Is vacuum aspiration safe?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Tran Lam Khoa - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Plan breaks, pregnancy, birth defects, pregnant women's health is not guaranteed to reproduce, ... are the reasons why pregnant women are forced to make the decision to have an abortion. Vacuum aspiration is considered a very safe and effective method.

1. Is vacuum aspiration safe?

Abortion by vacuum method is one of the safe and popular abortion methods today if you conduct the intervention at reputable facilities, with high professional qualifications and current technical facilities. grand. Abortion using this method is quite effective over 98%.
After the abortion, you should rest at the facility where the abortion was performed so that the doctor can monitor the situation. After the health is stable and there are no complications, you can go home to rest under the guidance of the doctor.
On the contrary, if you perform vacuum abortion at a poor quality medical facility or do not comply with the instructions of a specialist, you will easily encounter dangerous complications such as: stillbirth, infection. , uterine adhesions, uterine perforation, ... extremely dangerous, affecting health, fertility and even life.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn đã biết cách tránh thai an toàn chưa?

Có rất nhiều biện pháp tránh thai an toàn nhưng không phải ai cũng biết được điều đó. Trả lời đúng những câu hỏi trắc nghiệm dưới đây chứng tỏ bạn có kiến thức tốt về các biện pháp ngừa thai an toàn.

2. Advantages of vacuum abortion:

Quick intervention only about 15 minutes, highly effective (if performed at a reputable medical facility); Uterine injuries are minimized; Reducing the number of complications such as sepsis, bleeding, placental remnants similar to normal abortion methods; Do not cause much pain for women because they have been injected with anesthetics, pain relievers and suction cups with gentle suction; Fast recovery time if strictly follow the doctor's instructions before, during and after the procedure.

Can thiệp nhanh chóng chỉ khoảng 15 phút, hiệu quả cao
Can thiệp nhanh chóng chỉ khoảng 15 phút, hiệu quả cao

3. Is vacuum suction without pain?

During the process of vacuum aspiration, the doctor will administer anesthesia and inject the pregnant woman's body with anesthetic and pain relievers to help the abortion take place safely and with little pain. However, after the anesthetic has worn off, you will feel pain immediately afterwards, but the pain level is not significant. After a few hours, the pain will go away and you can walk 1-2 days later.

4. Does abortion affect fertility?

About 4 to 8 weeks after the abortion, your period will return. For those who are in good health, it takes about 4 weeks for their period to return. Others are up to 8 weeks. If you have not had your period for 8 weeks, you should see your doctor so that he can handle it promptly. Therefore, aspiration by vacuum suction method does not have little effect on reproductive health, you will get pregnant next time if you have fully prepared psychologically and have good health.
However, if you have multiple abortions, regardless of the method, it will affect reproductive health, but these effects will be minimized if you do it at a specialized medical facility. prestige with modern medical equipment, a team of qualified specialists.
Therefore, in order to limit the unfortunate consequences, women need to have regular health check-ups, plan well if they want to get pregnant, and choose for themselves an appropriate and effective method of contraception if they do not want to. pregnant, because in fact, the person having an abortion has to suffer directly during the process of curettage and suction. After undergoing a curettage, the feeling of pain and fear can lead to serious psychological changes.

5. How much does vacuum abortion cost?

Chi phí nạo hút thai còn phụ thuộc vào nhiều yếu tố
Chi phí nạo hút thai còn phụ thuộc vào nhiều yếu tố
Normally, the cost of abortion includes the cost for the following main items:
Cost of clinical examination, pregnancy test and ultrasound. Cost of abortion method. Cost of inflammation after abortion. Cost of follow-up examination (usually very little). However, to determine a cost for all cases of abortion is not possible. Because, the cost of abortion also depends on many factors, including the following factors:
Medical center: If performing vacuum abortion at reputable specialized hospitals, the quality quality will be more different than poor quality establishments. Because here, pregnant women will be performed by a team of good experts, modern facilities and equipment.
The level of the doctor performing: Performing a vacuum abortion if it is performed by a good specialist, has high professional skills as well as experience, the cost will be higher. However, pregnant women will also avoid potentially dangerous consequences during the procedure.
Patient's health: If the patient's health is good, there is no accompanying inflammatory disease, the abortion cost will be lower than in cases of women with inflammatory diseases. Because at this time, the cost of inflammation should be stable before termination of pregnancy.
Gestational age: In the case of women with a small gestational age, the cost will be lower than that of aspiration when the gestational age is large.
Therefore, to know exactly how much it costs, you should go directly to a specialized medical facility for detailed advice.
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