Urethral smear test and what you need to know?

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Posted by Doctor Tran Thi Vuong - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

Fresh urethroscopy is a test done by taking urethral fluid on a glass slide and staining. The shape of bacteria as well as the cells in the urethral fluid after staining will be observed through a microscope.

1. What is urethral smear?

2.When should a urine smear test be performed?

Fresh urethroscopy is an uncomplicated, cheap, fast test that gives results but has very high value in diagnosing acute urethritis, especially for gonorrhea urethritis.
Urethritis is inflammation of the urinary tract. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. In addition, at the penis, the urethra is also the way out of the body for semen.
Common causes of urethritis such as: gonorrhea bacteria (N.gonorrhoeae), Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, E.coli, fungi, some viruses.
Fresh urethroscopy is a test done by taking urethral fluid on a glass slide and staining. The shape of bacteria as well as the cells in the urethral fluid after staining will be observed through a microscope. This is an uncomplicated, cheap, fast test that gives results but has very high value in diagnosing acute urethritis, especially for gonorrhea urethritis.

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Fresh urethroscopy is a common, simple, and fast test. You should go for urethroscopy when you have the following symptoms:
Urethral discharge Shallow, painful urination, difficulty urinating, or purulent urination. There may be pain during sex. In women: there may be additional vaginal discharge or additional vaginitis.

3.Steps to conduct a fresh urethroscopy

Step 1: The clinician examines and collects urethral fluid with an implant or cotton swab, then spreads it on a glass slide and sends it to the laboratory.
Step 2: The laboratory will stain and read the stained slides under the microscope. Results will be returned to the clinician within 1-2 hours.
Step 3: The clinician analyzes the results and tells the patient whether there are causes of urethritis?
Step 4: Depending on the cause and type of disease and develop a treatment regimen for each disease.

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4.Notes before conducting a fresh urethroscopy

For men: cases of acute urethritis often have quite a lot of pus, taking samples is much easier than chronic urethritis. In cases of chronic inflammation, you should hold your urine for at least 2-3 hours before taking samples. Note that, to accurately diagnose the cause of the disease, it is necessary for a doctor to perform a clinical examination and combine other tests. Because fresh urethroscopy does not completely identify the causes of urethritis as in cases of inflammation caused by Chlamydia, or Mycoplasma. However, for cases of urethritis suspected of being caused by gonorrhea bacteria, fresh urethroscopy is really valuable.
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