Urine is milky white at the top of the beach

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Milky white urine at the top of the yard can be an unusual sign warning of many dangerous diseases, but this condition can also be caused by the influence of a disordered living time. When this phenomenon occurs, we should not be subjective.

1. The cause of the urine is milky white at the top of the beach

Urine is cloudy white mostly because urine contains pus. The collection of pus is present in the lower urinary tract, which is the urethra and bladder.
According to experts on the urinary tract, cloudy urine at the top of the yard can be due to the following reasons:
1.1 Due to dehydration Dehydration is often caused by fever, diarrhea, excessive sports, drinking too little water... when the body does not provide enough water, it will cause the urine to be cloudy white or dark yellow.
1.2 Due to food The foods that you eat every day such as: Milk, orange juice, beets, foods with artificial colors, foods with lots of flavor and fat... also cause urine to change color. . In this case, just change the diet, the color of urine will change back to normal.

Thực phẩm bổ sung hàng ngày cũng là nguyên nhân khiến nước tiểu đổi màu
Thực phẩm bổ sung hàng ngày cũng là nguyên nhân khiến nước tiểu đổi màu

1.3 Due to medication Using some diabetes medications, drugs containing vitamin B, vitamin C,... can also lead to cloudy urine. In these cases, simply stopping the drug will return to normal.
1.4 Unsafe sex This is the leading cause of cloudy urine. When you have a sexually transmitted infection, you are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Common STDs that cause this symptom are gonorrhea and chlamydia .
The reason is that the immune system must produce white blood cell antibodies that dissolve in the urine, so the urine will be more cloudy.

Trắc nghiệm: Bận rộn có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của bạn không?

Cuộc sống hiện đại khiến chúng ta vì quá bận rộn mà quên chăm sóc sức khỏe cho chính mình. Ai cũng biết rằng lịch trình làm việc cả ngày có thể khiến bạn kiệt sức, nhưng cụ thể bận rộn ảnh hưởng thế nào tới sức khỏe? Hãy cùng làm thử bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây.

2. Milky white urine at the top of the yard is a sign of what disease?

The state of urine is cloudy white is also a sign to recognize some dangerous diseases. Typically:
2.1 Urinary tract infections Caused by bacteria or viruses that attack, invade and cause damage inside the urinary tract system.
At this time, the patient will see that the urine has a cloudy white color. You may also experience pain and burning sensation while urinating.

Vi khuẩn tấn công hệ thống tiết niệu cũng khiến nước tiểu chuyển sang màu trắng đục
Vi khuẩn tấn công hệ thống tiết niệu cũng khiến nước tiểu chuyển sang màu trắng đục

2.2 Chyluria is caused by the system of lymphatic vessels leaking into the urinary tract, causing the urine to have chylous.
The accompanying symptoms are usually milky white urine such as: Milk, like rice water, has scum, curd, which can be deposited into a colloidal plaque.
2.3 Phosphateuria The cause is because there is too much phosphate in the urine, so the patient sees the phenomenon of urine having a rice color.
This symptom is more common in the morning, if left to settle, it will see a scale like lime scale. This is a pathological symptom usually caused by the patient drinking less water, leading to the deposition of phosphate crystals and causing kidney stones.
2.4 Social diseases Social diseases such as: Gonorrhea, Chlamydia are the leading causes of cloudy urine. In addition to this symptom, the patient also has other symptoms such as: Painful urination, frequent urination, hip pain, back pain, burning pain during sex...
2.5 Kidney infection Usually caused by inflammatory complications urinary tract spread and not properly treated. The disease can cause dehydration because the infection will produce pus and pass out in the urine.
Patients will see accompanying symptoms such as: Fever, chills, cramps, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, back pain and dark, bloody or foul-smelling urine...

Nhiễm trùng thận có thể sản sinh ra mủ và theo nước tiểu đi ra ngoài
Nhiễm trùng thận có thể sản sinh ra mủ và theo nước tiểu đi ra ngoài

2.6 Vaginitis, vulva in women The cause of vulvovaginitis is due to bad hygiene habits or unsafe sex that allows bacteria and fungi to attack.
Symptoms of the disease are usually: Itching around the vulva or vagina, bad smell, thin, pale discharge, colored discharge, fishy smell, after sex and painful urination...
2.7 Diabetes Some cases of cloudy urine are due to diabetes. The body is excreting excess sugar in the urine, which leads to abnormal symptoms when urinating.
2.8 Prostatitis in men Currently, prostatitis is becoming a common disease in men, of which about 15% of people have cloudy urine symptoms. In addition, the patient also has symptoms of blood in the urine, frequent urination, abdominal pain...

Viêm tuyến tiền liệt đang dần trở thành căn bệnh phổ biến ở nam giới
Viêm tuyến tiền liệt đang dần trở thành căn bệnh phổ biến ở nam giới

3. Treatment of cloudy urine

Treatment is based on the cause of the disease causing the urine to be cloudy at the beginning of the yard
Urinary tract infection: Use oral antibiotics in mild cases, but in severe cases, medication is required. Kidney stones: If you have a lot of pain, you will have to take pain relievers, if in the case of large stones, your doctor will prescribe drugs or apply outside lithotripsy. Socially ill: Treatment will be indicated depending on the type of infection. Mostly antibiotics are prescribed. Vaginitis: Your doctor will prescribe antifungal, antiviral, or medication to treat symptoms. Diabetes: Urine tests should be done to check for damage to the kidneys. Prostatitis: Treatment by endoscopic intervention in the prostate cavity helps to open the urinary tract and remove the lesions. Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as if you want to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online. online HERE.

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