The child does not have a fever but has a rash, why?

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Baby rash without fever can be a skin irritation, urticaria or diaper rash... The rash can cause the baby to lose appetite, cry for a long time and reduce the baby's body weight. Therefore, right from the time a child has symptoms in the early stages, parents need to handle it promptly to avoid bad consequences.

1. What is a child with a fever but a rash?

A child with a rash but no fever is a sign of skin irritation. Disease is caused by certain bacteria or viruses. This is a condition in which the skin reacts when it comes in contact with irritants. These substances can come from the surrounding environment or due to physical factors or daily living habits,... The disease can make the baby feel uncomfortable leading to crying, itching, anorexia.

2. Skin diseases that cause a child's rash without fever

2.1. Contact dermatitis causes a rash without fever This is a fairly common skin irritation with clinical manifestations usually red, dry skin, itching, blistering and making the baby feel uncomfortable. Skin irritation will gradually increase and be most intense about 24-36 hours after exposure. Depending on the irritant, there are different levels. The itch will then become blistered, watery, and scab.
Causes of contact dermatitis for babies can be mentioned as:
UV rays in sunlight affect the baby's skin; Unsuitable clothing material; Houses are not cleaned regularly or pets are irritating to children; Because soaps or cleaning agents cause a feverless rash in a child; Children's items such as blankets, curtains, pillows, .. are washed with strong detergent.

Trẻ bị phát ban nhưng không sốt là biểu hiện của tình trạng kích ứng da
Trẻ bị phát ban nhưng không sốt là biểu hiện của tình trạng kích ứng da

2.2. Atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis is considered one of the causes of a feverless rash in children. This is considered a dermatological disease with clinical symptoms such as redness all over the body, dry, swollen skin and itching.
The cause of the disease can be due to genetic factors or from external agents such as pollen, dust, soap, cosmetics, weather, temperature,...
2.3. Atopic dermatitis is not usually spread from person to person, but can spread from one area of ​​the body to another. Atopic dermatitis has symptoms including:
Swollen edematous skin, blisters; Cracked scabs make the baby feel pain,.. The disease causes a condition in which the child does not have a fever but a rash. 2.4. Eczema causes a rash This disease often makes the baby feel itchy, scratching the skin makes an area of ​​skin dark and scar. Eczema is characterized by dry, scaly skin, with tiny rashes that gradually enlarge..
Pathogenic factors:
Exposure to unsafe cleansers for the skin: washing water bowl, washing powder, fabric softener,...; Skin care products; Unsuitable clothing material; Weather changes. 2.5. Urticaria Urticaria Urticaria usually causes an itchy rash on the skin, but this goes away after 24 hours and does not leave scars on the skin. The main cause is due to food, such as milk, eggs, soybeans, flour,...
In addition, it can also be caused by factors from the external environment that affect the baby's skin such as:
Sunlight ; Insect bites; Microbial infection; Skin care products. Skin diseases not only make the baby feel itchy and uncomfortable, but also affect the child's development. The rash can cause the baby to lose appetite, cry for a long time, and reduce the baby's body weight. Therefore, right from the time a child has symptoms in the early stages, parents need to promptly handle it or take the child to a doctor to avoid bad consequences.

Viêm da dị ứng được coi là một trong những nguyên nhân làm cho trẻ phát ban không sốt
Viêm da dị ứng được coi là một trong những nguyên nhân làm cho trẻ phát ban không sốt

With many years of experience in examining and treating diseases in children, now the Pediatrics Department at Vinmec International General Hospital has become one of the major health care centers, capable of examining , screening and treatment of many specialized diseases in children. Therefore, if the child has signs of a long-term rash that does not go away or has more severe symptoms, parents can take the child to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and receive support and advice from doctors. doctors and health professionals.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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