Treatment of spinal pain relief injection under enhanced X-ray

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Vo Cong Hien - Radiologist - Radiology Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Injecting anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve spinal pain under the guidance of TV-enhanced X-rays is a method that has been conducted for a long time in many medical facilities. This is an effective method of diagnosis and treatment in diseases related to herniated discs and spinal pain.

1. Spine pain relief injection in the treatment of back pain

Back pain is a common disease, the cause may be related to degeneration, stretching or tearing of ligaments, disc herniation, disc tear, compression of nerve roots. Low back pain can also be a symptom of many other conditions such as spondylitis (spinal tuberculosis or bacterial discitis), tumors, cauda equina syndrome, abdominal aortic aneurysm, urolithiasis, and urolithiasis. arthritis, osteoporosis or back pain.
Treatment of back pain depends on the location and cause of pain as well as the mechanism of pain. Treatment methods such as drug therapy, interventional therapy, surgery (indicated when conservative treatments fail). In drug treatment, for cases of back pain related to disc herniation causing root compression or arthritis, the doctor may prescribe nerve root blockade technique, epidural injection. This technique is carried out under the guidance of computerized tomography or bright X-ray screen, the doctor injects a mixture of anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers into the damaged nerve roots and areas rich in pain receptors. for pain relief and inflammation reduction. This is considered a highly effective, accurate and safe method.

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Nguyên nhân gây đau lưng có thể liên quan tới thoát vị đĩa đệm gây chèn ép rễ hoặc viêm khớp liên mấu

2. How is the technique of injection for pain relief of the spine under X-ray enhanced?

The drugs used in the injection technique for spinal pain relief under the X-ray include:
Local anesthetics General anesthetics (if there is an indication for anesthesia) Water-soluble iodine contrast agents Solution antiseptic skin, mucous membranes Pain reliever, anti-spine (Depo-Medrol 40mg). When performing this procedure, patients usually do not need local or general anesthesia.
Steps to take:
Place the patient on the X-ray table. Place an intravenous line. Disinfect the needle puncture area The doctor washes hands, puts on a shirt, wears gloves, spreads a sterile dressing with holes on the site to be injected Insert the needle into the epidural space, junction hole or joint space (depending on indication) under instructions brightening screen. If the epidural space is punctured, it needs to be aspirated again, if the cerebrospinal fluid is aspirated, it is wrongly inserted into the subarachnoid space, if it is aspirated blood, it is inserted into the blood vessel by mistake. Inject 1ml of contrast agent to confirm the position of the needle. Pump 1.5ml Depo-Medrol 40mg+1ml Lidocaine 2%. Withdraw the needle. Tape the puncture site.

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Khi thực hiện thủ thuật này, bệnh nhân thường không cần gây tê tại chỗ hay toàn thân.

3. Complications can be encountered when performing the procedure and how to handle it

Bleeding at the puncture site: the doctor will bandage the puncture site. Soft tissue hematoma next to the needle puncture site: the patient continues to be monitored. Loss of sensation in the lower extremities or nerve roots (rare, seen in patients who are hypersensitive to Lidocaine), is usually transient and becomes back to normal after 1 hour. Meningoencephalitis (rare): this case requires specialist examination.

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Spinal reduction injection treatment under enhanced X-ray is a technique that requires a high level of experience of the doctor and the perfect coordination of the patient. To achieve high diagnostic efficiency, patients need to choose reputable addresses with x-ray machines and modern and standard medical equipment.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a hospital with a full convergence of general and specialized doctors to perform, examine, operate, diagnose and treat diseases. In particular, at Vinmec, x-ray technology is also performed to treat many different diseases and bring optimal treatment results to customers.
BSCK I Vo Cong Hien has many years of experience in the field of imaging, especially in diagnostic ultrasound for general abdominal diseases, advanced cardiac - vascular, obstetrics and gynecology. Doctor Vo Cong Hien used to work at the Imaging Department of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital - Hoang Anh Gia Lai before working at the Imaging Department of Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
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