Treating a cold: What works, what doesn't?

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The article was professionally consulted with Doctor Tran Quoc Tuan - Head of Resuscitation Unit - ICU - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
There is currently no specific treatment for the common cold, but you can shorten the duration of the illness by taking certain supplements and taking good care of yourself. A number of remedies can help ease cold symptoms and reduce discomfort. Here are some common cold remedies.

1. Vitamin C

Taking vitamin C supplements is unlikely to prevent colds. However, studies show it can reduce the duration of colds. A study done in 2013 found that regular supplementation (1 to 2 grams of vitamin C per day) reduced the duration of colds by 8% in adults and 14% in children. Vitamin C also reduces the severity of common colds.
The recommended daily dose of vitamin C is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for non-pregnant women. Exceeding the upper limit (2000 mg) can cause some side effects.

2. Zinc Supplement

Nearly 3 decades of cold research and experts have found that zinc works for colds. Using zinc lozenges may help you get over a cold faster than not taking zinc at all. On average, the length of time a cold lasted was reduced by 33%.
It's important to note that the dosages in these studies indicate that zinc supplements can range from 80 to 92 mg per day, much higher than the daily maximum recommended by the Institute of Medicine. national economy. A 2017 review found that doses of up to 150 mg of zinc per day taken regularly for many months under certain conditions cause some undesirable effects.

3. Herbs

Thảo dược echinacea có thể ngăn ngừa cảm lạnh
Thảo dược echinacea có thể ngăn ngừa cảm lạnh
A review of studies in 2014 and 2018, taking echinacea can prevent or shorten colds.
A study done in 2012 showed positive benefits of echinacea for colds, participants took 2400 mg daily for four months. Some people taking echinacea report some side effects, such as nausea and diarrhea. You should consult your doctor before taking echinacea.

4. Elderberry Black Elderberry

Elderberry is a traditional remedy used to fight colds in many parts of the world. It has the ability to shorten the duration of a cold.
Research conducted in 2016 found that, out of 312 plane travelers, those taking Elderberry supplements experienced a significant reduction in cold duration and severity compared to those taking a placebo.

5. Beetroot juice

A 2019 study followed 76 students at risk of catching a cold during stressful final exams. People who drank a small amount of beetroot juice seven times a day showed fewer cold symptoms than those who didn't drink it. This remedy is especially useful for students who have asthma.
Because beetroot juice is high in dietary nitrates, it increases the body's production of nitric oxide, which can help protect you against respiratory infections.

6. Probiotic Drinks

Although studies on probiotics and colds are limited, experts suggest that a beverage containing Lactobacillus, L. casei 431, may reduce the duration of a cold, especially associated related to respiratory symptoms.
Probiotic bacteria vary from product to product, so check the label to see which one you're taking.

7. Rest

Hãy nghỉ ngơi trong vài ngày khi bị cảm lạnh
Hãy nghỉ ngơi trong vài ngày khi bị cảm lạnh
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting extra rest when you have a cold.
You can strengthen your immune system by exercising, but if you have a cold, it is best to rest for a few days. In fact, if you don't get enough sleep every day, you're more likely to catch a cold.

8. Blow your nose regularly and properly

It is important that you blow your nose often when you have a cold. But when you blow your nose hard, the pressure can cause earache. Best way to blow your nose: Press one finger up one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other. Wash your hands after blowing your nose.

9. Gargle

Gargling can moisten the sore throat and provide temporary relief. You should try a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water about 4 times per day. To relieve a sore throat, gargle, such as a tea containing tannins, or steep one tablespoon of lemon juice in two cups of hot water and mix in one teaspoon of honey. Then let the mixture cool to room temperature before rinsing. Do not give honey to children under 1 year of age.

10. Drink warm water

Uống nhiều nước khi bị cảm giúp ngăn ngừa mất nước,đặc biệt là uống nước ấm để giảm nghẹt mũi
Uống nhiều nước khi bị cảm giúp ngăn ngừa mất nước,đặc biệt là uống nước ấm để giảm nghẹt mũi

11. Apply hot or cold compresses to congested sinuses

Temperature can help you feel more comfortable. You can buy reusable hot or cold packs at the drugstore. Or take a wet towel and heat it up for 20 seconds each time in the microwave (check the temperature first to make sure it's not too hot). Or get a small bag of frozen peas for a cold compress.

12. When sleeping, put an extra pillow under the head

This will help relieve nasal congestion.

13. Do not fly unless absolutely necessary

Pressure changes cause your respiratory system to suffer. Flying with congestion from a cold or flu can damage your eardrums due to pressure changes during take-off and landing. If you must fly, you can consult your doctor about using a decongestant and bring a nasal spray to use just before takeoff and landing. Chewing gum and swallowing often can also help relieve pressure.

14. Nasal decongestants

Sử dụng thuốc xịt mũi có thể giảm nghẹt mũi
Sử dụng thuốc xịt mũi có thể giảm nghẹt mũi
Nasal drops and nasal sprays can help relieve a stuffy nose. In infants, experts recommend putting a few drops of saline in one nostril, then gently aspirating that nostril with a special tool. Saline nasal spray can be used in older children.

15. Pain relief

For children 6 months and younger, give only acetaminophen. For children older than 6 months, give acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Consult your doctor about the correct dosage, appropriate for your child's age and weight. Adults can take acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), or aspirin.
Caution should be exercised when giving aspirin to children or adolescents. Although aspirin can be given to children older than 3 years . However, children and adolescents recovering from chickenpox or flu-like symptoms should never take aspirin. Because aspirin has been linked to Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition in children.

16. Increase humidity

A cool mist or humidifier can add moisture to your home, which can make you more comfortable with a cold. Change the water daily and clean the unit according to the manufacturer's instructions.

17. Cold and cough medicine

For adults and children over 5 years of age, OTC decongestants, antihistamines, and pain relievers can help relieve symptoms. However, they will not prevent colds or shorten the duration of the illness, and most cause some side effects.
Experts agree that these drugs should not be given to young children. Overuse of these drugs can cause more serious effects. You need to consult your doctor before taking any medicine.
Take medication only as directed. Some cold remedies contain multiple ingredients, such as a decongestant plus a pain reliever, so read the directions carefully to make sure you don't overdose.
Cold makes you feel very uncomfortable. Besides taking medicine, you need to rest and take good care of yourself to shorten the duration of illness as well as reduce symptoms caused by colds.
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