The procedure of taking and taking atheroma to treat occlusive stenosis digitizes the background

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The article was written by Master, Doctor of Radiology, Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Atherosclerosis is a disease that often occurs in large and medium pressure arteries, they are classified as the cause of the most dangerous diseases today. For patients with atherosclerosis, angiography and removal of atherosclerotic plaques to treat arterial stenosis is the most effective method of treatment.

1. What is atherosclerosis and when do they form?

Atherosclerosis is a disease characterized by thickening and hardening of large and medium arteries, not occurring in low-pressure arteries such as the pulmonary artery. Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of ischemic heart disease, cerebral infarction, abdominal aortic aneurysm,...
Atherosclerosis is formed when the endothelial cells of the arteries are damaged. damaged, the protective function of the vascular wall can no longer work. Some causes of endothelial cell damage are the effects of tobacco, some drugs, chemicals, and food; patients with high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, bacterial and viral infections, immune factors,...
Atherosclerosis is very much related to age, the research results of experts show that Atherosclerosis can appear very early, as early as the first years of life. Some cases of atherosclerotic patients have been recorded to have atherosclerosis during the fetal period.

Xơ vữa động mạch được hình thành khi các tế bào nội mạc động mạch bị tổn thương
Xơ vữa động mạch được hình thành khi các tế bào nội mạc động mạch bị tổn thương

3. In which case will digital scan to erase the background and remove atheroma to treat narrow artery occlusion?

The method of imaging and removing atherosclerotic plaques to treat occlusive stenosis of the extremities is usually indicated for patients with restenosis in stent 2 or chronic occlusive stenosis of the arteries of the extremities due to atherosclerotic plaque and thrombosis.

4. When is contraindication to angiography and removal of atheroma to treat arterial occlusion?

The method of imaging and removing atherosclerotic plaques to treat narrowing of the arteries of the extremities can help doctors evaluate and give the fastest treatment plan. However, this method is not applicable in all cases. Some of the following cases will not be able to conduct imaging and remove atheroma to treat stenosis of the arteries of the extremities, but must use other methods:
Patients with grade IV renal failure. The patient has a bleeding disorder and is out of control. Pregnant. The patient had signs of diffuse arterial injury. The patient has an iodine contrast reaction.

Phương pháp chụp và lấy mảng xơ vữa điều trị hẹp tắc động mạch chi có thể giúp bác sĩ đánh giá và đưa ra phác đồ điều trị nhanh nhất
Phương pháp chụp và lấy mảng xơ vữa điều trị hẹp tắc động mạch chi có thể giúp bác sĩ đánh giá và đưa ra phác đồ điều trị nhanh nhất

5. Steps to perform digital scan to erase the background and remove atheroma to treat stenosis

Step 1: Anesthesia method
First, the patient is placed supine on the imaging table and placed an intravenous line. 0.9% isotonic saline is most commonly used in this process. In addition, patients are also given local anesthesia, but in some special cases, general anesthesia can be performed when the procedure is performed by children under 5 years old or people who are too excited and out of control.
Step 2: Insert the tube into the vessel
The process of inserting the tube into the vessel usually uses a 21G micro-needle set to poke the lumen through ultrasound guidance. In some cases, the catheter is placed in the area below the knee, the patient will have to put a long tube. The surgeon will choose whether to open the lumen downstream or upstream based on the purpose and location of the procedure.
Step 3: Angiography to assess the damage
After placing the lumen, the process of taking and evaluating the damage will be conducted. The doctor takes a picture of the lower vascular system through the catheter. The use of a catheter rather than a Pigtail catheter is preferred if the entire abdominal aorta is required. Through the obtained images, the doctor will evaluate the entire lower extremity vascular system.
Step 4: Approach the lesion
When the lesion is assessed and a treatment plan is available, the doctor will approach the first lesion. This process uses catheters, wires and micro-catheters, micro-conductors to pass through a narrow location - occlusion of the lumen. Doctors often use intravascular techniques to approach the lesion.
Step 5: Treatment intervention
The 5th step is therapeutic intervention, when approaching the lesion, the doctor will use a tool to remove the plaque and put it into the narrow position through the wire. Activate the electrical switch to conduct atheroma dredging. This process will be repeated many times until the lumen is completely reopened.
Doctors can combine with traditional revascularization techniques such as dilation and stenting to improve treatment efficiency.
Step 6: Evaluation after intervention
After the intervention, the patient needs to take a scan to evaluate the circulation of the pulse after recanalization. If everything is satisfactory, the doctor will withdraw the tube into the vein and end the procedure. The patient was put under pressure and closed to the lumen.
Atherosclerosis is a serious condition that can cause many dangerous complications. Therefore, patients should conduct imaging and remove atherosclerotic plaques to treat arterial stenosis and digitize the background as soon as possible.
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