Home Tag Left chest pain

Articles in Left chest pain

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What is the warning sign of left angina when exercising?
I have left angina pectoris, intermittent angina when moving, sharp pain at 1 point in the left chest. May I ask what disease you have? Seek medical advice. I thank you.
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Left chest pain, dizziness is caused by what?
Hello doctor, 2 weeks ago I was sleeping, I felt a heart attack, throbbing like someone used something to stab me, then I sat up for a long time and it went away, the last 2 days I have felt pain. light left chest, no shortness of breath but sometimes heavy chest, dizzy and I'm being treated for stomach pain, have been taking medicine for 1 week. Please help me with the answer.
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Left chest pain with burning, shortness of breath is dangerous?
Hi doctor! I have pain in the left chest with burning symptoms, difficulty breathing, spreading to the ribs and neck along with nausea, wanting to go to the toilet but not coming out. Can you tell me if these symptoms are dangerous? Hoping to get medical advice soon. Thank you doctor.
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Shortness of breath with left chest pain is a sign of what disease?
Hi doctor. The doctor told me that, I have smoked cigarettes for 4 years, but lately I have been having trouble breathing and today I have a bit of pain in the left chest. Did the doctor tell you what disease you have? I would like to thank the doctor.
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Symptoms of chest depression in adults should surgery?
Hi doctor! I am male, 34 years old. My symptom is that the middle of the chest is concave about 2cm compared to the two sides, forming a V-angle about 125-130 degrees. In addition, I often yawn, have trouble breathing all day, and even when I breathe hard, I feel like I don't have enough oxygen.
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Shortness of breath when lying down, heart palpitations when sitting, left chest pain is heart valve regurgitation?
Hello doctor, I want to ask about a disease related to the symptoms of heart palpitations, shortness of breath. Let me ask you, I just discovered that I have trouble breathing when I lie down with my legs straight, or my left chest pain is not very painful, my heart is pounding when I am sitting. I went to the doctor and said he had tricuspid heart valve 1⁄4. Ask your child about difficulty breathing when lying down, heart palpitations when sitting, pain in the left chest, is the heart valve open? Is the disease serious? Will the disease progress or will I die?
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What should I do if I have a cardiac nerve disorder and is the disease dangerous?
The doctor told me, I often have numbness in my left hand and left chest pain for about 5 minutes, but it will happen once in a while. In the province, I went for an electrocardiogram, and the doctor reported a neurological disorder.
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What is left chest pain when exercising vigorously?
Recently, I have had a dull ache in my chest. Initially the pain was in the middle of the chest, but now it is only on the left side of the chest. When I breathe hard and move vigorously, it hurts more. Doctor tell me what is the pain in the left chest every time I exercise vigorously?
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Is left chest pain with shortness of breath, heart palpitations a sign of heart disease?
Hi doctor! I had pain in my left chest, went to the hospital to have blood tests and electrocardiograms, my heart beat a little faster, the doctor concluded that I had an intercostal nerve.
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Is left chest pain, occasional shortness of breath, nausea with shoulder, arm and back pain related to heart disease?
I have left chest pain, sometimes shortness of breath, nausea with shoulder, arm and back pain, is it related to heart disease? Thanks you!
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What is left angina, sometimes dull pain for a few hours, and how is it treated?
Hi doctor! This year I am 23 years old, working in the sales department of Vinhomes, I have only been working for 1 year.
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