Home Tag Supplement vitamins and minerals

Articles in Supplement vitamins and minerals

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What does Gadacal do?
Gadacal is mainly used to supplement calcium, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. To ensure safety and achieve high effectiveness when taking Gadacal, you need to follow the dosage instructions exactly as prescribed by your doctor.
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Uses of Azesco
Azesco contains multivitamins and minerals as ingredients. The drug is indicated in patients with inadequate nutrition, pregnant women who need vitamin supplements and patients with certain diseases that cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Let's learn about the uses and notes when using Azesco through the article below.
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Uses of Melabon B6
Melabon B6 is a food supplement to help you provide more nutrients for your body. Before taking Melabon B6 medicine should consult a medical professional. Here is some information to help you understand more what Melabon B6 does.
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Uses of Crasbel
Crasbel drug has the effect of supplementing vitamins and nutrients, enhancing resistance. The following article will clarify information about Crasbel's uses.
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Reasonable vitamin supplements for children
Vitamin và khoáng chất giữ vai trò quan trọng đối với sự phát triển trí tuệ và thể lực của trẻ nhỏ. Nếu không được cung cấp đủ lượng vitamin và khoáng chất cần thiết, trẻ có thể bị chậm phát triển, suy yếu hệ miễn dịch so với bình thường. Do vậy, cha mẹ cần quan tâm và lưu ý đến cách bổ sung vitamin cho trẻ hợp lý.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics