Mechanisms involved in the treatment of heart disease and asthma

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Tran Thi Diem Trang - Respiratory Internal Medicine Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Expression of the relationship between heart disease and bronchial asthma is easy to see that patients in severe and critical asthma attacks will lead to high blood pressure. Asthma increases the risk of coronary heart disease 1.4 times, stroke 1.2 times and heart failure 2.1 times.

1. The link between heart disease and asthma

Facts and studies show that asthmatics who don't smoke have a 33% increased risk of heart disease, an even higher number than those in asthmatics who smoke. In addition, patients with persistent asthma have a 60% increased risk of cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction, resuscitated cardiac arrest, angina attacks, stroke, and possibly death from cardiovascular disease. , stroke compared with people without asthma. A manifestation of the association between heart disease and bronchial asthma is that patients in severe and critical asthma attacks will have high blood pressure. Asthma increases the risk of coronary heart disease 1.4 times, stroke 1.2 times and heart failure 2.1 times.

Bệnh hen và bệnh tim có mối liên hệ mật thiết cần được điều trị đúng cách kịp thời
Bệnh hen và bệnh tim có mối liên hệ mật thiết cần được điều trị đúng cách kịp thời

2. Causes of the link between asthma and heart disease

The mechanism underlying the link between heart disease and asthma is likely inflammatory. C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen are significantly increased in patients with persistent asthma, suggesting a link between inflammatory processes in asthma and cardiovascular disease. Other cytokines that are commonly elevated in asthma also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. During an asthma attack, patients often have hypertension, tachycardia due to sympathetic hyperactivity, hypoxemia, metabolic acidosis due to lactic acid...

3. Mechanisms involved in the treatment of heart disease and asthma

The status of heart asthma in patients during treatment should pay attention to the influence of asthma drugs on cardiovascular disease and vice versa the influence of cardiovascular drugs on asthma. Specifically, drugs and corticosteroids used to treat asthma also make cardiovascular disease worse. These drugs can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 2.5 times. However, if asthmatics take controller medications such as inhaled corticosteroids and montelukast, the incidence of cardiovascular disease may be lower. Besides, bronchodilator beta-agonists increase heart rate, lower blood potassium. Through this mechanism and through sympathetic stimulation, beta-agonists can aggravate ischemia, heart failure, arrhythmias, and sudden death.
People with heart disease using medications also cause certain effects on asthma. Some other heart drugs can have rare special reactions such as aspirin which can trigger asthma in some patients, ACE inhibitors which can cause coughing or cause bronchospasm.

Để tránh nguy cơ mắc hen tim, bất cứ ai khi có dấu hiệu nghi ngờ cần được khám sàng lọc, tầm soát và có định hướng điều trị sớm nhất có thể
Để tránh nguy cơ mắc hen tim, bất cứ ai khi có dấu hiệu nghi ngờ cần được khám sàng lọc, tầm soát và có định hướng điều trị sớm nhất có thể

4. Prevention and treatment

Patients with persistent asthma have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the treating physician needs to explain to the patient. In addition, doctors should advise asthma patients to use asthma control medications, as well as treat heart disease if present. Patients should prevent and treat heart disease by adjusting cardiovascular risk factors that can be resolved such as hypertension, smoking, overweight and obesity, sedentary, diabetes, dyslipidemia.. .. Encourage patients to be physically active regularly to help maintain good health not only for asthma but also for cardiovascular disease.
To avoid the risk of asthma, anyone with suspicious signs should be screened, screened and oriented for treatment as soon as possible. The early screening of asthma helps patients to detect the disease early, promptly control the treatment of the disease by methods of clinical examination, understanding medical history, measuring respiratory function, otolaryngology examination, and screening for asthma. effective management

Vinmec Times City International General Hospital now has an Asthma Screening Package to help screen and detect the disease early to promptly control and treat the disease and perform clinical examination, respiratory function measurement, ear and nose examination. throat, screening for bronchial asthma.
Vinmec Times City's team of highly qualified and experienced doctors; adequate professional facilities to diagnose, determine the cause of bronchial asthma and stage pre-treatment; Quick examination time, thorough consultation, easy compliance with treatment management, helping patients feel secure in examination and treatment.
When registering for the bronchial asthma screening package, customers will receive:
01 appointment with an Allergist - Clinical Immunology 01 screening tests: Measurement of respiratory function aspiration Measure FeNo Endoscopy otorhinolaryngology Allergen test

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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