Uses of Pharbazidine

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Pharbazidin is a highly effective anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory drug. To learn more about the drug Pharbazidin, please read the following detailed article.

1. What is Pharbazidine?

Pharbazidin is known as an antibiotic containing the main ingredient Teicoplanin, which is used to treat severe aerobic and anaerobic gram-positive infections through inhibition of cell envelope synthesis.
Pharmaceutical name: Pharbazidine drug. Drug group: Antiviral, anti-infective, antifungal, anti-parasitic. Main ingredients: Teicoplanin 400mg. Dosage form: Powder for injection. Packing: Packed in a box of 1 vial and a box of 10 vials. Registration number: VD-29165-18. Manufacturer: TW1 Pharmaceutical Company - Vietnam. Registered company: TW1 Pharmaceutical Company - Vietnam.

2. Uses of the drug Pharbazidine

Teicoplanin is a glycopeptide antibiotic that has been shown to have bactericidal activity in vitro against both aerobic and anaerobic gram-positive bacteria. At the same time, it also inhibits the growth of sensitive bacteria, thanks to the mechanism of preventing cell wall biosynthesis at a different site than the action site of beta-lactams antibiotics.
The drug is also active against streptococci, staphylococcus (including methicillin-resistant or other beta-lactam antibiotics), cocci, enterococci, group J/K corynebacteria, Listeria monocytogenes and anaerobic Gram-positive bacteria including Clostridium difficile and peptococci. In addition, Teicoplanin has been shown to have antistaphylococcal activity against neutrophil and phagocytic monocyte-infected intracellular bacteria.
What disease does pharbazidine treat? From the above mechanism of action, the drug is indicated for use in the following specific cases:
Patients with severe infections caused by Gr (+) bacteria resistant to cephalosporins and resistant to methicillin, but especially Staphylococcus aureus. Patients with peritonitis through intraperitoneal injection in case of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis treatment. In case of need to prevent Gr (+) bacterial endocarditis during dental surgery for high-risk heart disease patients, especially patients who are allergic to beta-lactams antibiotics.

3. Dosage and how to use Pharbazidine

3.1. Dosage The specific pharbazidin dosage is as follows:
Dose once a day after one or more loading doses. For adults with normal renal function: On the first day, administer an intravenous infusion of 6 mg/kg (usually 400 mg). In the following days, the dose may be increased to 6 mg/kg/day by intravenous infusion or 3 mg/kg/day by intravenous infusion or by intramuscular injection once/day. For patients with serious infections requiring the highest dose and intravenous administration, potentially fatal infections: Use a dose of 6 mg/kg x 2 times/day for 1 - 4 days (loading dose). , maintain a dose of 6 mg/kg/day by intravenous infusion. For children: Use 10mg/kg every 12 hours x 3 doses, then continue with 6-10mg/kg/day, the highest dose for the most severe infections or young children with neutropenia. count. For neonates: First day use 16 mg/kg and maintain 8 mg/kg/day, slow intravenous infusion for about 30 minutes. For patients with renal failure: In case of ClCr 40-60 mL/min, the dose should be reduced by half or used every other day; in case of ClCr less than 40 mL/min and dialysis, the dose should be reduced to 1/3, or once every 3 days; ClCr over 20 mL/min can only be treated with teicoplanin provided that monitoring of drug levels in the blood is ensured. In case of prevention of endocarditis in dental surgery: Administer by intravenous infusion 1 dose of 400mg before anesthesia. The above is a reference dose, the patient should still consult and prescribe the doctor to ensure the dose, absolutely do not change the dosage without the doctor's permission.
3.2. How to use Pharbazidin drug is prepared in powder form should be administered by intramuscular or peritoneal injection. The drug should be used under the direction and supervision of the doctor, the patient should carefully read the instructions for use attached to the drug.
3.3. Treatment of missed dose, overdose Pharbazidine Missed dose: If a dose is forgotten, the patient should be given a supplement as soon as he remembers. However, if it is too long to remember and it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose. In particular, absolutely do not use 2 doses at the same time to make up for the missed dose.
Overdose: In case of overdose, the patient should immediately stop taking the drug and focus on symptomatic treatment. If you encounter an emergency, you should immediately contact your doctor or 115 Emergency Center for instructions on how to handle it safely and promptly.

4. Note when using Pharbazidine drug

4.1. Contraindications The drug is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to the active ingredient Teicoplanin or any of the excipients contained in the drug.
4.2. Side effects During the use of Teicoplanin, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Local reactions, itchy rashes, allergies. Symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Hematologic response. Liver/kidney function changes. Weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, convulsions after intraventricular injection. Tinnitus, hearing loss, vestibular disorders. Superinfection. Some reports have noted discomfort in the chest, tachycardia, and increased levels of uric acid and amylase in the blood. Tell your doctor right away if you experience any of the above symptoms, including unusual ones not listed.
4.3. Drug interactions In the process of using Pharbazidin simultaneously with some of the following drugs, interactions may occur and affect the effectiveness of the drug: Cyclosporine, aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, cephaloridine, ethacrynic acid, polymyxin B, colistin, furosemide.
Pharbazidin is a highly effective anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory drug. To ensure the maximum effectiveness of the drug and ensure safety, the patient should consult and use it exactly as prescribed by the doctor.
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