10-month baby weighs 7kg, is he severely malnourished?

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Nurturing healthy children is always a matter of concern for parents. Depending on the age and sex of the child, there will be different standards. What is the ideal weight for a 10-month-old baby? Is a 10-month-old baby weighing 7kg severely malnourished?

1. How much does a 10-month-old baby weigh?

Entering the 10th month, the baby's growth and weight gain is no longer as fast as the first 6 months of life. However, children also need to meet the standards set by experts. According to the standard height and weight table of the World Health Organization (WHO), the standard weight of a 10-month-old baby is as follows:
Standard weight of a 10-month-old girl is:
Malnutrition: If weight weighing less than 6.8 kg. Risk of malnutrition: If the weight is less than 7.5kg. Normal: Weight about 8.5kg. Risk of obesity: If your weight is over 9.6kg. Obesity: If your weight is over 10.7kg. Weight standards for 10-month-old boys are:
Malnutrition: If the weight is less than 7.5kg. Risk of malnutrition: If the weight is less than 8.2kg. Normal: Weight about 9.2kg. Risk of obesity: If your weight is over 10.3kg. Obesity: If your weight is over 11.2kg. So if a 10-month-old baby weighs 7kg and it's a girl, the baby is at risk of malnutrition. If it's a boy, he's malnourished. With both of these cases, you should take your baby to the doctor to find out the cause and have the appropriate treatment.
During the care of a 10 month old baby, there will be times when your baby gets sick and may lose weight, this is quite common and you should not worry too much. If after a while, the child recovers from the disease and regains the weight, this is completely normal. If your child is still losing weight without stopping, take him to the doctor right away.

2. What can a 10 month old baby do?

10 month old baby's motor development:
10 month old baby can slowly lower himself from a standing position and move into a squatting position. A 10-month-old baby can crawl skillfully. Children can stand up with adult help or support. Babies can take their first steps. Some babies are able to take food and feed themselves. Children can wave goodbye. Babies can point to objects they are interested in. Children begin to babble and imitate the words adults say. Children can stack toys, cups or bowls. Cognitive development of 10-month-old babies:
At this stage, children are interested in music, especially joyful and vibrant melodies. Baby can see colors very clearly. Children can understand simple phrases or words. Your baby can pronounce simple words like "ma" or "ba". Children already know how to collect data. Children have specific preferences about foods. 10-month-old babies begin to show new characteristics and personalities. Children show curiosity and discover how things work. Children gradually learn to associate the meaning of actions, for example, if they see you change into new clothes, put on shoes, they gradually understand that you will go out. If a 10-month-old is still not crawling or even rolling over, and is lethargic when you talk or doesn't respond to sudden sounds, you need to take him to the doctor for a checkup. . The doctor assesses whether the baby is experiencing any developmental disorders, if so, the doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment.

Bé 10 tháng nặng 7kg có thể đứng lên khi có sự giúp đỡ từ người lớn
Bé 10 tháng nặng 7kg có thể đứng lên khi có sự giúp đỡ từ người lớn

3. What should a 10 month old baby eat?

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that each child will have a different eating capacity. Every day, you should give your child 2 solid meals including porridge along with 2-3 snacks with fruit and yogurt. Simultaneously, it is compulsory to feed the baby breast milk or formula milk about 2-3 times a day. The amount of milk and the amount of energy needed to provide depends on the condition and each baby.
According to pediatric experts, before the baby is 12 months old, breast milk or formula is still the main source of nutrition for the baby. Besides, you still need to feed your baby with powder, porridge or other foods that have been stewed, finely ground or pureed.
By the age of 10 months, most babies can eat some solid foods such as: Bread, eggs, fish, minced meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals,...
However However, you need to avoid two foods that are cow's milk and honey because they can cause allergies for children or risk poisoning, children can use these two foods when they are older than 1 year old.
When the baby is 10 months old, the baby can eat foods including:
Fruits such as: Avocado, pear, apple, banana, strawberry, watermelon, yellow orange, dragon fruit. Vegetables such as: spinach, sweet potato, amaranth, collard greens, spinach... well cooked. Peas, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkin... steamed well; boiled or steamed broccoli, cauliflower; or carrots, radish stew. Meat: You can give your 10-month-old baby all kinds of meat such as lean pork, beef, chicken, fish, shrimp, ... when they have been cooked, ground or pounded. In addition, you can try other foods such as vermicelli, noodles, soft cooked noodles, as well as yogurt and cheese made from pasteurized milk.
Besides, there are some foods you should not give your 10 month old baby:
Cow's milk Honey Olives Shellfish Egg whites Popcorn, nuts Whole fruits Hard candies, marshmallows or chewing gum. Large pieces of food. Desserts contain too much sugar.

4. 10 month old anorexic what to do?

Children at 10 months old often have anorexia, this is considered a physiological anorexia phenomenon and many children at this age also have this condition. Therefore, you need to find many ways to stimulate children to eat quickly and grow faster.
In the process of child development, you need to give your baby a variety of foods to provide all the necessary nutrients such as: Starch, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Encourage children to snack on special dishes, fancy decorations from vegetables such as avocado, banana, apple, yogurt.
When the baby is 10 months old, let your baby learn to feed himself and at the main meals of the day let him eat with the family.
At this age, breast milk or formula milk is still the main source of nutrition for your baby, so if you have a lack of milk, then supplement with formula milk for enough nutrition.

Trẻ khi được 10 tháng tuổi thường xảy ra tình trạng biếng ăn
Trẻ khi được 10 tháng tuổi thường xảy ra tình trạng biếng ăn

5. What should you pay attention to when taking care of a 10-month-old baby?

You should let your child play games that help children develop both physically and intellectually such as stacking blocks of color, throwing small balls, dancing to the tune of songs or playing hide and seek, etc. Baby plays with sharp objects or small objects.
Should put children to bed early, should not stay up late. Staying up late can make the baby's weight gain process more difficult.
Should teach children how to eat by themselves from a young age so that children practice independence. You need to pay attention to washing your baby's hands before meals and after eating and make sure the food for your baby has been carefully cooked, soft, and has a small size suitable for children.
In addition, a 10-month-old baby needs 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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