Recently, the Breast Center of Vinmec Times City International General Hospital received a patient T (female, aged 33) with a hard mass in her left breast. Through clinical examination, ultrasound as well as MRI, the tumor (measured 24x16x14 mm) was classified as BI-RADS 4C. Based on this system for the assessment of the level of suspicion of lesions malignancy, level 4C means 50-95% suspicion of malignancy. A core needle biopsy of the tumor was conducted, which answered the tumor as an invasive carcinoma of the unspecialized type (tubular) with histological grade III. Receptor tests showed ER, PR, and Her-2 were negative while Ki67 was 60% positive. This means that the tumor is rapidly growing and has spread from the original cell layer into surrounding tissues. This situation was supposed not to be responding to hormone therapy.
In the end, the patient was diagnosed with stage cT2N0M0 left breast cancer, a type of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). In this type, three main receptors are negative: estrogen, progesterone, and Her-2. Accounting for about 10%-15% of all breast cancer cases, TNBC is more difficult to treat and has a higher level of malignancy than others. Therefore, compared to other types of breast cancer, it is difficult to find appropriate treatment for TNBC due to a higher risk of recurrence.

The primary risk factors for triple-negative breast cancer include BRCA gene mutations, which account for about 70% of all cases. Besides, individuals aged under 50 have a higher risk of developing this kind of cancer.
Statistically, breast cancer accounts for 25.8% of cancer cases in women in Vietnam, meaning that one in four cancer cases in women is breast cancer. However, most patients do not realize that they have a risk of this dangerous disease, especially when they are young. In addition, it is difficult to detect breast cancer early by the patients themselves due to its silent manifestation. Only when a tumor is palpable, will the patient go for a check-up. At this point, the risk is significantly higher due to the large size of the tumor. Therefore, early detection and timely treatment are important keys in the fight against breast cancer, especially in young patients like this 33-year-old patient.

Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is one of the few units equipped with a modern and complete system of equipment, ensuring accuracy in each screening stage, and minimizing errors in diagnosis. In addition, breast cancer screening and early detection packages have also been optimally designed through the consultation of leading experts and close multidisciplinary coordination to help patients detect abnormalities from the early stages, increase the rate of successful treatment, and limit the possibility of metastasis to other organs.