Uses of Oralzin Syrup

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Zinc is called a micronutrient (or trace element) because it is an inorganic mineral that is added daily to the body in very small amounts. When zinc deficiency, the body often has no obvious symptoms but affects the body's growth and metabolism, with loss of appetite being the first manifestation. To prevent zinc deficiency, many people turn to these micronutrient supplements, typically Oralzin Syrup.

1. The role of zinc. What is Oralzin Syrup used for?

1.1. The role and characteristics of zinc In the body, zinc is an essential micronutrient that is very important for the development and maintenance of the body's activities. Zinc participates in the composition of more than 300 metabolic enzymes, affects many biological processes, especially the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, helps the immune system to fight infections (especially respiratory and gastrointestinal infections).
Zinc is distinguished by its short biological life (12.5 days) and is not stored in the body. Therefore, it is easy to be deficient in zinc if the daily diet does not provide enough.
1.2. Subjects needing zinc supplements Zinc is often found in seafood such as mussels, oysters, scallops, eggs... However, there are still some subjects with a higher risk of zinc deficiency than the general population, which is :
Vegetarians : Zinc is often found in large amounts in fish and meat, so vegetarians will be the subjects who need to supplement the zinc deficiency in food (may need to supplement more than 50% of the need compared to other foods). non-vegetarians); Digestive diseases: Diseases such as diarrhea, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease or short bowel syndrome all affect the ability to absorb nutrients. Therefore, patients with digestive diseases should actively supplement zinc content; Pregnant and lactating women: Zinc helps in cell division (especially during pregnancy) and prevents the risk of premature birth, low birth weight, malnutrition... Older children only breastfeed : When the baby is less than 7 months old, the amount of zinc in breast milk can meet the baby's needs. However, when older, if only breast milk is given to the child, it will not be enough to meet the zinc requirements that increase with the growth rate; Alcoholics: For people who regularly use stimulants, zinc levels in the body are very low because it is difficult for the body to absorb nutrients due to intestinal damage (due to excessive alcohol consumption), or Because zinc is greatly excreted in the urine. 1.3. Users of Oralzin Syrup Oralzin Syrup belongs to the group of drugs to supplement, prevent zinc deficiency and support the treatment of some special cases. The drug is prepared in the form of a 100ml syrup with the main ingredient being zinc sulfate monohydrate.
Indications of Oralzin:
Children with rickets, malnutrition, growth retardation; Pregnant women, lactating mothers; People who follow an unbalanced diet or diet, people who give long-term nutrition through intravenous lines; Patients with acute and chronic diarrhea; Digestive disorders: Slow digestion, loss of appetite, mild constipation, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; Re-infection of the respiratory tract, digestive tract or skin; Dry skin, slow healing wounds (burns, sores from lying down for a long time); Dry eyes, corneal ulcers, night blindness; People with severe zinc deficiency with typical skin and mucosal lesions such as: enteritis, scalp inflammation, nail dystrophy (white streaked nails, slow growth, wrinkled nails); inflammation around the natural opening (anus, vulva), diarrhea.

2. Instructions on how to take Oralzin

To make it easier for the body to absorb zinc, users are recommended to take zinc syrup 1 hour before eating or 2 hours after eating. However, if there is a digestive disorder, you can take the medicine with a meal to overcome it.
Dosage of Oralzin suggested:
Children under 10kg: Take 5ml x 2 times/day; Children from 10 - 20 kg: Take 10ml x 1-3 times/day; Children and adults over 30kg: Drink 20ml x 1-3 times/day. Note: The drug should be used intermittently, not continuously for a long time. For example, if you have been taking it for 1-2 months, you should take a break (about 1 month) and then resume taking the drug.

3. Side effects of Oralzin

During use, Oralzin may cause some side effects such as:
Abdominal pain; Undigested; Nausea and vomiting; Vomiting; Diarrhea; Stomach irritation; Gastritis. In particular, the above symptoms are more common when users take the drug on an empty stomach. To overcome, doctors recommend that people with digestive problems should take Oralzin with meals.
In case of overdose
When taking high concentrations of zinc for a long time, it will lead to copper deficiency (due to reduced absorption) causing anemia due to lack of red blood cells and neutropenia. To correct overdosage, chelating agents (EDTAs) can be used to reduce serum zinc; In acute poisoning, zinc salts are gradually eroded by the formation of zinc chloride from gastric acid. It can be treated by giving the patient milk, alkaline carbonate or activated charcoal. Avoid inducing vomiting or gastric lavage. If users experience serious side effects while taking Oralzin, they should proactively notify their doctor for timely support.

4. Note when taking Oralzin

Oralzin is contraindicated in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity, allergy to any ingredient of the drug (especially zinc sulfate monohydrate); Severe liver, kidney or adrenal insufficiency; Have a history of kidney stones. Other notes:
Avoid taking zinc supplements during the period of advanced gastric ulcer and acute vomiting; Avoid taking zinc supplements at the same time as copper, iron, calcium to avoid interactions that reduce zinc absorption. If possible, take 2-3 hours apart. In general, Oralzin Syrup is used to effectively treat and prevent zinc deficiency in children and adults. The drug helps improve anorexia, helps strengthen the immune system and improve resistance. To improve the effectiveness of the drug, users should understand and follow the instructions on dosage, when to take the drug...
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