Uses of Pokemine tablets

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Iron is a mineral required for the formation of hemoglobin, myoglobin and the respiratory enzyme cytochrome C. Iron is commonly used to treat or prevent iron deficiency in the blood. Accordingly, Pokemine is an effective iron supplement.

1. What is Pokemine?

Pokemine drugs manufactured by MEDISUN Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company. Pokemine medicine contains elemental iron (in the form of iron III hydroxide polymaltose complex) with a strength of 50mg, prepared as a 10ml oral solution with the use of iron supplementation for patients at risk of iron deficiency anemia. The main active ingredient of Pokemine Pills:
1.1. Pharmacodynamics of Pokemine Iron salts, including IPC (IPC is a complex of iron(III) hydroxide combined with polymaltose) have an important role in the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anemia. Our bodies store iron in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin to make hemoglobin molecules. The iron(III) hydroxide nucleus of IPC is surrounded by many polymaltose molecules, thereby forming a large molecule with a molecular weight of about 52300 daltons, this size is so large that its diffusion across the mucosal membrane is less. about 40 times that of the iron (II) salt form. The iron present in the IPC nucleus is linked in a structure similar to that of ferritin.
IPC differs from iron(II) sulfate by its high safety and low toxicity because it does not contain free iron ions. Its non-ionized form of iron improves gastric irritation compared with conventional iron salts, better tolerability, these are very important points in the use of iron for long-term treatment. iron deficiency anemia.
The effectiveness of IPC in the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia has been demonstrated in clinical trials, whereby hemoglobin values ​​also increase faster with IPC than with other common iron salts, specifically with IPC, hemoglobin values ​​increased to 0.8 mg/dl weekly and there were rapid increases in hematocrit, MCV, serum iron and ferritin.
1.2. Pharmacokinetics of Pokemine The absorption of iron(III) ions from the iron(III) hydroxide polymaltose complex IPC is a complex physiological process, when the IPC complex comes into contact with iron-binding sites on the surface. The mucosal surface releases iron III ions, which are then actively transported into the mucosal cells by a carrier protein and bound to ferritin or transferrin (carrier proteins include: mucin, integrin and mobilferrin). ). Iron is then released from carrier proteins and stored in mucosal cells as ferritin or transported by carrier proteins into the bloodstream, where it is released to combine with transferrin. The bioavailability of IPC when taken orally is not affected by the composition of the food.
Iron in the IPC complex enters the serum by endogenous carrier proteins, their half-life is about 90 minutes, then enters the liver reticuloendothelial system or combines with transferrin, apoferritin, entering the marrow bone or spleen to make red blood cells. Antacids, when bound to IPC, are dissociated in the pH range of 3 - 8, unlike inorganic iron salts in that they are persistently bound to antacids. No interactions between hormones and IPC were observed. When iron crosses the intestinal villi barrier, it binds to transferrin, each transferrin molecule can bind to 2 iron atoms in about 20-45% of the binding sites. Membrane-specific receptors recognize transferrin and allow these compounds to enter the cell, which then releases iron into the cytoplasm.
Iron in common iron supplements is iron II, iron II is very irritating to the stomach, absorption of iron II is a passive and uncontrolled process, which can cause over Excess iron and toxic to the body. IPC has a higher safety profile, iron exists in a non-ionized form with less gastric irritation, less pharmacokinetic interactions with other substances when compared with common iron salts.

2. Indications of the drug Pokemine

Pokemine is indicated for use in iron supplements for patients at risk of iron deficiency anemia:
Pregnant women; Breastfeeding women; Malnourished patients; Patients after surgery; Children with iron deficiency anemia, growth retardation, stunted children.

3. Dosage of Pokemine

Pokemine iron supplements should be taken during or immediately after eating with the dose of Pokemine and the duration of treatment depends on the level of iron deficiency of the user. The daily dose of Pokemine can be divided into small doses or used once.
Adults: Drink Pokemine 2 ampoules/day; People from 12 to 18 years old: Take Pokemine 2 ampoules/day; Children 1 to 11 years old: Take Pokemine 1 to 2 ampoules/day. In case the patient has obvious iron deficiency, Pokemine should be treated for about 3-5 months until the patient's hemoglobin value returns to normal. Thereafter, iron-fortified Pokemine therapy should be continued for several weeks at a dose indicated for latent iron deficiency, helping to replenish iron stores.
Note: The dose of Pokemine above is for reference only, the specific dose of Pokemine iron supplement depends on the condition and progression of the disease, in order to have the most appropriate dose, the patient needs to consult. doctor or qualified medical professional.

4. What to do in case of an overdose of Pokemine?

No case of overdose of Pokemine iron supplements has been reported, in general, Pokemine is quite safe.
Comparative studies between iron(II) sulfate and iron(III) polymaltose hydroxide in rats also determined the LD50 (the amount of poison needed to kill half of the animals tested) of iron(II) sulfate. was 350 mg/kg, but no morbidity or mortality was observed in the IPC group with doses above 1000 mg/kg.
Iron absorption of IPC is less, but IPC has better gastrointestinal tolerance, higher safety of IPC, reducing the risk of iron overdose. Although IPC is safer than inorganic iron(II) salts, an overdose is still possible but rarely with overdose symptoms including fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, tarry stools, rapid pulse and weakness, fever, coma, convulsions and death.

5. Side effects of iron supplement Pokemine

When using Pokemine, patients may experience undesirable effects (ADRs) on the digestive system: epigastric pain, metallic taste in the mouth, nausea or vomiting, epigastric discomfort, constipation, diarrhea discharge , stools are black , sometimes tooth color changes .

6. Contraindications and cautions when using Pokemine

Before using Pokemine, the patient should carefully read the instructions for use. Pokemine is contraindicated in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of Pokemine; Non-iron deficiency anemia (hemolytic anemia, erythropoiesis, bone marrow hypoplasia); Excess iron; Pokemine iron supplements should be used with caution because an overdose of iron-containing drugs can cause fatal poisoning in children under 6 years of age. Although Pokemine is quite safe because the form of IPC has LE but must be kept out of reach of children, in case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison center immediately;
Iron-containing drugs, including iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose can cause allergic reactions or anaphylaxis, then stop using Pokemine immediately and apply emergency measures; Pokemine should not be used in excess of the indicated dose; Sometimes there is gastrointestinal discomfort (such as nausea), which can be minimized by taking Pokemine with meals, iron containing drugs such as Pokemine can cause constipation or diarrhea; Use caution when using Pokemine for people with allergies, liver or kidney failure. Use Pokemine with caution in alcoholics and people with gastrointestinal diseases (gastrointestinal ulcers, colitis); Pokemine products are indicated for use in pregnant and lactating women in cases of risk of iron deficiency anemia.

7. Pokemine drug interactions

Iron in IPC is in the form of complex bonds, so the interactions between iron ions with components of food (phytin, oxalate, tannin...) and other oral drugs (tetracycline, antacids) infrequent. However, like other iron-containing drugs, IPC can reduce the absorption of some drugs, so IPC should not be taken within 2 hours of taking: Tetracycline, fluoroquinolone, chloramphenicol, cimetidine, levodopa, levothyroxine, methyldopa or penicillamine.
Antacids can reduce absorption of IPC, so do not take antacids within 2 hours of taking IPC. Pokemine medicine contains elemental iron (in the form of iron III hydroxide polymaltose complex) with a concentration of 50mg, prepared in the form of 10ml oral solution with the use of iron supplementation for patients at risk of iron deficiency anemia. To ensure effective use and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to use the drug exactly as directed by the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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