Patient N (30 years old) is one of the patients who just underwent radical breast cancer surgery at Vinmec Times City International Hospital last July. What is noteworthy is that the entire process of removing the tumor over 3cm of the patient was successfully performed by doctors in just 12 minutes using the vacuum aspiration method.
The patient had a history of bilateral breast tumors (tumors in both breasts). After discovering that the left breast tumor was progressing and growing abnormally fast, feeling worried, she visited the Breast Center, Vinmec Times City International Hospital. After clinical examination and ultrasound, the doctors discovered that the patient had a hypoechoic mass in the left breast, 5 cm from the nipple, with a size of 32x16 mm (classified as BIRADS 4a - Low suspicion of malignancy, about 2-10%). To determine the exact nature of the tumor, the patient underwent a core needle biopsy and the results showed that it was a fibroadenoma - a benign tumor commonly found in women. Although it is not cancerous and has a low risk of turning malignant, usually with large tumors over 3 cm in size, affecting aesthetics and psychology like patient N, tumor removal procedures may be indicated.

Due to the large size of the tumor (over 3cm), it is highly likely that the patient will need to undergo open surgery. However, to limit damage and complications during open surgery for the patient, doctors at Vinmec Times City have proposed another option - using the vacuum aspiration method. Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy (VABB) is a surgical procedure commonly used for small tumors, especially lesions that are not too large or not clinically palpable. During the procedure, the doctor will use a special needle with a vacuum system, under the guidance of ultrasound, mammography or MRI, to determine the location of the tumor. The needle will then cut and suck out the tissue sample, while removing the entire tumor.
On July 1, 2024, the patient returned to the Breast Center, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital to perform vacuum aspiration under ultrasound guidance. It is worth noting that the entire process only took 12 minutes. After surgery, the left breast tumor was completely removed, leaving only a small amount of fluid with a size of 4.3x3.8mm. The incision on the skin is only about 3mm, dry and closes well, leaving almost no scars, providing aesthetics to the patient.

It can be said that removing a tumor larger than 3cm without open surgery is considered a great success, a positive treatment signal for patients with large tumors in their body. Through this method, doctors can minimize complications after the procedure and patients do not need to be hospitalized.
Up to now, vacuum aspiration has become a popular method in the treatment of breast cancer, but it is only used to remove small tumors. The successful application of this method to remove large tumors is the clearest proof of the dedication and expertise of doctors at the Breast Center, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital. Not only is it a key factor in the patient's recovery process, but it also helps them maintain their confidence and aesthetics after surgery.