Uses of Lipirate 100mg

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As a domestically produced product, Lipirate 100mg is prescribed for use in the treatment of high cholesterol. To better understand the effects of Lipirate 100mg, please read the following article.

1. What is Lipirate 100mg?

Lipirate 100mg is a drug belonging to the group of cardiovascular drugs. The composition of the drug includes:
Fenofibrate; Excipients. The drug is produced domestically by Sao Kim Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company (Vietnam). Lipirate 100mg is prepared in capsule form, packed in box of 5 blisters x 10 tablets.

2. Effects of Lipirate 100mg

The Fenofibrate ingredient in Lipirate 100mg helps to reduce blood cholesterol (20-25%) and blood triglycerides (40-50%). In addition, the drug also helps to increase blood Lipoprotein secondary to prolonged despite treatment from the cause (dyslipidemia in diabetic patients).

3. Indications for taking Lipirate 100mg

Lipirate 100mg is indicated for adults in the following cases:
Patients with type IIa hypercholesterolemia, endogenous hypertriglyceridemia, type IV, IIb, III,...; Strict, regular but ineffective diets; Subjects with hypercholesterolemia after applying a separate diet, but the concentration is still high or accompanied by some risk factors; When using the drug, patients should follow a scientific and reasonable diet to ensure effectiveness.

4. Contraindications when taking Lipirate 100mg

Although the effect of Lipirate 100mg is to treat hypercholesterolemia, not everyone can take it on their own. To use Lipirate safely, we need to pay attention not to use it when:
History of allergy, hypersensitivity to Fenofibrate or other excipients in the drug; Subjects have or are suffering from severe renal failure; Patients with gallbladder disease or liver dysfunction should not take it; Children under 10 years old; Subjects showed allergic reactions to light when treated with Ketoprofen or Fibrates - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

5. Usage and dosage of Lipirate 100mg

Take Lipirate 100mg orally. Use as prescribed and advised by your doctor. Do not forget to combine with the right diet. Lipirate 100mg is usually taken with the main meal.
The recommended dose of Lipirate 100mg is 3 tablets / day. For children > 10 years old, the maximum dose is 5mg/kg/day.
Note: Use as prescribed by your doctor, in the right dose. Consult your doctor before use.

6. Side effects of Lipirate 100mg

To use Lipirate effectively, we need to be very careful. When taking Lipirate 100mg, patients may also experience side effects. Typically diffuse muscle pain, muscle weakness... Some other cases may have severe muscle wasting. But these symptoms will go away on their own when the patient stops taking the drug.
Less common side effects such as dyspepsia, urticaria, itching, blisters, eczema in areas exposed to the sun... Depending on the condition, the side effects will be different. together.
Please inform your doctor, pharmacist when encountering unwanted side effects for advice and effective treatment.

7. Drug Interactions Lipirate 100mg

Some notes in drug interactions Lipirate 100mg as follows:
Lipirate 100mg should not be used together with drugs that inhibit HMG Co-A reductase. Because it may increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis; Use caution when combining Lipirate 100mg with anticoagulants; Do not use stimulants when taking Lipirate 100mg ... When using Lipirate 100mg we need to inform the doctor what drugs are being used. To ensure effectiveness when used as well as avoid unwanted side effects.

8. Be careful when taking Lipirate 100mg

Effect of Lipirate drug is to treat hypercholesterolemia, increased triglycerides in adults, when diet is not effective. However, in the process of using we also need to be very careful as follows:
Need to replace additional measures if taking the drug from 3 to 6 months but blood lipids do not decrease; Pay attention to periodically check Transaminase. Every 3 months in the first year of treatment; Check the user's liver and kidney function before using the drug; Stop using the drug when ASAT and ALAT increase >3 times normal; Monitor INR and prothrombine if used in combination with anticoagulants; Do regular blood tests while using Lipirate 100mg. Note: Medicines should be kept out of reach of children. Check the expiry date and read the leaflet carefully before taking the medicine.
Uses, usage, dosage of Lipirate 100mg are synthesized according to the announcement of the manufacturer or the health agency. This is a prescription drug, patients should not use it themselves, but need to consult a doctor, pharmacist before using.

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