Urine is milky white at the end of the beach

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Urine is the body's excretion, urine in healthy people will be white in color, odorless. If your urine has specific abnormalities such as cloudy white urine at the end of the yard, these are most likely warning signs that your health is not stable.

1. The cause of the urine is milky white at the end of the beach

1.1 Physiologically cloudy urine Sometimes, urine becomes cloudy as soon as your body is normal. Usually changes from light yellow to cloudy yellow if you drink less water, take medicine or eat spicy food.
Certain foods that we eat on a daily basis can also affect the color and appearance of our urine. If you eat a lot of meat, spices and food oils will make your urine cloudy and foul. In addition, orange juice, milk, beets and asparagus can also cause cloudy urine.
Likewise, alcohol will lose its transparency in urine. If the diet changes daily urine will come in and return to normal. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables will help improve the condition of the urine being cloudy at the end of the yard from which the urine will return to normal over time.

Bổ sung nhiều trái cây và rau giúp nước tiểu trở lại bình thường
Bổ sung nhiều trái cây và rau giúp nước tiểu trở lại bình thường

1.2 Urine is milky white due to pathology N urine is milky white at the end of the yard should not be subjective because this can be a sign of some diseases such as:
Urinary tract infection: Infection status Urinary tract in both men and women is often caused by bacteria e. coli, chlamydia,... caused. When suffering from this disease, usually the urine is milky white, has a bad smell, is painful, and there is sediment at the end of the yard. Chilli is a liquid in the lymphatic system that includes components such as: Triglycerides, cholesterol and proteins. When the lymph flows into the urinary tract, it causes the urine to be milky white at the end of the yard like rice water. Urine Phosphate: In our urine, a small amount of phosphate is dissolved in the urine. When not drinking enough water needed for the body or the amount of phosphate increased, the urine will be milky white and have sediment at the end of the yard when urinating. Urethritis: Inflammation of the urethra can be caused by the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis, which is mainly transmitted through unprotected sex or poor intimate hygiene. Prostatitis: This is a disease that mainly occurs in middle-aged men due to bacteria or dangerous complications from urethritis, testicular cystitis, orchitis,... caused.

Nước tiểu có màu trắng đục có thể do viêm tuyến tiền liệt gây ra
Nước tiểu có màu trắng đục có thể do viêm tuyến tiền liệt gây ra

2. Overcoming the condition that the urine is cloudy at the end of the beach

Milky white urine at the end of the yard is not only a simple sign but can cause dangerous complications, seriously affecting the health of the patient.
When urinating is cloudy and has sediment at the end of the yard, the patient can be treated with methods such as:
2.1 Drug treatment With inflammatory diseases in the urinary tract caused by bacteria, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs to limit painful urination, swelling of the urethra,...
2.2 Support for physical therapy In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, the patient will be combined Physical therapy with short waves, long waves, microwaves to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, promote blood circulation and shorten treatment time.

Bổ sung nhiều trái cây và rau giúp nước tiểu trở lại bình thường
Bổ sung nhiều trái cây và rau giúp nước tiểu trở lại bình thường

2.3 Support for advanced treatment For gonorrhea, the doctor will appoint you to perform the most advanced DHA treatment today with outstanding advantages such as: High therapeutic effect, time Treatment time and quick recovery, no pain, no recurrence of the disease, no complications, no side effects, ensuring aesthetics, and not affecting neighboring organs.
Diseases related to the excretory system and urinary tract have a great influence on the health and life of the patient. Therefore, when seeing signs of cloudy urine at the end of the yard, it is best for the patient to visit the doctor to support timely treatment.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.

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