Symptoms of chest depression in adults should surgery?

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Hello doctor! I am male, 34 years old. My symptom is that the middle of the chest is concave about 2cm compared to the two sides, forming a V-angle about 125-130 degrees. In addition, I often yawn, have trouble breathing all day, and even when I breathe hard, I feel like I don't have enough oxygen. Once in a while, when I take a breath, I feel that I have enough oxygen, and the left lung feels that the heart is compressed and cannot expand. When exercising, I get tired faster than normal people, if I take a very deep breath, I sometimes feel pain in the left chest, and the feeling that the air can only reach the right lung is the main thing. Doctor let me ask if the chest concave in adults should be examined at the cardiology department? Should I have surgery in my case and what is the success rate of this surgery? Please advise and give me some advice. Thank you Doctor.
Nam (Hanoi)
Hello! The phenomenon of chest depression can be congenital or can be the result of some diseases that leave sequelae. Chest depression, in addition to affecting aesthetics, can also affect life by affecting breathing and circulation. To decide how to deal with that situation, whether to have surgery or not, you should see a cardiothoracic specialist at a reputable medical facility or one of the Vinmec Health System hospitals across the country. country.
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Answered by Master, Specialist II Pham Tuyet Trinh - Cardiology Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
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