Uses of Femidona

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Fedomina belongs to the group of endocrine drugs, containing the main ingredient Ethinyl estradiol, this is a semi-synthetic estrogen commonly used to treat postmenopausal replacement, amenorrhea or amenorrhea due to impaired ovarian function. So how does Fedomina work?

1. What is the effect of the drug Fedomina?

The drug Fedomina contains the ingredients Chlormadinone acetate and ethinyl estradiol, in which ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic estrogen whose action is mainly due to the regulation of gene expression. These lipophilic hormones passively diffuse across the cell membrane and bind to receptors to translocate into the cell nucleus, thereby regulating transcription of target genes. In addition, ethinyl estradiol also has many other pharmacological effects such as increasing plasma estradiol, reducing FSH and LH levels, inhibiting bone resorption by osteoclasts, reducing total cholesterol and low density lipoproteins, increase serum high-density lipoprotein levels, preserve epithelial function and protect the uterus. In terms of pharmacokinetics, Ethinyl estradiol is absorbed orally, bound to plasma proteins, mainly globulins, passes into breast milk and undergoes hepato-enteric cycle, and finally is eliminated mainly by the kidneys. The drug Fedomina is usually indicated in the following cases:
Alternative treatment after menopause; Treatment of amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea due to ovarian dysfunction, bleeding and polymenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, weaning, acne, prostate cancer; Treatment of virilization (women grow beard, acne); Treatment of menstrual disorders. Contraindications of the drug Fedomina include:
Pregnant and lactating women; Patients with liver failure, post-hepatitis conditions; The patient has a history of idiopathic pregnancy jaundice and pruritus; Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndrome; History of venous thrombosis, thromboembolic disease, known or suspected breast and uterine tumors; Endometriosis, vaginal bleeding of unknown cause; Lipid metabolism disorder, had otosclerosis in previous pregnancies; Patients with hypertension.

2. Dosage of the drug Fedomina

Depending on the patient and treatment goals, the dosage of Fedomina will be different, specifically as follows:
Amenorrhea and amenorrhea: Take 1-2 tablets/day for 20 days, then IM 5mg progestin/day for 5 days; Menstrual cramps: Take 1 capsule/day for 20 days, every 2-3 months. The use of the drug should start from 4-5 days of the menstrual cycle; For weaning: Take 1 tablet/day for 3 days after giving birth, the next 3 days take 3 x 1⁄2 tablets/day, the next 3 days take 1⁄3 tablets/day; In acne: Take 1 tablet/day; Prostate cancer treatment: Take 1-2 tablets per day, can be gradually reduced and maintained at 1 tablet per day later.

3. Side effects of the drug Fedomina

In some patients when using the drug Fedomina may experience side effects such as:
Morning-like syndrome: Nausea, vomiting, headache, weight gain; Jaundice, biliary obstruction; Hypercalcemia; Embolism; Tanned skin, spotting hemorrhage, skin allergy; Gynecomastia and decreased sex drive in men.

4. Be careful when using the drug Fedomina

Some general notes when using Fedomina include:
Caution when using Fedomina in patients with heart and kidney dysfunction, history of epilepsy, migraine, asthma or uterine fibroids; Use of Fedomina may increase the risk of thromboembolism with age and smoking; When starting the drug, it is recommended to monitor glucose and triglyceride levels periodically with patients at risk of diabetes or hypertriglyceridemia; Absolutely do not use Fedomina for pregnant women because estrogen can cause serious teratogens, birth defects such as heart and limb defects; Estrogen can pass into breast milk and cause serious side effects in infants, so breast-feeding should be stopped while taking Fedomina. Above is all information about the drug Fedomina, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Fedomina is a prescription drug, patients need to use the drug as prescribed by the doctor, absolutely do not self-treat at home.

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