Uses of Mitoxantron

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Mitoxantron belongs to the group of cancer drugs, often used in the treatment of diseases such as breast cancer, acute myeloid leukemia,... The following article provides detailed information about the drug Mitoxantron, We invite you to read along.

1. What is Mitoxantron?

Mitoxantron belongs to the group of drugs for cancer treatment, with the main ingredient being Mitoxantron hydrochloride 2.3284mg/ml equivalent to Mitoxantron 2mg/ml/. The drug is prepared in the form of a concentrated solution to make an infusion solution, the content is 5ml or 10ml per vial, the box has 1 vial.
Mitoxantron hydrochloride is an anthracendion derivative that exerts antitumor effects by affecting the function of the enzyme Topoisomerase. This enzyme is effective in forming single and double strands of DNA, so Mitoxantron inhibits Topoisomerase and will also inhibit DNA binding.
Mitoxantron drug after intravenous infusion is rapidly and widely distributed into large tissues, about 78% of the drug is bound to plasma proteins. The drug is excreted in the feces via the hepatobiliary system about 25%, about 10% is eliminated by the kidneys with a half-life of about 75 hours.

2. What does Mitoxantron do?

Mitoxantron is used as chemotherapy in the treatment of the following diseases:
In the treatment of advanced breast cancer or metastatic breast cancer. Treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Pathological treatment of acute myeloid leukemia in adults. Used in combination with low-dose glucocorticoids to relieve pain in cases that do not respond to other analgesics or have no indications for radiation therapy in the treatment of prostate cancer resistant to hormone therapy. Recurrent or secondary multiple sclerosis. Bone cancer in children. Liver or ovarian cancer.

3. Dosage - how to take Mitoxantron

How to use: Mitoxantron is used intravenously, absolutely not by other routes such as intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, injection into arachnoid space, ... Mitoxantron drug needs to be manipulated by medical staff who can Professionals, patients are not allowed to adjust the infusion on their own:
When mixing Mitoxantron, it is necessary to wear gloves, not to let the skin and mucous membranes come into contact with the drug, if the skin is contaminated with the drug, it should be washed immediately with warm water, if mucous membranes such as eyes, lips, ... in contact with the drug very carefully, it is necessary to go for a vision test. Mitoxantron is diluted with at least 50ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose, which can be further diluted with either solution and used immediately. The diluted solution should be infused slowly over a minimum of 3 minutes, typically 15 to 30 minutes. Dosage: Mitoxantron is used according to the doctor's prescription, you can refer to the manufacturer's recommended dose below:
In the treatment of breast cancer, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma:
Initiation: single use toxic dose 14mg/m2 body area, after 21 days repeat the above dose. For people with a disease that reduces bone reserves or after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and their health is not good, the starting dose can be reduced to 12mg/m2 of body area. Depending on the degree and duration of bone marrow suppression to adjust the dose of the drug. At the 21st day after taking Mitoxantron, if the white blood cell count is still normal, the previous dose can be repeated. If combined cytostatics and bone marrow toxicity, the initial dose should be reduced to 2-4 mg. The next doses are based on the level and duration of bone marrow suppression to adjust. For leukemia pathology:
In the treatment of recurrent acute myeloid leukemia: Single dose 12mg/m2, single dose for 5 consecutive days for remission. In combination with drugs to treat leukemia: The first treatment regimen is 10-12mg/m2 for 3 days combined with Cytarabin 100mg/m2 for 7 consecutive days. In case of using the next treatment regimen after the first course, it is recommended to combine drugs and doses as above but reduce the dose, for Mitoxantron for 2 days, Cytarabin for 5 days. For prostate cancer unresponsive to hormone therapy:
Mitoxantron is used as an adjunct to corticosteroid therapy It is recommended to use a dose of 12-14mg/m2 by rapid intravenous infusion, after 21 days of treatment. next batch. For liver cancer patients with impaired liver function, the dose should be reduced.
For multiple scleroderma:
The recommended dose is 12mg/m2, rapid intravenous infusion over 5 to 15 minutes, once every 3 months. The total cumulative dose of the drug after taking about 8-12 times in 2 to 3 years is about 140mg/m2.

4. Contraindications to the drug Mitoxantron

Mitoxantron is contraindicated in the following cases:
People who are allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients of Mitoxantron. The drug should not be used by women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Do not use in cases of systemic scleroderma with left ventricular ejection fraction less than 50% or markedly reduced ejection fraction.

5. Undesirable effects when taking Mitoxantron drugs

Mitoxantron is clinically well tolerated, side effects occur with a low frequency, especially serious, irreversible or life-threatening adverse effects are very rare. Common undesirable effects when taking Mitoxantron:
Nausea or vomiting, this symptom is usually mild and transient, in some cases hair loss may be experienced but very mild, these symptoms will decrease or disappear when stop treatment. Other possible effects such as allergic reactions, amenorrhea, constipation, diarrhea, poor appetite, fatigue, weakness, fever, gastrointestinal bleeding, oral mucositis,... These symptoms The frequency is not high and can respond well to treatment drugs, tell your doctor if you experience the above conditions for the earliest treatment. There may be a decrease in the white blood cell count but rarely falls below 1000mm3, the lowest leukocyte count after 10 days of taking the drug, if at this time your white blood cell count is still within the control range, you do not need to overdo it. worried. There may be changes in laboratory parameters when taking the drug, but it does not occur frequently and is not of concern. An increase in serum creatinine and liver enzymes may be observed. Get regular tests before, during, and after taking the medicine to keep your health under control. In addition, a number of cardiovascular events such as decreased left ventricular ejection fraction, electrocardiogram changes, acute arrhythmias, and sometimes congestive heart failure may occur. good with Digitalis and/or diuretics, so you don't need to worry too much, if you experience symptoms like palpitations, shortness of breath, shortness of breath,... tell your doctor for treatment Soon. Cases of tissue necrosis due to extravasation of the drug have also been reported, so absolute care should be taken during infusion, if signs such as infiltration around the infusion vein area are observed, it should be stopped immediately. and tell your doctor. If you experience any unwanted effects during treatment, please notify your doctor for support and treatment as soon as possible.

6. Note when using the drug Mitoxantron

When using Mitoxantron, you should note the following points:
It is necessary to check the blood count, blood biochemistry regularly during the treatment. Based on the change of the indicators and on the clinical, the doctor will adjust, change the dose of medicine for you. You need to tell your doctor about any medical conditions that accompany the medicines you are taking, because Mitaxantron can make your condition worse or endanger your life, especially conditions such as severe heart failure, ... drugs such as Natalizumab, other anti-cancer drugs, ... because it increases the toxicity of the drug. Do not take Mitoxantron while using live or inactivated vaccines. The drug has genotoxicity, so it is not recommended for pregnant women or 6 months after giving birth. The drug passes into breast milk, so breast-feeding must be stopped during the use of Mitoxantran. The drug can have genotoxicity so if you are a man you must not have children during treatment and after 6 months of treatment and you should think about sperm protection before treatment. because the drug has the potential to cause irreversible permanent infertility. Mitaxantron medicine can cause headache, nausea, low blood pressure, visual disturbances, ... this will affect your ability to drive and use machines, so you should not do these jobs during while taking drugs to ensure traffic safety and labor safety. The basic information about Mitaxantron in the above article is for reference only. Because this is a prescription drug, patients should not use it on their own, but need to contact a specialist directly to get an appropriate prescription to ensure safety for health.
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