Urine smells bad in women? The reason why?

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Urine in healthy people has a mild pungent odor. However, for some reason, the urine becomes dark in color and has a bad smell, especially in women. It could be due to the smell of the food, it could also be a sign of an illness.

1. Causes of bad urine in women

1.1 Physiological causes 1.1.1 Drinking less water In women, the cause of bad urine may be due to not drinking a lot of water. The more concentrated the urine, the stronger the odor due to the accumulation of more ammonia than usual. The foul odor is often accompanied by dark urine.
1.1.2 Pregnant Women Bad-smelling urine in women is common during pregnancy, when a woman's body increases the secretion of hCG hormone. This phenomenon mainly occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. Pregnant women should also pay attention to providing enough water for the body, avoiding dehydration, which is also the cause of smelly urine.
1.1.3 Drink a lot of coffee Additives and diuretics present in coffee make urine smell bad after consuming it. The diuretic effect causes a lot of water to be released, contributing to an increase in the concentration of ammonia in the urine. And the smelly additive product when excreted through the urine also causes odor. This is not a medical problem, so the urine only has a temporary bad smell. After eliminating the coffee, the urine will return to normal with a more pleasant smell.

Uống nhiều cà phê khiến nước tiểu của phụ nữ có mùi hôi
Uống nhiều cà phê khiến nước tiểu của phụ nữ có mùi hôi

1.1.4 Garlic, Onions and Asparagus After eating large amounts of foods such as garlic, onions and asparagus, there is a high chance that the urine has a foul odor. This is explained by the body of these people lacking an enzyme that breaks down the compounds in asparagus.
1.2 Pathological causes 1.2.1 Urinary tract infection Urinary tract infection is a common cause of smelly urine in women, in which mainly cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.
1.2.2 Yeast Infections Yeast overgrowth in the vagina and vulva has the potential to cause odorous urine in women. Mushrooms come into contact with urine, causing a chemical reaction to take place that creates a bad smell. Women should seek medical attention for prompt treatment if a parasitic yeast infection is suspected.
1.2.3 Signs of diabetes People who do not have diabetes but have a sweet smell in their urine should see a doctor right away. Both types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2, cause urine to smell sweet.
1.2.4 Vitamins Many vitamins and functional products are taken into the body, after being excreted in the urine, there will be a bad smell, especially vitamin B6. In addition, the vitamin B group also turns urine yellow.

Uống vitamin B6 cũng khiến nước tiểu có mùi hôi
Uống vitamin B6 cũng khiến nước tiểu có mùi hôi

1.2.5 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) Sexually transmitted infections that cause painful urination and odorous discharge. When it comes to the smell, that's when the disease becomes much worse. Therefore, women suspected of having a sexually transmitted disease with a foul odor in their urine should seek medical attention for timely diagnosis and treatment.
1.2.6 Kidney Stones Kidney stones can be painful with symptoms of cloudy urine, bad smell, even blood when urinating.
1.2.7 Drug Side Effects Some medications, especially diabetes medications, have the ability to change the pH of the urine and affect its metabolites, directly causing odors in the urine. urine .
1.2.8 Bladder Fistula Bladder fistula often connects to the intestines or vagina, potentially altering urine odor. Bacteria from other organs entering the bladder often cause urinary tract infections, causing urine to smell like stool or contain gas.
1.2.9 Bladder Perforation Bladder perforation is common in cases of accidental or surgical trauma. At that time, bacteria from the intestines will invade and grow in the bladder causing urinary tract infections, making urine smelly.

Thủng bàng quang khiến vi khuẩn xâm nhập nên nước tiểu có mùi hôi
Thủng bàng quang khiến vi khuẩn xâm nhập nên nước tiểu có mùi hôi

1.2.10 Liver disease In liver disease, symptoms of strong urine may also be encountered. In addition, the patient also had nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, muscle weakness, edema, and weight loss. When you have the above symptoms, you need to go to the doctor to check and promptly treat if you have the disease.
1.2.11 Metabolic disorders Metabolic disorders rarely affect urine odor. Some typical diseases such as syrupy urine disease - lack of enzymes needed to break down certain amino acids, causing sweet-smelling urine; Phenylketonuria - a defective gene that prevents the breakdown of the amino acid phenylalanine, causing musty breath and urine, among other symptoms such as seizures and rashes.

2. Diagnosis of diseases related to smelly urine

Symptomatic diseases related to foul-smelling urine are usually indicated by the following tests:
Urinalysis: To determine normal/abnormal values ​​in the urine, determine the condition of the urine. General urine status of the patient. Bladder endoscopy. Ultrasound or X-ray: Indicated for diagnosis in case a person has an abnormality in the smell of urine, the smell is strong for more than 12 hours, or the urinalysis is abnormal, the doctor also can Ultrasound or X-ray for diagnosis.

3. How to reduce urine odor?

When the urine has an odor due to physiological factors, you should reduce the odor by drinking enough water every day, from 2 - 2.5 liters / day. This measure helps the body excrete toxins and waste better, limiting the risk of leaving mineral deposits to create stones.
For cases of foul-smelling urine due to pathology, you need to go to the hospital to be diagnosed and screened. You should see your doctor if, after 24 hours, your urine is still smelly, but it's not related to food, medication, or food coloring. Especially in cases accompanied by signs of fever, abdominal pain, bloody urine, urinary incontinence, etc.

Uống nhiều nước sẽ làm giảm tình trạng nước tiểu có mùi hôi
Uống nhiều nước sẽ làm giảm tình trạng nước tiểu có mùi hôi

In addition, in order for the urinary system to work well for a long time, to avoid the risk of recurrence of bad smell in the urine, women need to do the following:
Maintain urination 5-7 times a day. nocturia 1 time per night Sit in the most comfortable position while urinating Let the urine flow naturally, do not use force to push the urine out Only pee when you really want to, because forcing yourself to urinate will reduce endurance of the bladder. Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as if you want to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online. online HERE.
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