Itching female genitals, what causes?

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Consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Thi Phuong - Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
Hello doctors! My name is Huong, 28 years old and married. Recently, my private area is itchy, painful during sex, making me very uncomfortable. So I want to ask the doctor, what is the symptom of female genital itching, what is the cause? And please advise me how to fix it. I would like to thank you!
Thanh Huong (28 years old, Quang Ninh)
Hello Thanh Huong! Thank you for trusting and sending questions to BSCK I Le Thi Phuong, obstetrician and gynecologist, Vinmec Ha Long General Hospital.
First of all, the sign of female genital itching that you experience is a common sign in many women. But based only on the symptoms of vaginal itching, the doctors cannot make an accurate conclusion about the disease you are suffering from.
However, to help you get more information, here are the answers to all the causes of female genital itching and how to fix it.

1. Causes of female genital itching?

Vaginal itching in women sometimes occurs due to causes of daily living habits or it can also be due to other gynecological and sexual diseases. As follows:

Ngứa vùng kín nữ xảy ra bởi nhiều nguyên nhân.
Ngứa vùng kín nữ xảy ra bởi nhiều nguyên nhân.
1.1. The cause of female genital itching is due to the habit of wearing underwear that is too tight. The cleaning solution contains ingredients that are sensitive to the individual user. Allergic to certain medications. Hygiene of the intimate area is not clean and improper. 1.2. Causes of female genital itching due to Vaginitis: Besides vaginal itching symptoms, depending on the cause of the disease caused by Candida, flagella, or bacteria, the signs of the disease will be different such as vaginal discharge. white and smooth like pea residue, thin discharge with a fishy odor, burning pain during intercourse,... Cervicitis, cervicitis: These two gynecological diseases often have typical symptoms. is vaginal itching, pain and bleeding during sex, menstrual disorders,... Genital herpes: In addition to symptoms of itching inside and in the labia majora, labia minora, the disease also has a rash. Pimples, papillomas around the vulva and in the vagina. Pubic lice: This parasite can live in the pubic area of ​​​​the pubic area of ​​both men and women. They specialize in sucking blood, attacking the genitals and causing uncomfortable itching and discomfort. Genital warts: A disease caused by the HPV virus with typical symptoms of itching in the genital area and the appearance of papillomas on the inside and outside of the vulva. HPV vaccination is a way to help prevent gynecological diseases caused by HPV virus. Other diseases: Some skin diseases such as tinea versicolor, ringworm, fungus, ... are also the cause of female genital itching. There are many causes of vaginal itching. Therefore, to find out the cause and clearly identify the disease that Thanh Huong has, you should go to reputable medical facilities to be examined and consulted by a specialist.
=>>See more: Package of Examination, Screening for social diseases

2. Is female genital itching dangerous?

Vaginal itching makes women always feel uneasy, uncomfortable, itchy, affecting life and daily activities. At the same time, women will also feel self-conscious in their sex life.
If vaginal itching is caused by gynecological diseases, genital diseases without timely treatment, the disease will become more and more serious. Not only that, bacteria, viruses, fungi can spread from the infected area to other parts and cause dangerous diseases such as: blocked fallopian tubes, endometritis,...
Danger More dangerously, pregnant women with severe gynecological diseases can increase the risk of malformations, premature birth and poor resistance in the fetus. During normal delivery, bacteria and fungi from the mother can stick to the baby's organs and cause oral mucositis, skin inflammation, eye inflammation, respiratory inflammation, etc. As a mother, this is a case of congenital vaginitis that is difficult to treat because the baby's immune system is not good enough to take the same drugs as adults.

3. How to treat female genital itching?

With the causes of itching in the intimate area due to allergies to cosmetic chemicals or cleaning solutions, oral drugs, you just need to stop using the above products, the itching symptoms will gradually disappear.

Tùy từng nguyên nhân, bác sĩ sẽ chỉ định phương pháp chữa ngứa vùng kín nữ phù hợp.
Tùy từng nguyên nhân, bác sĩ sẽ chỉ định phương pháp chữa ngứa vùng kín nữ phù hợp.
If vaginal itching occurs due to skin diseases, the doctor may prescribe treatment with oral drugs combined with topical drugs that kill fungi and disease-causing bacteria.
In case you have vaginal itching due to sexual diseases such as genital warts, genital herpes, it can be treated by laser burning method ALA - PDT combined with medical drugs.
With itching in the private area due to gynecological diseases such as vaginal yeast infection, cervical ectropion,... After determining the pathology, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment method with oral drugs and drugs. put, topical, wash or burn the gland.
Besides, in order to prevent recurrence of vaginal itching, Thanh Huong should note the following:
Absolutely do not scratch when itching in the private area, instead need to see a doctor to find out the cause. sick. Treat according to the instructions of the doctor, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose, do not stop halfway. Wear loose, comfortable, cotton underwear and change them 2 to 3 times a day. Clean the intimate area properly, according to the doctor's advice. Practice safe sex, use condoms during intercourse. Do not douche the vagina by yourself, it can easily cause an imbalance in the PH of the private area. Use a specialized cleaning solution, do not use soap, soap, or shampoo to wash the intimate area. Keep the vaginal area dry and clean. During menstruation, change tampons every 4-6 hours. Here are some information about the symptoms of vaginal itching in women. Hopefully, through sharing here, Thanh Huong will know what disease she is suffering from. But it is best to go to a reputable hospital and clinic for advice on the most appropriate and effective treatment, to avoid dangerous complications affecting fertility that may occur.
Currently, Vinmec has deployed the Basic Gynecological Examination and Screening Package. This examination package can detect inflammatory diseases early, making treatment easy and inexpensive. Screening for early detection of gynecological cancer (cervical cancer) at an early stage provides a good prognosis for treatment. When registering for the Basic Gynecological Examination and Screening Package, customers will receive:
Gynecological examination. Transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries. Bilateral breast ultrasound. Tests such as: Treponema pallidum rapid test, Chlamydia rapid test, taking samples for cervical-vaginal cytology, bacterioscopic staining (female vaginal fluid), HPV genotype PCR automated system, total analysis Automated urine collection.

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