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Articles in Zinc

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What are the uses of Farzincol 10mg?
Zinc is an important nutrient for human health. When experiencing zinc deficiency, patients are often prescribed zinc drug farzincol. So what is the effect of Farzincol 10mg?
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Uses and uses of Redoxon
Redoxon is often prescribed to prevent and treat vitamin C deficiency. So what is Redoxon and what precautions should be taken when using it?
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Uses of Tozinax
Tozinax has the active ingredient name of zinc and is indicated for use in growth retardation in children, pregnant and lactating women, treatment of mild and moderate zinc deficiency. .. So what effect does Tozinax have?
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What effect does Growsel have?
Growsel is used to prevent and treat diseases caused by vitamin and zinc deficiency, to treat fatigue after illness or flu. Besides, it also works to strengthen the body's resistance in cases of infection, poisoning or long-healing wounds. Let's find out what Growsel does in the following article to use it safely and effectively.
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Uses of the drug Conipa 5ml
Conipa 5ml is a drug that belongs to the group of essential trace minerals for the body. The drug contains the active ingredient zinc gluconate in the form of an oral solution. Let's learn about the uses and notes when using Conipa through the article below.
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Uses of Calcium Magnesium Zinc Tablets
Calcium Magnesium Zinc oral tablet helps to supplement zinc and calcium for the body, so it is indicated for the treatment of osteoporosis, calcium deficiency, helping users to be more healthy and full of energy.
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Uses of Beres Drops
Beres Drops is a drug belonging to the group of vitamins and minerals, with the main ingredients being iron, zinc and many trace elements necessary for the body. The drug is prepared in the form of an oral solution in a 30ml vial. Beres Drops is used in cases of needing to strengthen the immune system, malnutrition, physical weakness or people recovering from surgery.
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Uses of zinforcol
The drug Zinforcol belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins. Zinforcol is a drug with the main ingredient is zinc gluconate, is made in tablet form and is indicated for use in cases of mild, moderate and severe zinc deficiency. Although there are no recorded side effects of Zinforcol, when using the drug, patients should also consult a doctor.
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Uses of Osteomed
Osteomed is a vitamin and mineral supplement used in patients at high risk for mineral deficiencies. So what are the uses, doses and precautions when using Osteomed?
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Uses of Oralzin Syrup
Zinc is called a micronutrient (or trace element) because it is an inorganic mineral that is added daily to the body in very small amounts. When zinc deficiency, the body often has no obvious symptoms but affects the body's growth and metabolism, with loss of appetite being the first manifestation. To prevent zinc deficiency, many people turn to these micronutrient supplements, typically Oralzin Syrup.
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The role of zinc in the prevention of gastrointestinal cancer
Healthy people with a well-rounded diet need about 11 mg of zinc per day. Zinc is found in meat, nuts and chickpeas and chickpeas. Recent findings suggest that zinc supplementation can significantly inhibit the proliferation of gastrointestinal cancer cells, specifically esophageal cancer.
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