Trauma can cause rupture, perforation of the bladder

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Patients with bladder trauma often experience symptoms of multi-traumatic shock such as perforation, rupture of the bladder. Therefore, early diagnosis and timely management of bladder injuries can reduce mortality and complications caused by trauma.

1. What is a bladder injury?

The bladder is a hollow organ containing urine, located in the pelvis, outside the peritoneal cavity. When filled with urine, the bladder is spherical in shape. The structure of the bladder wall has a lot of collagen, high elasticity.
Bladder injury is a surgical emergency, bladder injury occurs when there is a collision, a rapid collision with an object, or a speeding vehicle, sometimes due to a fall from a high place or a direct blow into the bladder.
There are 2 types of bladder trauma causing bladder rupture and perforation:
Bladder rupture or perforation due to intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal trauma Open bladder injury due to gas, lymph, or sharp objects.

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Vòng tranh thai (trắng) đâm thủng bàng quang

2. Manifestations of bladder trauma

Patients with bladder trauma often experience symptoms of multi-traumatic shock with multiple lesions. Accordingly, bladder trauma can be confused with other lesions of the urinary tract. Therefore, early diagnosis and timely management of bladder injuries and associated injuries can reduce mortality and complications caused by trauma.
Signs of bladder injury include:
The need to urinate but not being able to or only a little; Blood in the urine ; Pain in the lower abdomen; Urinary catheters do not produce urine or only a little blood Sharp pain in the pubic area due to pubic branch fracture X-ray, CT scan, ultrasound may show ruptured bladder lesions.

Tiểu ra máu có thể là do chấn thương bàng quang
Tiểu ra máu có thể là do chấn thương bàng quang

3. Treatment of bladder perforation and rupture

Most patients with bladder perforation are shocked, so in emergency treatment, when treating bladder perforation, it is necessary to prevent shock. The emergency person must count the patient's breathing rate, pulse, and blood pressure. Ensure respiration, hemostasis, immobilization of broken limbs (if any), perfusion or blood transfusion to maintain circulating volume. In case of intraperitoneal bladder perforation, laparotomy is required to suture the bladder and check for other intra-abdominal injuries and bladder drainage. Or can laparoscopic to suture the bladder, this is a new technique, simple, safe, effective and the mortality rate is less than open surgery. If the extraperitoneal bladder rupture is accompanied by other injuries, the patient must also undergo laparotomy to resolve the lesions combined with bladder sutures. As for the case of simple rupture, perforation of the extraperitoneal bladder, it can be treated medically by catheterization of the urethra and using high-dose broad-spectrum antibiotics for 7-14 days; After the injury, cystography will be taken with contrast, if there is still a picture of urine drainage, it is necessary to have surgery to suture the bladder perforation. In case of complicated bladder rupture: Need to suture the bladder immediately, treat the damage, open the anus if there is damage in the rectum.

Tùy tình trạng thủng bàng quang để có phương án điều trị thích hợp
Tùy tình trạng thủng bàng quang để có phương án điều trị thích hợp

4. Prevention of bladder injury

To prevent bladder injury, we need to:
Avoid injury: Workers who have to work at height must wear personal protective equipment, especially safety belts to avoid falling accidents. At the same time, you should obey traffic laws to avoid traffic accidents, because this is the common cause of bladder rupture. Avoid full bladder: A full bladder is common in people who drink a lot of alcohol and beer without urinating. Therefore, an effective prevention is to urinate when the bladder is full, not try to hold back. Injuries that cause bladder rupture and perforation can seriously affect health and life if not promptly examined and treated. Therefore, to limit the occurrence of injuries, you should learn how to prevent them effectively.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of urological diseases, including diseases related to the bladder. With a system of modern facilities, a team of well-trained doctors, perfect medical services will bring optimal treatment results to customers.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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