Uses of Pharbavir

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Pharbavir is prescribed by a doctor to treat HIV-1 infections or prevent the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 during labor. Before and during the use of Pharbavir, the patient should strictly follow all instructions that the doctor has recommended.

1. What is Pharbavir?

Pharbavir is a prescription drug that treats HIV-1 infections and helps prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 during labor. Pharbavir is a product of TW1 Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Pharbaco) - Vietnam, made in the form of tablets and packaged in a box of 6 blisters x 10 tablets.
Pharbavir medicine contains the active ingredient Nevirapine 200mg. In addition, in each Pharbavir tablet, there is a combination of some other auxiliary excipients, just enough for 1 tablet.

2. What does Pharbavir do?

2.1 Uses of the active ingredient Nevirapin AIDS is a chronic disease caused by the HIV virus. This virus can destroy the healthy cells of the immune system, causing the body to lose its ability to fight the attack of viruses, fungi and bacteria that cause disease. This is also the reason why patients are susceptible to certain cancers or common infections. The active ingredient Nevirapin in Pharbavir is an antiviral drug that inhibits the growth and replication of HIV viruses at different stages of their life cycle. In addition, Nevirapin also acts as a NNRTI enzyme inhibitor and binds directly to this enzyme.
Currently, Nevirapin is an anti-AIDS drug indicated for use in pregnant women infected with HIV and also for newborns. This active ingredient can help reduce the rate of HIV transmission from mother to child by about 50%. Thanks to this effective use, Pharbavir has become the choice to prevent mother-to-child transmission of AIDS in many developing countries, including Vietnam.
2.2 Indications – Contraindication to the use of Pharbavir Currently, Pharbavir is usually prescribed by a doctor for the following cases:
Using a combination of Pharbavir with other drugs prescribed by a doctor to treat HIV-1 infection status. When applying monotherapy with Pharbavir, the virus will become resistant quickly and synchronously. Therefore, it is necessary for patients to use Pharbavir in combination with at least 2 other antiretroviral drugs. For pregnant women with HIV who have not been treated with antiretroviral drugs at the time of labor, Pharbavir can be prescribed to prevent the risk of HIV-1 transmission to the baby. The mother will be given a single dose of Pharbavir at the time of labor and a single dose for the newborn. In case of necessity, Pharbavir can be used in combination with some other antiretroviral drugs for pregnant women before giving birth to reduce the risk of HIV-1 transmission from mother to child. However, Pharbavir is contraindicated in the following patients:
People with increased sensitivity or hypersensitivity to any of the active ingredients in the drug. The patient was forced to permanently discontinue the drug because of a severe rash, rash accompanied by other systemic symptoms, clinical hepatitis due to nevirapine, or other hypersensitivity reactions. Re-administration of nevirapine is contraindicated in patients who have experienced ALAT and ASAT levels greater than 5 times the upper limit of normal during nevirapine therapy and recurrence of liver function abnormalities following re-administration. medicine quickly.

3. Recommendations on dosage and use of Pharbavir

3.1 Dosage of Pharbavir The following is the dosage of Pharbavir as recommended by the doctor for each patient:
Pharbavir dose to treat HIV-1 infection:
Adult dose: Take 1 tablet/day in the first 2 weeks to help reduce the frequency of skin rashes, then use 1 tablet x 2 times / day in addition to other antiretroviral drugs. Dose for children from 2 months to 8 years: Dose 4mg/kg/time/day for the first 2 weeks, then use 7mg/kg x 2 times/day. Children over 8 years old: Use dose 4mg/kg/time/day for 2 weeks, then use 4mg/kg x 2 times/day. In general, any patient on treatment for HIV-1 infection with Pharbavir should not take a total daily dose of more than 400 mg.
Dose to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1:
Maternal dose: Take a single dose of 200mg as early as possible at the time of labor. Newborn dose: A single dose of 2mg/kg body weight within 72 hours of birth. 3.2 Instructions for taking Pharbavir correctly Pharbavir is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. When taking, patients need to swallow the tablet whole with about 240ml of water, avoid chewing or crushing the tablet. Also, avoid taking the medicine with other drinks, such as carbonated water, alcohol, soft drinks or coffee.
Before and during the use of Pharbavir, patients should strictly follow all instructions of the doctor. Do not arbitrarily calculate or change the dose without the approval of the doctor.
3.3 Pharbavir overdose and its management Currently, there is no specific antidote for Nevirapine overdose. Typically, patients are diagnosed with an overdose of Nevirapine when taking 800-1800mg/day for 15 days.
When overdose of Nevirapine, patients will have symptoms such as erythema nodosum, edema, fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, insomnia, rash, dizziness, pulmonary infiltrates, increased transaminases, vomiting vomiting or weight loss. In general, these symptoms of Nevirapine overdose will gradually subside on their own when the patient stops taking the drug.

4. Possible side effects when taking Pharbavir

Besides the use of treating and preventing HIV-1 infection, Pharbavir can cause some side effects for patients during use, including:
Steven - Johnson syndrome. Skin rash. Toxic epidermal necrolysis. Jaundice. Hepatitis. Stomachache. Diarrhea . Nausea. Chicken sleep. Fever. Muscle pain. If any of the reactions listed above occurs while taking Pharbavir, the patient should discontinue treatment and promptly notify the physician for prompt remedial action. Early detection and diagnosis of Pharbavir-related side effects will help prevent patients from developing other health problems.

5. What precautions and precautions should be taken when taking Pharbavir?

Here are some things that patients need to keep in mind during the use of Pharbavir:
Use caution when administering Pharbavir to patients with liver or kidney dysfunction. Before taking the drug and following each appropriate course of treatment, it is necessary for this patient to perform clinical chemistry tests of liver and kidney function. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies showing the effectiveness of treatment for HIV-1 infection in pregnant women. Therefore, Pharbavir should only be used during pregnancy when the benefits outweigh the risks to the fetus. Pharbavir has been shown to be safe and effective in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 with a single oral regimen. Mothers living with HIV should avoid breastfeeding to prevent the risk of HIV infection after birth. If you are taking Pharbavir, you need to stop breastfeeding. Pharbavir can have an interaction reaction when combined with other drugs such as Ketoconazole, Saquinavir and Methadone. Ideally, patients need to inform their doctor about the drugs and supplements they are taking at the moment to assess the risk of specific interactions. Always check the expiry date of the medicine before starting treatment, avoid using the medicine past the expiry date indicated on the manufacturer's packaging. Store Pharbavir in a dry place, away from direct light and high humidity. Above is all information about Pharbavir, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Pharbavir medicine at home because it may encounter unwanted side effects.

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