Uses of Pharglucar 50

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Pharglucar 50 is an effective antidiabetic and blood glucose lowering drug thanks to its ability to inhibit alpha-glucosidase in the body. For those who are interested in this drug, you can refer to the information in the article below.

1. What is Pharglucar 50?

Pharglucar 50 contains the active ingredient Acarbose. This is an active ingredient in the group of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, which slow down the action of certain enzymes that break down food into sugar. From here, the drug will slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, helping to keep blood sugar from rising too high after eating.

2. Indications and contraindications for taking Pharglucar 50

2.1. Indications for use of Pharglucar 50 Pharglucar 50 as an adjunct in the treatment of type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent) in patients with hyperglycemia (especially postprandial hyperglycemia) that cannot be controlled by Daily diet and exercise.
Pharglucar is also used in combination with a sulfonylurea to treat type 2 diabetes in patients with hyperglycemia not controlled by acarbose or sulfonylurea alone.
2.2. Contraindications to use Pharglucar 50 Pharglucar 50 is not suitable for use in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to acarbose or other components of Pharglucar. People with inflammatory bowel disease, especially associated with intestinal ulcers. Pharglucar 50 has the ability to create gas in the intestines, so it is not suitable for use by people who are prone to diseases due to increased intra-abdominal pressure (hernia). Cases of liver failure, increased liver enzymes, hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, pregnant and lactating women are also not allowed to use the drug. Contraindicated in children and adolescents, renal failure patients with serum creatinine > 2 mg/dl.

3. Usage and dosage of Pharglucar 50

Parglucar 50 is often used just before a meal to reduce postprandial blood glucose levels. For the drug to be effective, the patient needs to chew the tablet with the first meal or swallow the tablet whole with a little water right before a meal.
1 hour after eating, it is necessary to measure glucose to determine the ability to respond to treatment and the minimum effective dose of the drug; Monitor hemoglobin glycosylate approximately every 3 months to assess, contribute to long-term blood glucose control.
Pharglucar 50 can be used for both adults and the elderly with dosage adjusted according to tolerability and response in each patient. You can refer to the following dosage of Pharglucar:
The starting dose is 1 tablet/time, 1-2 times/day, then the dose will be increased to 3 times/day. You need to pay attention to use the drug with a maximum dose of 200 mg / time x 3 times / day. If the patient experiences unpleasant complications due to strict adherence to the diet, at this time it is absolutely not recommended to increase the dose further, but to reduce the dose when prescribed by the doctor.

4. Pharglucar 50 . side effects

Pharglucar 50 has the risk of causing some unwanted effects on the gastrointestinal tract such as diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, abdominal distention, pain, increased liver enzymes, hepatitis.
In addition, the drug can also cause edema, erythema, jaundice, itching, urticaria, hepatitis.
These side effects usually appear during the first few weeks after taking Pharglucar 50. They then subside as your body gradually adapts to the use of the drug, usually over a period of a few days. Therefore, you need to notify your doctor if the symptoms appear more and more severe.

5. Drug interactions

During treatment with Pharglucar 50, if you use foods containing white sugar, it will often cause abdominal discomfort or sometimes cause diarrhea due to increased carbohydrate fermentation in the colon. Pharglucar 50 can interfere with iron absorption or metabolism and should be avoided with these drugs. Do not use with antacids, Cholestyramine, intestinal adsorbents and digestive enzymes because it may reduce the effect of Pharglucar 50. Neomycin enhances the hypoglycemic effect of Pharglucar 50. Pharglucar reduces the effect of the drug. due to inhibition of digoxin absorption.

6. Be careful when using Pharglucar 50

Do not drink alcohol and use stimulants when taking Pharglucar. Pharglucar does not cause drowsiness, so users can still drive or function normally after taking the drug. Pay attention to check blood sugar and blood sugar regularly while taking Pharglucar 50. Always have oral products (dextrose) ready in case of hypoglycemia when taking medicine. Above is some information about the uses, doses and precautions when using Pharglucar 50. To ensure health safety, patients do not arbitrarily use drugs without a prescription and guidance from a doctor.
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