Uses of Budecassa HFA

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Budecassa HFA is produced in the form of a spray for use in the treatment of a number of respiratory diseases. So what is Budcassa HFA and how to use it properly?

1. What is Budecassa HFA?

Budecassa HFA is a drug used for inhalation that is prepared in the form of a spray with the main ingredient being Budesonide 200mcg/dose. This drug belongs to the class of lipid-soluble corticosteroids, which allows it to enter the airways with minimal systemic absorption and very little systemic effect in patients with mild to moderate asthma. Budesonide belongs to the group of corticosteroids with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects. As with other corticosteroids, budesonide has the ability to reduce inflammation by reducing prostaglandin synthesis by activating phospholipase A2. At the same time, the mechanism of increasing the concentration of some membrane phospholipids also contributes to the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis.

2. What are the uses of Budecassa HFA?

Budecassa HFA is used in the treatment of the following cases:
Treatment of patients with mild and moderate asthma. People who are not well controlled with inhaled corticosteroids and short-acting inhaled beta-2 agonists use as needed. People who have been well controlled with inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta-2 agonists. The use of Budecassa HFA is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to Budesonide or to other ingredients in medicinal preparations.

3. How to use Budecassa HFA

How to use Budcassa HFA inhaler as follows:
Remove the cap from the mouth of the connecting tube; Shake the spray bottle well before use; Place the mouthpiece in the mouth completely, closing the lips around the mouthpiece; Hold the spray bottle so that it is to be used in the upward position; Press firmly on the bottle to release a dose of inhaler, while the patient inhales deeply. It is necessary to hold your breath for 10 seconds so that the medicine gets into the lungs as deeply as possible, then exhale slowly; If an additional dose is needed, repeat the steps above; Rinse your mouth thoroughly after taking the medicine. The drug is used with the recommended dosage as follows:
For adults over 18 years old can use 1-2 inhalations / time x 2 times / day. In these cases may consider increasing the dose up to a maximum of 4 inhalations x 2 times/day. For people aged 12-17 years old: 1-2 inhalations/time x 2 times/day. Children over 6 years old use 1-2 inhalations/time x 2 times/day. After the end of a course of treatment, the patient needs to return to the doctor so that the doctor can assess the condition and consider the appropriate dose.
When using, need to inhale strongly and deeply through the mouthpiece to ensure the optimal dose will be released into the lungs. However, you need to be careful not to breathe through the mouthpiece. After each inhalation, rinse the mouth to minimize the risk of fungal infection in the oropharynx.

4. Side effects of Budecassa HFA

A common side effect of inhaled corticosteroids is oropharyngeal candidiasis. Therefore, after each inhalation, the patient needs to rinse his mouth thoroughly to prevent this situation. In addition, the patient may develop hoarseness due to the direct effect of the inhaler on the vocal cords.
Some other side effects may be on some organs such as:
Central nervous system: Headache, agitation, dizziness, insomnia, mental changes. Cardiovascular: Tachycardia Gastrointestinal: Anorexia, appetite, gastrointestinal irritation, bitter mouth, oral candidiasis, dry throat, dry mouth, loss of taste. In summary, Budecassa HFA is a prescription drug in the treatment of some respiratory diseases such as asthma, so patients should not use it on their own, but need to consult a doctor before using it to ensure it is safe for them. health.

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