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Articles in Anorexic

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Uses of Neopeptine Drops
Neopeptine Drops are used in certain cases when children experience indigestion, bloating, abdominal distension, digestive disorders, etc. So, what are the uses of Neopeptine Drops, and how should they be used?
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Signs your baby is constipated when starting solids
The early stages of weaning can affect the digestive system, thereby changing the child's bowel habits. When starting to eat solid foods, the child's stool will change from liquid to thick and firmer, and eventually will form and have a shape similar to that of an adult's stool. The frequency of bowel movements will also change. This can easily make parents mistakenly think that the child is constipated when in fact it is not. Monitoring eating habits and stool characteristics to quickly recognize signs of constipation in children on solid foods is something that parents should do.
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What should children with tonsillitis eat?
Tonsillitis is a common disease in young children, causing pain and difficulty in eating. This leads to children losing their appetite, losing their appetite and not eating well. So what should children with tonsillitis eat to recover quickly and regain their health? Reading the following article will help parents find the answer.
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What to do if a baby stops breastfeeding after vaccination?
Up to 90% of children experience fever, fatigue, and reduced appetite, even refusing to breastfeed, after vaccination. When faced with this situation, parents should provide care and ensure proper nutrition to stimulate the child's appetite.
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Children are tired and lose their appetite after fever
Children who have a fever from mild illnesses need to be thoroughly examined by a doctor and receive proper care and nutrition. The condition of fatigue and loss of appetite after a fever can lead to weight loss and even malnutrition. At this point, the child's diet should be adjusted, both in terms of the quality of food and the timing of meals
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