Uses of Ibapharton

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Ibapharton belongs to the group of vitamins and minerals, used to supplement essential vitamins for the body. This is not a drug that requires a prescription and prescription from a doctor, so patients can buy it at pharmacies and clinics.

1. What is Ibapharton?

Ibapharton is a functional food, a synthetic vitamin pill sold outside to help strengthen resistance and supplement vitamins according to the needs of adults and children. Ibapharton is prepared in the form of yellow soft capsules, packed in boxes, each box of 2 blisters, each blister of 15 tablets.
Ibapharton medicine is made up of essential vitamins for the body, including vitamin A, vitamin E, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin PP. Ibapharton multivitamin tablets are used to supplement vitamins in people who have just woken up, people with physical weakness, after surgery,...

2. What is the effect of Ibapharton?

Ibapharton is made from vitamins and other excipients, just enough weight for one tablet. The groups of vitamins in Ibapharton include: group A vitamins, group B, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin PP. The vitamins and minerals present in Ibapharton help support cell responses in the body, in addition, help maintain and grow metabolic processes in the body.
Ibapharton is indicated for use in the following cases:
Patients who have just undergone surgery or surgery, patients who have just recovered from long-term chronic diseases People with fatigue, loss of appetite, debilitated by reasons such as work, study, extreme sports Ibapharton can be used by pregnant or lactating women

3. Usage of Ibapharton

3.1. How to use Ibapharton For the drug Ibapharton, users use by taking softgels whole with a sufficient amount of liquid, such as cooled boiled water. Do not break the outer capsule of the medicine.
3.2. Dosage of Ibapharton For adults: The reference dose for Ibapharton is 1 tablet a dose, twice a day. For children: The reference dose with Ibapharton for this subject is one tablet per day. 3.3. Contraindications to Ibapharton Do not use Ibapharton with patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the drug. The patient has an excess of vitamin A in the body. People with hypercalcemia or vitamin D toxicity. Patients with severe liver disease, or gastrointestinal disorders such as advanced peptic ulcer. Patients with cardiovascular problems such as arterial bleeding or severe hypotension. Do not overdose Ibapharton for people with glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Contraindications to the use of Ibapharton for people with kidney stones

4. Notes when using Ibapharton

Side effects when taking Ibapharton
Using high doses and abusing vitamin A causes vitamin A toxicity: Symptoms include: Fatigue, loss of appetite, sensitivity to stimuli, weight loss, gastrointestinal disorders chemical, dry brittle hair, cracked lips bleeding, anemia,... Do not exceed 8000 IU of vitamin A in pregnant women because it can cause toxicity to the fetus Using high doses and abusing Vitamin D3 Overdosage can cause vitamin D toxicity. Symptoms of intoxication are manifested by hypercalcemia: Nervous system disorders, digestive system disorders and other manifestations. In particular, patients may have kidney calcium infection, other kidney problems such as kidney dysfunction, problems such as osteoporosis, reduced growth in children, weight loss,... Taking high doses of vitamin PP does not help. toxicity, but side effects can occur. Unwanted symptoms include: Digestive system such as nausea, red eyes and neck, itching, skin allergic sensations such as burning, stinging or stinging pain in the skin. Other metabolic problems such as impaired glucose tolerance, impaired liver function, increased blood glucose, etc. In particular, patients may experience undesirable effects such as urinary glucose, hypoalbuminemia, impaired Liver function. Doses above 200 mg daily for more than 2 months cause severe complications of peripheral neuropathy Severe progression of peripheral neuropathy manifests from unsteadiness, numbness of the legs to frostbite and clumsiness of the hands. As soon as you see cases of poisoning, stop using Ibapharton and see a doctor for timely treatment. Use caution when taking Ibapharton
Use with caution Ibapharton when used with other drugs containing vitamin A Abuse of vitamin C causes the risk of drug resistance, leading to vitamin C deficiency. Pregnant women taking large amounts of vitamin C cause scurvy in infants. Vitamin B1: Patients with a history of allergy to penicillin may be allergic to vitamin B1 and vice versa. It is strictly forbidden to use high-dose vitamin PP for the following cases: Patients with a history of peptic ulcers, patients with gallbladder diseases, gout, gouty arthritis, diabetes Drug storage Ibapharton
Avoid to Fada Rocuronio in damp, wet places. Store the drug at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, do not let sunlight shine on the product. Keep the medicine in the manufacturer's sealed packaging when not in use. Ibapharton is a synthetic vitamin drug in the form of a functional food, so patients can buy it at any pharmacy or clinic when needed. If you need more information, see your doctor for advice.

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