Signs of skin infection with corticosteroids

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Corticoid skin condition is a skin condition that is damaged, abrasion, chronic inflammation caused by the accumulation of corticosteroid toxins for a long time and through the way of direct application to the skin. A common manifestation when the skin is infected with corticosteroids is the dilation of blood vessels deep in the skin, causing congestion, causing the skin to be red, hot, and small pimples.

1. What is corticosteroid skin infection?

Corticosteroids, also known as Corticosteroids / Glucocorticoids belong to the group of steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. In fact, in the beauty world many people often know Corticoids in the form of creams, or ointments, but they can also be prepared in the form of oral drugs, injections... Accordingly, the main use of Corticoids is anti-inflammatory. Anti-allergic and immunosuppressive. However, the side effects of Corticosteroids can cause edema due to the retention of water and sodium minerals in the body, causing an imbalance in lipid metabolism, causing fat deposition on the face, neck and back. . Therefore, when using injectable and oral corticosteroids for a long time, you may experience symptoms of adrenal atrophy, hormonal disorders.

Dấu hiệu da nhiễm corticoid gây ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của người bệnh
Dấu hiệu da nhiễm corticoid gây ảnh hưởng đến cuộc sống của người bệnh
Not denying the effect of Corticoids in some cosmetics, topical creams can treat some diseases, but the wrong use, the wrong concentration as well as the treatment time can be left behind. dangerous complications, such as atrophy, stretch marks, the natural protective barrier of the skin is completely stripped. When the natural protective barrier of the skin is no longer available, it can cause acne, acne, ... especially if corticosteroids will pass through the skin, soak into the blood, it will seriously affect health.

2. Recognizing signs of skin infection with corticosteroids

Corticosteroid-infected skin not only causes damage to the skin, but also seriously affects health in the long run. Therefore, you definitely need to know the symptoms of corticosteroid-infected skin for early treatment and effective prevention. Some signs of skin infection with corticosteroids are divided into levels as follows:
Level 1: Dry, flaky skin: Level 1 is the lightest level of damage, because users only use it for a short time. with low concentrations. Some manifestations in this level may be on the surface of the skin with a slight roughness, tingling and itching on the applied skin. Level 2: Acute Dermatitis: In stage 2, the skin has officially started to become toxic and appear necrotic phenomena. Some telltale signs are as follows: Water bubbles appear on the skin like when burned and the lesion spreads all over the face. When these water bubbles burst, it will cause pain, and infection will appear. Therefore, if the patient is not examined and treated promptly, the skin layer will be damaged with prolonged red cellulite, and darkened skin after the blisters dry. Level 3: Vasodilation: If the user uses a cream containing corticosteroids for a long time (about 1 year), the lesions have progressed to the subcutaneous capillary system. At this time, the patient will see that the skin is always red, and always feels hot, especially when exposed to high temperatures. On the other hand, the skin will always be in a state of tension, swelling due to water retention in the skin, accompanied by a stinging sensation like ants crawling inside.

Hình ảnh giãn mạch máu ở da do nhiễm corticoid
Hình ảnh giãn mạch máu ở da do nhiễm corticoid

Level 4: Oily dermatitis and massive acne: When the skin is infected with corticosteroids at this level, you will see symptoms such as shiny skin, accompanied by large swollen acne and the patient always sees hot red and burning skin. , there will even be a stinging sensation. Level 5: Irritant Dermatitis: This is the stage when the skin is infected with the most toxic corticosteroids. Symptoms are that the patient always feels the skin is always red with a burning sensation, pain even when not touched. At the same time, patients may also notice that the skin is gradually dry, peeling, and scaly. Vesicles may appear with yellow discharge, along with signs of infection and necrosis.
When recognizing signs of skin infection with corticosteroids and having turned to dangerous levels, patients should limit the use of cosmetics and go to centers and hospitals for dermatological examination, to avoid dangerous complications. danger may occur.
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