Uses of Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg

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Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg is made in the form of tablets, with the main ingredient being nebivolol. It is used in the treatment of essential hypertension and stable chronic heart failure.

1. Uses of Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg

Getvilol has the following strengths: 5mg (Getvilol 5mg) and 2.5mg (Getvilol 2.5mg). The article mainly refers to Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg with the main ingredient being Nebivolol 2.5mg.
Nebivolol is a racemic mixture of SRRR and RSSS. This is a β1-selective β-blocker, with a mild vasodilator effect.
Indications for the use of Getvilol:
Treatment of essential hypertension; Treatment of mild and moderate stable chronic heart failure in addition to standard therapies for people over 70 years of age; Used alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs. Contraindications to the use of Getvilol 2.5 mg:
Patients with hypersensitivity to active ingredients or other ingredients of the drug; Patients with severe heart failure; Patients with acute heart failure, cardiogenic shock, in decompensated heart failure need therapy to induce vasoconstriction; People with sinus syndrome, including atrioventricular block; Patients with 2nd and 3rd degree heart block (without using a pacemaker); People with a history of bronchospasm, bronchial asthma; Patients with untreated pheochromocytoma; Patients with metabolic acidosis; People with bradycardia (heart rate less than 60 beats/minute before starting the drug); Patients with hypotension (systolic blood pressure less than 90mmHg); Patients with severe peripheral circulatory disorders.

2. How to use and dose Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg

Usage: Orally. Getvilol 2.5mg can be taken with or without food.
Dosage to treat hypertension:
Adults: Take a dose of 5mg/day, preferably at the same time every day. Adjust the first dose every 1-2 days based on patient tolerance. The recommended dose is 10mg/time/day. The antihypertensive effect will be evident after 1-2 weeks of treatment, the optimal effect is achieved after 4 weeks. During the dose adjustment phase, if heart failure worsens or is not tolerated, the dose of Nebivolol should first be reduced or the drug discontinued (if severe hypotension, worsening heart failure with cardiogenic shock, acute pulmonary edema, symptomatic bradycardia, atrioventricular block); Patients with renal impairment: The starting dose is 2.5mg/day. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 5 mg/day. Care should be taken when adjusting the dose of Getvilol; Patients with hepatic impairment: There are not many data on drug use in this group of subjects, so there are currently contraindications; Elderly (over 65 years old): The starting dose is 2.5mg/day. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 5 mg/day. Careful, close supervision when using drugs for this group of subjects. Dosage for chronic heart failure:
Usual dose: Patients should have stable chronic heart failure, no acute failure within the last 6 weeks. For patients taking cardiovascular drugs (Digoxin, diuretics, ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin II antagonists) the dose should be stabilized for 2 weeks before taking Nebivolol. The initial determined dose is performed 1-2 weeks apart depending on the patient's tolerance as follows: 1.25mg/time/day -> increase to 2.5mg/time/day -> increase to 5mg/time/day -> increase to 10mg/time/day. The maximum recommended dose is 10mg/day. When initiating treatment and increasing the dose, it should be supervised by an experienced physician for at least 2 hours to ensure that the clinical condition remains stable. Because the maximum dose can cause many side effects, if necessary, the dose achieved can be reduced in increments and then repeated if appropriate. During dosing, if heart failure worsens or is not tolerated, the dose of Getvilol should be reduced or discontinued if necessary. The drug should not be stopped suddenly because it can cause more serious heart failure. If discontinuation of the drug is necessary, the dose should be gradually reduced in weekly portions; Patients with renal impairment: No dose adjustment of Getvilol is required for patients with mild to moderate renal impairment. There is no experience in using the drug with patients with severe renal failure, so this drug should not be used for this subject; Patients with liver failure: Contraindicated to use Getvilol for patients with liver failure because there are not many data on patients with liver failure, liver dysfunction; Elderly: There is no need to adjust the dose of Getvilol 2.5mg; Children and adolescents: There are no studies on the use of Getvilol in this group of subjects, so it should not be used. Overdose: When getting an overdose of Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg, patients may experience bradycardia, hypotension, acute heart failure and bronchospasm. In case of overdose or hypersensitivity to the drug, the patient should be closely monitored, treated under appropriate care. Blood glucose levels should be checked and the absorption of the remainder of the drug can be prevented by gastric lavage, laxatives, and activated charcoal.
Should give artificial respiration to the patient. If the patient has bradycardia or an exaggerated parasympathetic response, treatment with atropine or methyl atropin is required. Patients with hypotension and shock should be treated with plasma, using catecholamines.
The effect of β-blockers may be reduced with slow intravenous administration of isoprenaline hydrochloride, starting at 5 μg/min or dobutamine starting at 2.5 μg/min until the desired effect is achieved. In persistent cases, isoprenaline can be combined with dopamine. If the desired effect is still not achieved, glucagon should be administered intravenously 50-100 μg/kg. If necessary, the intravenous injection should be repeated in 1 hour, followed if necessary by an infusion of 70 μg/kg/hour. In cases of bradycardia that is excessively resistant to treatment, a pacemaker should be added.
Missed dose: If you forget to take a dose of Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg, the patient should take the medicine as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next dose, the patient should skip the missed dose and take the next dose as scheduled.

3. Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg . side effects

Some side effects patients may experience when using Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg:
Common: Headache, paresthesia, dizziness, difficulty breathing, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, edema, fatigue fatigue; Uncommon: Nightmares, depression, visual impairment, heart failure, bradycardia, atrioventricular conduction delay/atrioventricular block, claudication, hypotension, bronchospasm, flatulence, dyspepsia, vomiting vomiting, erythema, pruritus, impotence, hallucinations, confusion, arrhythmia, cold/cyanotic extremities, dry eyes, dermatologic toxicity, Raynaud's phenomenon,... Side effects of Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg, patients should stop taking the drug and immediately notify the doctor for timely treatment.

4. Precautions when using Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg

Some notes patients need to remember before and while taking Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg:
Stop taking Getvilol at least 24 hours before surgery; Caution should be exercised when monitoring certain anesthetic agents for myocardial infarction. Patients can be protected against vagus nerve reactions by intravenous infusion of atropine; Getvilol should be used with caution in patients with compensated congestive heart failure. If heart failure worsens, discontinuation of Nebivolol should be considered; Monitor carefully in diabetic patients when taking Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg because Nebivolol may mask symptoms of hypoglycemia (palpitations, tachycardia); Getvilol can cause hyperthyroidism, tachycardia. Abrupt discontinuation of the drug may intensify these symptoms; Nebivolol should not be stopped abruptly, as this can lead to an increased risk of heart failure. If discontinuation of the drug is necessary, the dose should be gradually reduced in half-weekly divided doses. If the patient has worsening angina or acute coronary insufficiency develops, Nebivolol should be re-administered promptly; Getvilol may promote or worsen symptoms of arterial insufficiency in patients with peripheral vascular disease. Should be used with caution in this group of patients; Use caution when using Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg in patients on dialysis; Caution, close monitoring when using Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg in patients over 75 years old; In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Getvilol should be used with caution because it may increase airway constriction; Patients with a history of psoriasis should only use Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg after careful consideration because this drug increases sensitivity to allergens, aggravates anaphylactic reactions; Getvilol contains lactose, so it should not be used for people with lapp - lactase deficiency, glucose - galactose malabsorption or galactose intolerance; When driving or operating machinery, if using Getvilol, the patient should pay attention to the possibility of dizziness and fatigue; Getvilol may cause harmful effects on a pregnant woman or her unborn baby. Therefore, the benefits and risks of treatment should be weighed when taking the drug during pregnancy, using it only if approved by your doctor; Breastfeeding is not recommended if the mother is taking Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg.

5. Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg . Drug Interactions

Drug interactions can affect the effectiveness of treatment or increase the side effects of drugs. Patients must absolutely not self-medicate, stop taking, change the dose, ... without the permission of the doctor. Some drug interactions of Getvilol include:
Concomitant use of Getvilol with class I antiarrhythmic drugs (quinidine, hydroquinidine, cibenzolin, disopyramide, lidocaine, flecainide, mexiletin, propafenone) increases the effect on conduction time. atrioventricular, increased negative myotropic effects; Concomitant use of Getvilol 2.5mg with calcium channel blockers of the Verapamil/diltiazem group can lead to heart failure, atrioventricular block; Concomitant use of Getvilol with centrally acting antihypertensive drugs (clonidine, guanfacine, moxonidine, methyldopa, rilmenidine) may worsen heart failure, decrease sympathetic tone. Abrupt discontinuation of the drug may increase the risk of rebound hypertension; Concomitant administration of Getvilol with class III antiarrhythmic drugs (amiodarone) increases the effect on atrial-ventricular conduction time; Concomitant use of Getvilol and halogenated volatile anesthetics may increase the risk of hypotension, decrease the tachycardia reflex. In principle, abrupt discontinuation of Getvilol should be avoided. Patients taking this medicine should inform the anesthesiologist; Concomitant use of Getvilol 2.5mg with insulin and oral antidiabetic drugs may mask the symptoms of hypoglycemia (tachycardia, palpitations); Concomitant use of Getvilol with Baclofen, Amifostine can reduce blood pressure. Therefore, the dose should be adjusted accordingly; Concomitant use of Getvilol with digitalis glycosides may increase atrioventricular conduction time; Concomitant use of Getvilol with dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (Amlodipine, Felodipine, Nifedipine, Nicardipine, Nimodipine, Lacidipine, Nitendipine) may increase the risk of hypotension and damage to the ventricular pumping function in patients with impaired renal function. heart; Concomitant use of Getvilol with sedatives, antidepressants (Barbiturates and Phenothiazines, 3 rounds) may increase the antihypertensive effect; Concomitant use of Getvilol 2.5mg with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may reduce the effects of Nebivolol; Concomitant use of Getvilol with sympathomimetic drugs may increase the risk of high blood pressure, severe bradycardia, heart block; Concomitant use of Getvilol with CYP2D6 inhibitors (Paroxetin, Fluoxetine, Thioridazine, Quinidine) may increase the plasma concentration of Nebivolol, increase the risk of excessive bradycardia and other side effects; Combining the drug Getvilol with Cimetidine increases the concentration of Nebivolol in the blood plasma; Concomitant administration of Nebivolol and nicardipine increases plasma concentrations of the two drugs but does not alter the clinical effects. When using Getvilol Tablets 2.5mg, patients should strictly follow all instructions of their doctor about dosage, usage, some precautions,... At the same time, if there are any side effects Patients should immediately notify the doctor for reasonable and effective intervention.

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