Uses of Crasbel

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Crasbel drug has the effect of supplementing vitamins and nutrients, enhancing resistance. The following article will clarify information about the uses of Crasbel.

1. What does Crasbel do?

Crasbel medicine is produced in the form of soft capsules containing the main nutrients and the effects of each ingredient as follows:
Selenium has an antioxidant effect. This is the most important role of Selenium, they are closely associated with the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which plays a key role in fighting free radicals and repairing oxidative damage. Selenium works to inhibit the inflammatory response (inflammation) which is the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases. They also help the body to recover quickly when the body is injured through natural metabolic reactions in the body. Selenium is also an antagonist of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium, which can detoxify this metal in the body. Ascorbic Acid (also known as vitamin C): Ascorbic acid participates in many metabolic processes in the body, creating collagen and some other components that make up connective tissue in bones, teeth, blood vessels. Helps maintain blood vessel walls and strong bones, reducing the risk of gingivitis, bleeding gums. Helps increase iron absorption in the duodenum (by converting iron 3 to easily absorbed iron 2). Increase the body's resistance by increasing interferon, anti-stress. Antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals produced by metabolic reactions, thereby preserving the integrity of cell membranes. Chromium:
Chromium has the effect of improving health, enhancing flexibility and endurance, by promoting the complete conversion of food into energy for the body's activities. In addition, chromium also helps to balance blood sugar in diabetes.

2. Indications of the drug Crasbel

Crasbel is indicated for use in the following cases:
People with vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Patients with disorders or impaired liver function, liver failure. The elderly, young children, the sick, ... need to strengthen immunity and increase resistance. People who need to improve the condition of skin aging, retinal degeneration, people with memory loss, ...

3. Contraindications of Crasbel

Crasbel is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with a history of allergy or anaphylaxis to any of the ingredients of Crasbel. Patients with glucose - 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency because of the increased risk of hemolytic anemia. People with a history of kidney stones, oxalate metabolism disorders, and oxalateuria due to an increased risk of kidney stones in this subject. Patients with thalassemia due to increased risk of iron absorption.

4. Dosage and how to use Crasbel

4.1. How to use the drug Crasbel Crasbel is prepared in the form of softgels, taken orally. Before taking the drug, the patient should consult a doctor, a qualified pharmacist and carefully read the instructions for use on the drug leaflet. When taking, should take the whole tablet, do not chew it, and drink it with 1 cup of cooled boiled water. Crasbel should be taken 1 hour after a meal and taken during the day to avoid irritation causing stomach pain.
4.2. Dosage of Crasbel Depending on the specific case, there will be different doses, patients should take the dose prescribed by the doctor to avoid drug overdose. You can refer to the following dose level:
Take 1 tablet / time x 1 time / day.

5. Undesirable effects of the drug Crasbel

When using Crasbel, patients may experience some unwanted side effects as follows:
Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal cramps. Nervous system: fatigue, headache, somnolence, dizziness, syncope, intercostal neuralgia. Blood: Hemolytic anemia. Renal-urinary system: Increased urinary oxalate. Body and skin: Hypersensitivity reactions (allergy, erythema, facial edema, laryngeal edema, dyspnea, chest pain, anaphylaxis,...), hair loss. If the patient experiences any undesirable effects listed or not listed above, they should immediately contact a specialist for advice on appropriate and timely handling.

6. Be careful when using Crasbel

When using Crasbel, the patient should note the following information:
During the course of taking the drug, the patient should use the correct dosage of the product as directed on the drug leaflet or as directed by the doctor. doctor. Avoid increasing or decreasing the dose on your own because it will cause unwanted side effects. For pregnant and lactating women: Due to the composition of Crasbel as vitamins and nutrients, the drug can be used for this audience. However, it is important to follow the doctor's prescription to avoid an overdose of the drug causing unwanted side effects. Subjects are driving and operating machines: Crasbel drug does not affect the ability to drive and operate machines, so it can be used on this group of subjects. Crasbel drug has the effect of supplementing vitamins and nutrients, enhancing resistance. Patients need to discuss with a specialist before, during and after using Crasbel to achieve the highest effectiveness and limit unwanted side effects.

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