Tips for sleeping baby

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Getting a baby to sleep well can be difficult for a couple because they both work and are sleep deprived. So how to both share work, assign tasks, and maintain relationships when both of you need to rest to work the next day?

1. For the couple who just had a baby: Make a night plan

1.1. Choose to do a bedtime routine Assuming you both don't want to take on the task of lulling your baby to sleep alone, choose to do one of the activities to help your baby relax, like taking a warm bath, reading, or relaxing. lullaby...
1.2. Proper assignment of tasks Does either of you need to get up early to work? If so, the person who doesn't need to get up early should be responsible for taking care of the baby when he wakes up in the middle of the night, and the person who has to get up early should take care of the baby before work.
Who is easier to fall back to sleep? Who has to spend a lot of time tossing and turning to fall asleep? After identification, the task of waking up to take care of the baby in the middle of the night will be assigned to the person who is easy to sleep, the person who has difficulty falling back to sleep after being woken up will wake up early with the child.
1.3. Understand that taking care of your baby in the middle of the night is not the mother's sole responsibility Even when a mother is breastfeeding, it still does not mean that she has to wake up to take care of her baby in the middle of the night. If the mother also needs to go to work the next day, pump first so that the husband can use the bottle to feed the baby when it comes to the "shift" in the middle of the night.
1.4. Taking turns Some couples choose to alternate shifts several times a night, while others rotate care for the baby overnight and alternate days (2-4-6 and 3-5-7). On weekends, many couples give each other the opportunity to rest all day and every other week (even and odd weeks), or sleep all morning and then work the night and vice versa. The only problem is that both have to find a way to share with each other.

Một vài cặp vợ chồng chọn thay ca nhiều lần trong đêm, số khác luân phiên chăm sóc em bé suốt một đêm và cách ngày
Một vài cặp vợ chồng chọn thay ca nhiều lần trong đêm, số khác luân phiên chăm sóc em bé suốt một đêm và cách ngày

2. For parents with children 4 months and older: Sleep Coaching

2.1. Agree before implementing It is advisable to discuss with your partner the sleep training method that is best for your family before implementing it. You can also ask friends and family about the effectiveness of the quick sleep method they did. Do not forget to carefully study the information of each method. When you work on a plan that you both agree on, your chances of success are higher and arguments are less likely, even if you're both exhausted.
2.2. Don't discuss it after midnight All plans for a good night's sleep should be agreed upon before bedtime. The middle of the night is a time when patience dwindles, while your negative temper can start to flare up.
According to the therapist for many new parents, 1:30 a.m. is not the time to make new decisions or philosophies. If something comes to mind now, try not to say it and save the discussion for the next day.
2.3. Accept not getting enough sleep You will never get enough sleep, so let's normalize this situation. This is the reality of couples welcoming a new little member, and you just have to try to accept it.
2.4. Be kind to each other This is hard for everyone with young children. Don't think that you are doing something wrong, or conversely, that the person is not doing a good job. Relax whenever possible and forgive each other before the stress hits at 2 a.m. - a time when our bodies and minds aren't at their best.
2.5. Comfortable together Remember that you and your husband are on the same side, with the same desire to help your baby sleep well and take care of your family completely. If things go awry, have a relaxing cup of coffee together.

Khi em bé đã chìm vào giấc ngủ ban đêm, hai vợ chồng bạn cũng nên tranh thủ đi ngủ
Khi em bé đã chìm vào giấc ngủ ban đêm, hai vợ chồng bạn cũng nên tranh thủ đi ngủ

3. Tips for getting your baby to sleep from other parents

3.1. Sleep when the baby sleeps When the baby has fallen asleep at night, you and your husband should also take advantage of bedtime. If the baby wakes up, the wife will breastfeed the baby. After the feeding is full, if the baby is still tossing, the husband will do the job of coaxing the baby back to sleep.
3.2. Let him choose what he wants to do After dinner, you can ask him if he wants to wash the dishes or put the baby to sleep. Let him choose an arbitrary task and you do the rest.
3.3. Take turns If you both work full-time and earn roughly the same amount of money, it's fair to split the baby-care and housework duties 50/50. argumentative.
There are many ways to change shifts, suitable for the schedule and health of the couple. You'll be on duty and do all the work from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., and he'll take over after that. By doing so, both can sleep, even rest even during the shift if the baby does not wake up many times.
3.4. Coordination and communication Some couples agree to let the baby cry for 10 minutes if he wakes up in the middle of the night. Once that time is over, the baby's crying stops on its own and back to sleep can be seen as general success.
Another schedule suggested by couples who both work full time is as follows:
Wife breastfeeds at 9:30 p.m. Husband puts baby in crib and lulls him to sleep When baby wakes up at 4:30 a.m., husband takes his place diapers for the baby After that, the mother breastfeeds the baby and the whole family can continue to sleep until 7-8 am.

Một số cặp đôi thống nhất để bé khóc trong 10 phút nếu thức dậy giữa đêm. Khi vượt qua khoảng thời gian đó, bé tự ngừng khóc và ngủ lại có thể được xem là thành công chung
Một số cặp đôi thống nhất để bé khóc trong 10 phút nếu thức dậy giữa đêm. Khi vượt qua khoảng thời gian đó, bé tự ngừng khóc và ngủ lại có thể được xem là thành công chung
When both husband and wife are working, a couple has reached an agreement before the baby is born. Specifically, the husband will be the main role if the baby wakes up in the middle of the night, because it is difficult for the wife to fall back to sleep after waking up. On the contrary, the wife will take on all the diaper changing duties, because the father feels that he cannot handle this task well.
According to clinical psychologists, both talk about individual sleep needs and try to regulate sleep cycles differently. If one likes to wake up early and the other is often up late, take on the task of helping the baby sleep well in shifts. Try to divide tasks appropriately, based on each other's strengths and weaknesses.
Newborns in general are prone to respiratory diseases, respiratory infections and gastrointestinal infections if they are introduced to solid foods early or the storage and preparation of milk is not guaranteed. For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
Parents should supplement their children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet their child's nutritional needs. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.
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