The role of colon biopsy in the diagnosis of colon cancer

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Colorectal cancer is usually adenocarcinoma. According to the statistics of Globocan in 2012, in Vietnam, colorectal cancer ranks fifth in new cases and fourth in mortality among cancers. Colonoscopy-guided biopsy is essential for a definitive diagnosis.

1. What is colorectal cancer?

Colorectal cancer is a malignant tumor that originates from cells in the colon. The disease is closely related to the patient's diet and daily activities and the incidence of new diseases is increasing.

2. Risk factors

Risk factors are factors that affect a person's likelihood of getting a disease. Different types of cancer have different risk factors. Risk factors for the disease include:
2.1 Modifiable risk factors Obesity Lack of physical activity, exercise Poor nutrition diet: eating a lot of red meat and processed foods industry. Smoking Drink a lot of alcohol

Uống nhiều rượu bia là một trong số những yếu tố làm tăng nguy cơ ung thư đại tràng
Uống nhiều rượu bia là một trong số những yếu tố làm tăng nguy cơ ung thư đại tràng
2.2 Unmodifiable risk factors Age: The older you are, the higher your risk of colorectal cancer. History: You have had polyps, inflammation or cancer in the colon. Genetic factors: Having a family history of colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps.

3. Symptoms of the disease

The early stages of the disease are often asymptomatic or nonspecific, so it is easy to be confused with common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Symptoms of the disease include:
Change in bowel habits: Increased frequency of bowel movements, constipation or diarrhea Changes in stools: irregular stools, flat stools lasting a few days, stools mixed with blood, black,... Abdominal pain Skinny, unexplained weight loss

Sút cân không rõ nguyên là một trong những triệu chứng của ung thư đại tràng
Sút cân không rõ nguyên là một trong những triệu chứng của ung thư đại tràng

4. The important role of colorectal biopsies

Because the disease at an early stage has no obvious symptoms, it is necessary to be screened for cancer, especially for those who are over 50 years old, have genetic factors. For an accurate diagnosis, a biopsy under endoscopic guidance is required. Biopsy is an invasive procedure to confirm the diagnosis. It was then taken for testing. Unlike tumors in other locations, colorectal biopsies should be performed under endoscopic guidance. The doctor will use an endoscope with a small camera and light, and transmit images to a connected monitor to see the inside of the colon. When the doctor sees an image of colorectal polyps, suspected of being cancerous, the doctor will biopsy or remove the polyp and take it to pathology (80% of colon cancers are derived from polyps). Because the test is easy to do, has few complications, and accurately diagnoses the disease, people with risk factors should have routine endoscopy testing. Colorectal cancer is a fairly common disease in Vietnam with a new incidence of about 200,000 per year and a high mortality rate of 135,000, often due to late arrival of patients. Therefore, for people over 50 years old who need to be screened for cancer by colonoscopy, if in doubt, the doctor can press a biopsy to do pathology.
It is best to choose a biopsy at reputable medical facilities not only in the general hospital system but also to stand out, leading in the field of cancer diagnosis and treatment.
For detailed advice on colon biopsy techniques at Vinmec, you can go directly to Vinmec medical system nationwide or contact to book an online examination HERE.
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