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Articles in Dry skin

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Signs of skin infection with corticosteroids
Corticosteroid skin condition is a condition in which the skin is damaged, abraded, chronically inflamed due to the accumulation of corticoid toxins over a long period of time and through direct application to the skin. The common manifestation of corticosteroid-infected skin is dilation of blood vessels deep in the skin, causing congestion, causing red, hot, and tiny pimples.
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Balmex: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Balmex is a medication for the treatment of a number of dermatological conditions, used as a cure for dry skin in many clinical settings. Before using, patients need to find out what Balmex is, in what cases it is indicated and some issues should be noted to limit the risk of health effects during drug use.
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Normlshield: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Dry, flaky, or scaly skin causes a lot of discomfort and greatly affects the appearance of the patient. Therefore, the need to use moisturizing products is extremely necessary, including Normlshield. So what does Normlshield do?
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Is salicylic acid safe for acne?
Salicylic acid is suitable for mild acne (blackheads and whiteheads). It can also help prevent future breakouts. To use salicylic acid safely for acne, learn how it clears acne, its dosage form, and the right dosage.
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Uses of Epiduo
Epiduo is a widely used acne medication today. Do you know in which cases Epiduo is used? What are the possible side effects of this acne medication? Please refer to the article below for more new information.
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Uses of Clobetasol Propionate
Clobetasol is a drug that many people are interested in looking for because it is one of the corticosteroid drugs commonly used to treat skin diseases. Let's find out the specific uses of Clobetasol Propionate as well as the notes when using the drug.
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Uses of Azaroin gel
Azaroin gel drug containing the main ingredient is Clindamycin phosphate is indicated in the treatment of mild to moderate acne, especially in case of inflammatory lesions. Let's learn about the uses and notes when using Azaroin through the article below.
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Learn about the scar medicine Strataderm
Strataderm is used to treat most skin conditions. This drug has a silicone gel dosage form, the main ingredient is Siloxanes; Polydimethylsiloxanes; Alkylmethyl Silicones; Silicones and excipients are enough for 1 tube.
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Uses of Akneyash for acne
Akneyash is a topical medication used in the treatment of acne. So what is the use of Akneyash topical and how is it used?
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Uses of Mibery
Mibery Gel 4% medicine is prepared in the form of a topical gel with the main active ingredient being the antibiotic Erythromycin and other excipients in a sufficient amount. This is a drug belonging to the group of drugs that treat typical skin diseases and symptoms such as acne.
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Uses of Alvextra 50g
Alvextra 50g has a moisturizing effect on the skin in many cases of patients. The drug contains a lot of active ingredients, so when using it, users need to carefully read the instructions or consult a doctor, pharmacist before use.
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