Shoulder pain due to tendonitis - Everyday things at the office

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The article was written by Dr. Specialist I Bui Hanh Tam - Anesthesiologist resuscitation and pain treatment, Department of Anesthesia and Anesthesia - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
In this digital age, shoulder pain is common in the office worker community. Those are people with low activity intensity, most of the time working with computers and mobile phones. Poor posture when working at a computer desk is a major cause of shoulder pain. A compact sitting posture with the head and shoulders pointed too forward is typical of someone who spends many hours at a desk or so-called “deskbound worker”. The most common target audience is female, age 40-50 years old.

1. Structure of shoulder joint

The structure of the shoulder joint is a large, shallow joint consisting of: 3 bones that make up 2 joints, articular cartilage and 5 synovial sacs to help move easily between tendons, between tendons and joint surfaces. 13 muscles are attached to bones by tendons. Many alveolar ligaments and ligaments attach to the bones that help strengthen and stabilize the shoulder joint.

Ba loại tổn thương gân hay gặp: Viêm gân, thoái hoá gân, rách gân.
Ba loại tổn thương gân hay gặp: Viêm gân, thoái hoá gân, rách gân.

2. Why is there tendonitis?

Shoulder pain due to tendinitis often has obvious pain points, the patient can feel it on his own, sometimes from the pain point, there is pain spreading around. Dull, sharp, aching, sharp pain that limits the movements of combing hair, taking off clothes, fastening or unzipping a bra behind or lying on the side with pain.
Causes of pain include
Imbalance of anterior and posterior muscle groups: There are 13 muscles involved in the shoulder joint structure. Sitting for a long time with a forward leaning position, the muscle groups behind the shoulder tend to be weaker and thinner compared to the muscle group in the front of the shoulder. Increasingly, this imbalance becomes more and more serious if there is no timely intervention. Shoulder instability: These are large and shallow joints, so overuse of activity on one side can cause an imbalance in the antagonist muscle group. When the condition is prolonged, it will make the shoulder joint unstable, especially when there are movements with large amplitude. From there, causing inflammation and persistent pain. Shoulder joint jam: Due to the conflict between the components that make up the shoulder joint, namely the bone spurs and points where tendons and ligaments are attached. In the early stages of shoulder pain, most of the lesions seen on ultrasound are inflammation of tendons such as: biceps tendon, subscapular tendon, subspinal tendon, and supraspinatus tendon. If left for a longer time without proper treatment, the image of partial or complete rupture or tearing of the tendon, or tendon degeneration, will be seen.

Bác sĩ Vinmec thực hiện siêu âm khớp vai để tìm đúng vị trí tổn thương của người bệnh trước khi điều trị
Bác sĩ Vinmec thực hiện siêu âm khớp vai để tìm đúng vị trí tổn thương của người bệnh trước khi điều trị

3. Treatment of shoulder pain with physical therapy and rehabilitation

Muscles attach to bones through tendons. Pain caused by tendinitis at the conflict points between tendons, muscles and bones, causes a jam in the shoulder joint that limits movements up, forward and rotates the hand.
Patiently performing physical therapy exercises will effectively relieve shoulder pain. This exercise is intended to help regulate muscle groups, bring the muscles back to the physiological anatomical position with exercises to restore and increase muscle strength.
Proper physical therapy at every stage provides long-term pain relief, helps to correct a beautiful and pain-free working posture without drugs. Pain often limits movement. Limiting movement continues to cause more pain, creating a pathological spiral. The anatomical structure of the shoulder joint is complicated by many components along with the function of the large range of activities, so if not treated early and persistently, it will cause frozen shoulder, also known as "frozen shoulder" “- it is very difficult to treat and recover naturally, even requiring surgery.
Therefore, it can be said that physical therapy is the golden key to treating shoulder pain not only in the early stages but also after interventional treatment such as platelet-rich plasma injection or corticosteroid injection, arthroscopy. ...

4. Early autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Wound healing happens automatically when our body is injured. PRP is taken from the patient's own blood with a very high platelet count. The release of growth factors and immunoregulatory factors stimulates local repair of damaged tissues at a rate much faster than the body's natural healing process.
At Vinmec Pain Clinic, with direct examination, shoulder ultrasound and specialized tests if necessary, it will help pain experts "read the name" of the source of pain and provide a treatment plan. suitable for each patient with each stage of the disease.
Autologous platelet-rich plasma is a perfect choice for tendonitis, especially in the early stages. This technique is applied in many developed countries in the world such as Japan, Korea, Dubai emirate, France, USA...

Tiêm huyết tương giàu tiểu cầu tự thân (PRP) là phương pháp được áp dụng ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới
Tiêm huyết tương giàu tiểu cầu tự thân (PRP) là phương pháp được áp dụng ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới

Injecting platelet-rich plasma at an early stage with an injection under the guidance of an intensive ultrasound machine for muscles, tendons and ligaments will stimulate the development of small tendons and muscles to heal the fastest damage. Patients can clearly see the progress after treatment on ultrasound images at follow-up visits. After accurately diagnosing the site of injury, designing an individual rehabilitation exercise for each patient is something that cannot be taken lightly. Exercises designed for patients to practice daily at home.
Therefore, if you or a loved one who works in the office has symptoms of shoulder pain, do not hesitate to contact the Pain Clinic, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital for advice and a treatment plan. earliest physical therapy.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.

Screening for Musculoskeletal diseases for office workers Treating tendonitis by injecting platelet-rich plasma PRP Diagnosis and treatment of humeral tendonitis
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