ulcer disease, myopathy due to previous steroid use or renal failure. Patients should be counseled about the potential for serious psychiatric adverse reactions, particularly when systemic prednisolone is used, and the importance of gradual dose reduction to reduce the likelihood of serious adverse events. important. Patients should be alert to possible psychiatric disturbances during or shortly after dose reduction or discontinuation of Predstad 20 when systemic administration. Currently, there are no clinical reports or studies on the safety and effectiveness of Predstad 20 in pregnant women. Therefore, with extreme caution, Predstad 20 should be used only after the benefits outweigh the risks. In lactating women, a dose of 40 mg/day has been shown to be unlikely to cause systemic effects in the neonate. The effect of Predstad 20 on the ability to drive and use machines has not been reported. Above is all information about the use of Predstad 20, in order to achieve the best effect, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, understand its uses, adhere to the correct dosage as well as consult a doctor. before use.
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