Home Tag Strengthen resistance

Articles in Strengthen resistance

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The effect of the drug Semozine
Semozine is indicated for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases. The drug has the effect of increasing resistance, protecting health. The following article will help you better understand what semozine is and how to use it effectively.
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Uses of Laroscorbine 1g
Laroscorbine medicine 1g/5ml has Ascorbic acid as the main ingredient. The drug is indicated in the following cases: prevention and treatment of vitamin C deficiency (scurvy), bleeding diseases and other diseases requiring vitamin C supplementation, strengthening the body's resistance
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Uses of Debomin
Debomin drug belongs to a group of drugs that are used to supplement vitamin B6, magnesium, and strengthen the body's resistance. Debomin brand-name drug containing the active ingredient Magnesium lactate dihydrate with a concentration of 940 mg and vitamin B6 with a content of 10 mg is made in the form of effervescent tablets.
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Uses of Somanimm
Somanimm drug belongs to the group of drugs of herbal and animal origin, used in supporting the treatment of immunocompromised cases such as people with cancer, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, bacterial infections,... Let's find out. Learn about drug information Somanimm through the article below.
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Uses of Hakanta
Hakanta is a herbal medicine. Used to support treatment in cases of impaired liver function, body weakness. To use the drug safely and effectively, you need to understand well about the drug Hakanta, and learn about the drug through the article below.
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Uses of Opecalcium
Opecalcium medicine 10ml belongs to the group of mineral and vitamin drugs, used to treat patients with calcium deficiency, osteoporosis after menopause, acid reflux and some other symptoms. So what is Opecalcium used for and in what specific cases is it used?
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Uses of Camlyhepatinsof
Camlyhepatinsof is used to treat acute and chronic liver dysfunction. To ensure safety and maximize the effectiveness of treatment, you need to take Camlyhepatinsof exactly as prescribed by your doctor / pharmacist.
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Uses of the drug Kosena
Kosena is an over-the-counter drug that is often indicated in the treatment of neurasthenia, people with excessive physical and mental activity, anorexia, fatigue and in the convalescence period after disease treatment. To use the drug safely and effectively, you need to carefully consult a number of drug-related factors before using it.
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Uses of Pharnomax-G
Pharnomax-G is a drug that contains a number of important nutrients used to supplement amino acids, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. To ensure effective use, users need to follow the instructions of the doctor, and refer to the information content in the following article.
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Precautions while using Dobelaf
Dobelaf drug has main ingredients including precursors of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium, which are commonly used in supporting detoxification, strengthening resistance, preventing some diseases caused by free radicals and aging. chemical. Knowing the basic information of Dobelaf drug such as ingredients, uses, dosage and notes when taking the drug, will help patients and their loved ones improve the effectiveness of treatment.
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Uses of Crasbel
Crasbel drug has the effect of supplementing vitamins and nutrients, enhancing resistance. The following article will clarify information about Crasbel's uses.
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