Uses of Biplasma

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Biplasma medicine contains ingredients including L-isoleucin, L-Leucin, L-lysine hydrochloride, L-Methionine, L-Phenylalanine. This is a functional food for herpes simplex prevention and nutritional supplement.

1. What is Biplasma drug?

What is Biplasma drug? Biplasma medicine contains ingredients including L-isoleucin, L-Leucin, L-lysine hydrochloride, L-Methionine, L-Phenylalanine. This is a functional food with the use of herpes simplex prevention and nutritional supplement.
Biplasma drug is prepared in the form of a solution for intravenous infusion. Packing is a box of 1 bottle of 250ml or 500ml of solution.
1.1. Pharmacodynamics of the main active ingredient L- lysine L- Lysine is also known as L-2,6-diaminohexanoic acid, Lisina, Lys, Lysine Hydrochloride. This is an amino acid that is made up of proteins. Lysine has been used as an effective means of treating cold sores caused by the Herpes simplex virus.
1.2. Effects of the main active ingredient L- Lysine Lysine is known to be one of the 12 amino acids necessary for the health of each of us. Lysine is used to help people enhance the ability to absorb and maintain calcium in the body. The drug is effective for increasing muscle mass, lowering blood sugar and improving anxiety. In particular, the drug Lysine has a very important effect on the age of puberty with the effect of making your body grow taller, preventing and preventing osteoporosis and joint diseases for all ages (especially adults). in the elderly). In addition, the drug L-Lysine also plays an extremely important role in the formation of collagen, an important nutrient for the formation and development of bones and connective tissues such as skin, tendons and cartilage to improve firmness. and healthier. Active ingredient L-Lysine also has an important effect in maintaining the immune system, making the body develop digestive enzymes in the best possible way. This active ingredient also helps stimulate appetite, so it is often used in children from 8 to 16 years old. Active ingredient L-Lysine is also known as an acid that has the ability to inhibit the growth of herpes-causing bacteria, so it is often prescribed by doctors for people who have this disease or have genital herpes. .

2. What effect does Biplasma drug have?

Biplasma medicine is used for the following cases:
Prophylaxis and treatment of Herpes infections and pain caused by colds. Increases intestinal calcium absorption and renal excretion, so it can be used to assist in the treatment of osteoporosis. People need additional nutrients. Tired body. People with anorexia. People who need to reduce glucose levels. People who need additional muscle gain are mainly teenagers. You need to pay attention to using the drug according to the indications, including the uses and functions for the subjects listed on the Biplasma drug instruction sheet or the prescription sheet of the treating doctor.

3. Usage and dosage of Biplasma

Usage and dosage of the drug Biplasma
3.1. Usage of Biplasma drug Biplasma drug is prepared in the form of an infusion solution, suitable for intravenous use. The use of drugs should be carried out and supervised by qualified medical personnel. 3.2. Dosage for adults As an adjunct to the treatment and prevention of herpes simplex: symptomatic treatment, using 3000-9000 mg a day in divided doses. Dosage to prevent relapse, use 500-1500 mg a day. Nutritional supplement: 500-1000 mg a day. 3.3. Dosage in Children Dosage in children has not been specifically studied. Consult your doctor if you plan to give this medicine to a child. You need to pay attention to apply the exact dose of Biplasma medicine indicated on the package, drug instruction sheet or instructions of a doctor or pharmacist. Do not arbitrarily calculate, apply or change the dose of this medicine.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Biplasma

During the use of Biplasma drugs, users may experience some unwanted effects, specifically as follows:
Body fever, rash, redness caused by allergies to drug ingredients; Shortness of breath, wheezing (rarely); Swollen face that may be accompanied by swollen lips, tongue, or throat; Stomach pain and diarrhea during use of the drug. Usually, side effects or unwanted effects go away when the medication is stopped. If you see rare side effects in your body that are not mentioned in the instructions for use, you need to take the initiative to immediately notify your treating doctor for specific treatment.

5. Some notes when using Biplasma thuốc

Contraindications of Biplasma drug in the following cases:
People with cardiovascular diseases or brain problems. People with elevated blood cholesterol levels. Normally, people who are sensitive or have a history of allergy to any of the ingredients in the drug should not use the drug. Other cases are specified in the drug leaflet or doctor's prescription. Contraindications to Biplasma must be understood as absolute contraindications, that is, not for any reason that contraindications are flexible to use this drug.
Although there have not been many studies on drug interactions with Biplasma products. However, to ensure safety, you need to inform your doctor, pharmacist about drugs, herbs, functional foods, health care foods for consideration and appropriate indications.
Biplasma medicine should be stored in a dry place, away from direct light. Keep medication out of reach of children and household pets.
Above is all information about Biplasma medicine, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Biplasma drugs to treat diseases at home, because there may be unwanted side effects on health.
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