10 months after the baby is born

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Thi My Linh - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
There's a lot to explore and learn, and 10-month-olds are always looking for ways to satisfy their own minds, even doing things they shouldn't do and giving up things they shouldn't (like skipping meals to avoid eating). discover).

1. Development in 10-month-old babies

Physical development in 10-month-old babies has narrowed barriers to their exploration. And for that reason, parents need to monitor their children more closely, because in the process of discovery, children are not aware of threats and can put themselves in danger at any time.
A memorable developmental milestone in a 10-month-old baby is the ability to wave goodbye, or perform the act of air-kissing. In addition, children's independence has been further developed with a new attitude: children want to do their own thing, so parents don't be upset if there are times when children behave badly.
10-month-old babies also suddenly appear another sign, that is, they do not want to leave their loved ones. If a few months ago, children were not surprised when their parents left the room, now when they see their parents leave like that, children will be sad and cry. Parents do not need to worry about this phenomenon, it is completely normal in the general development of children.

2. Growth in 10-month-old babies

The world is so full of things to explore, and an energetic 10-month-old will find themselves more interested in exploring than eating. Parents, do not worry when your child used to be a glutton and now suddenly eats less or is a picky eater. When growth in children at this stage begins to slow down, children also eat less. Children also appear to be more picky eaters, but parents have many ways to guide children to eat healthy foods, as long as parents need to be patient enough, or children may react.

Chiều cao và cân nặng ở trẻ 10 tháng tuổi khác nhau tùy theo giới
Chiều cao và cân nặng ở trẻ 10 tháng tuổi khác nhau tùy theo giới
Height and weight in 10-month-old babies vary by gender. If it is a boy, the average weight is 9.2 kg, the average height will be 73.3 cm. If it is a girl, the average weight is about 8.5kg, the average height is about 71.5cm.
Parents should also prepare mentally for the time to come, when the baby should be weaned from the bottle at 12 months of age (or as soon as possible after 1 year). Children should be gradually introduced to drinking from a cup at this stage, so that when they are weaned from the bottle, they will not have difficulty drinking from a cup.

3. Some health problems in 10-month-old babies

A 10-month-old baby may exhibit some bizarre behavior, such as head banging, rolling, teeth grinding, hair pulling. Although there is no definite scientific mechanism to explain this phenomenon, it seems to be a way for children to relieve stress. Such behaviors often go away on their own without parental intervention, but the more parents intervene, the more violent the child's reaction becomes. What parents should do is to gently stroke and hold the child, so that the child feels safe and secure. If parents know the cause of the child's actions, try to solve it from the root, for example, if the child is too tired, put the child to sleep and make sure the child gets enough sleep at night. If parents are unsure, or feel that something is wrong, consult a specialist.

4. Some other problems in 10 months old baby

Parents should encourage children: every time a child performs an activity (such as clapping, getting a toy, ...) encourage the child with a series of claps with words of encouragement, even though the actions that the child has done many times before. Encouragement for children means a lot, it helps children build confidence now and in the future. The problem of pets in the house: Having a pet in the house is not only good for children, but it is good for everyone. Children who grow up with pets are less likely to have allergies than other children (because they are exposed to certain bacteria early on), unless they are allergic to pets. In addition, children will also be less sick, more active and less stressed. How to feed children meat: children obviously can't eat steak yet, so meatballs or minced meat is the most suitable for children (providing nutrition and especially iron supplementation for children). It is better to cook meat more tenderly than to fry it, and let your child eat it in small pieces so that he can get used to it. Besides, parents also need to supplement their children with essential micro-minerals such as zinc, lysine, chromium, selenium, vitamin B1, ... to fully meet the nutritional needs of children. The addition of these essential vitamins also supports digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, improves anorexia, and helps children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
Articles refer to sources: mayoclinic.org and whattoexpect.com
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