Top 8 fruits people with stomach pain should eat

This video content is advised by Dr. Specialist I Dong Xuan Ha – Department of Outpatient and Internal Medicine – Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital

Gastric pain is a common condition that affects many people. When dealing with this illness, diet is the most important factor for both doctors and patients, as it directly impacts the treatment process. So, what fruits should people with gastric pain eat?

Fruits that people with gastric pain should add to their diet

Many people often ask, "What fruits should people with gastric pain eat?" According to Dr. Specialist I Dong Xuan Ha from Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital, gastric pain is a common condition today. When affected, patients need to know what fruits are good for gastric pain, as they not only help support treatment effectively but also prevent the recurrence of the condition. If you're wondering "What fruits should people with gastric pain eat?" The answer includes: Bananas, Avocados, Papayas, Apples, Dragon fruit, Pomegranates, Guavas, Strawberries, etc.
In fact, when you have gastric pain, you don't need to avoid too many foods because your body still requires enough nutrients for daily activities. Keep in mind what fruits people with gastric pain should eat and include them in your daily menu.

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